HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-10-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LI'BRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—October 18, 1978 The meeting was called to order by President Munn at 3:6l p.m. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Cipriario (3:12), Falkenstein, and Hammond.' Also '' present were Bobbie Hcder, Library Administrative Assistant; Frank Mannen, Assistant to the City Manager; Mrs. Casler, City Council; and Miss Ayars, Friends. Mrs. Cole was on vacation. Minutes of the meeting of September 20 were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds—Mr. Hammond reported that Kent Whitson had measured the parking lot preparatory to lining in spaces for the handicapped. It seems that two spots can be put in on the north side of the lot without losing any spaces, although the existing spaces will have to be narrowed somewhat. Mr. Hammond also reported that Tim Flannagan says the City is working on the stairway from the mezzanine. He told Mr. Hammond that several other projects had priority, though. Personnel—Mrs. Brownley reported as follows: 1) Ray Brookhart, head of Readers' Services, resigned effective December 10 to become director of the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho city- county library. His position will remain unfilled, but the city is advertising for applications to fill the post of Ann Terrell, who has decided not to return to work following a year's leave of absence. Her former position will probably be filled by mid-Novem- ber. 2) Geo:Jf Armour continues to assist in reference, and a part-time reference librarian is working about 25 hours a week. 3) Elsa Grier is the new CETA clerk, replacing Michael Martinez who has left to take a teaching job in Sylmar. Her first day on the job was September 26. 4) Salary increases, retroactive to July 1, have been approved for all part-time personnel: pages, clerks, substitute reference librarians Budget—Bobbie reports that the budget approved for the Library was 4.26% lower than last year's (13% less than the Library's original request, 5.24% less than the City Manager's recommended budget). OLD BUSINESS Master Plan—Mrs. Munn asked for comments on the new Master Plan. Mr. Falkenstein wondered what we would do to survive until the proposed central library is built. Mrs. Brownley liked Mr. Holt's comments about personnel but expressed some apprehension about his comments regarding volunteers in the Library program. She thought it would be worthwhile to investigate other groups using volunteer help for ideas we might implement. Mr. Cipriano and Mr. Hammond found the dollar amount of the proposed library program "overwhelming". Mrs. Munn emphasized the projected size of the city by 1995. Discussion will continue at future meetings. Public Relations—Mrs. Munn asked for the lists Trustees were to submit naming people who might benefit from a tour. Mr. Hammond suggested a tour for real estate people and Chamber of Commerce directors. Mrs. Brownley suggested presidents of various clubs in town and "old time" library supporters. Mrs. Munn requested that a list be compiled and tour dates arranged, and Mrs. Casler added that the Chamber of Commerce maintains current lists of local organizations and their leaders. In addition, Mr. Falkenstein suggested distribution of promotional literature at various locations throughout the city (grocery stores, etc.). Mrs. Brownley said that the Friends will help with public relations and stated that she would like to see Joe Skymba do a film about the library. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—October 18, 1978 (cont'd) Discussion meeting—Mr. Falkenstein reported on the'results of his conver- sation with Oscar Orman (details have subsequently been published in Mr. Orman's column in the Journal). The first meeting of the "North County Forum" will take place on Wednesday, November 8, at 7:00 p.m. - in the Community Room of the Library. Statistics—Circulation was up 5038 in September over September 1977. Refer to monthly sheet for complete details. NEW BUSINESS Reorganizational Possibilities—This item was placed on the agenda in response to a memo of September 27 from Mr. Bussey to all departments asking for feedback on some general ideas for consolidating various city departments. The Trustees all wondered if this was going to create another level of bureaucracy and expressed interest in addition; information. Mr. Mannen gave some general background and explanation of what was afoot and mentioned that the memo was intended for department heads and not necessarily for anyone else. Mrs. Munn directed Mr. Hammond to write a letter to Mr. Bussey expressing the Board's dissatisfaction with the name "Leisure Services Department" for a prospective joining of the Library, Recreation Department and senior citizens, and asking about the need for another level of government. Genealogical Society . In Mrs. McWilliams1 absence, no report was given for the Genealogical Society. Friends Miss Ayars reported that the Friends made $26.50 on the Hickory Farms tour and $96.75 on the magazine and little things sale. Also, the Friends have set May 20, 1979 for the Book Fair/ March 16, 1979 for the Art Auction, and (tentatively) December 13, 1978 for the Christmas program. In addition, the Friends will provide cider for the Halloween party on Tuesday, October 31. Librarian• Mrs. Hoder reported that November 13-17 is Children's Book Week and that, on October 25, Bob Rogers will do an armchair travel program on Russia. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting: Wednesday, November 15 at 3:00 p.m. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS Da te CIRCULATION Adult Total Jir'enile Fiction Juvenile non-fiction—including periodicals Bookmobile Total TOTAL CIRCULATION AUDIO VISUAL—FILM AND PROJECTOR Film circulation Film showings Audience Projector Bookings Current Year 1^ . "7 5 <, 4-. 3o I Previous Year /f. 155 Increase (Decrease) h) S.oiX n. I 01 /OX REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Adult reference questions Adult Readers Advisor Service TOTAL ADULT Juvenile reference questions Juvenile Readers Advisor Service TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS 70 t. 1.1 on 5-0 i c a... (/ 0 °\ ( Adu.lt--added Adult—dropped TOTAL ADULT Juvenile—added Juvenile—dropped TOTAL JUVENILE MATERIALS ADDED Adult fiction Adult non-fiction TOTAL Adult Miscellaneous Pamphlets V F Records Cassettes Maps Films Ready Reference I 0 fn n-^ ~f~,\ r>T_ C «X' TOTAL TO DATE JLL 113 CURRENT MONTH 3-51 3_ C. e 1 1 e TOTAL ADULT i M ic r c "f . I g. s i C r o Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile. Juvenile Toys TOTAL fiction non-fiction records cassettes . JUVENILE TOTAL ADDITIONS