HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting —November 15, 1978 The meeting was called to order by President Munn at 3:02 P.M. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Falkenstein, Cipriano (3:32) and Hammond. Also Mrs. Cole, Librarian; Miss Ayars, Friends of the Library; Mr. Baldwin, Assistant City Manager; Mrs. Sanborn/ Head of Technical Services; Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society; and Mrs. easier, City Council (3:30). The minutes of the October 18 meeting were corrected as follows: the person- nel report should have read that Mr. Brookhart's resignation was effective October 10, not December 10. c The agenda order was changed so that Mrs. Sanborn might give her report on the status of CLSI before other agenda items. Her detailed report indicated the following: 1) 12 full-time and 2 part-time employees are involved in putting data into the system; this means that, of a total 183 staff hours per week possible, 147 are devoted to this purpose. 2) About 90,000 items have been entered by Oceanside and Carlsbad and half the total is ours in>spite of the fact that Oceanside has .one • more terminal and more staff. From our collection, all fiction, all large-type materials, the Southwest collection, about 4,000 items from the juvenile collection and part of the oversize collection have been entered; also approximately 50% of the non-fiction. 3) In order to go "on line", 2/3 of the combined total collection of Carlsbad and Oceanside must be entered (i.e. about 260,000 items); this should happen in February of March. 4) Illness and vacation time have caused some unavoidable delays :n the operation;.in addition, the tedious nature of the task makes 2 hours .- about the maximum amount of time one can work at the job without a break. On this last count, Mrs. Brownley suggested that the Board might approach the City Council for help in obtaining additional help with the job. Action on this was deferred to a later date. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds—Hammond reported that Kent Whitson in Engineering had done the drawings for the addition of handicapped spaces in the parking lot. Work should be done the week of the Board meeting. Personnel—Mrs. Brownley reported that all records are on hand for the 3 top applicants for the Reference Librarian position. Interviews are slated for the week of November 22. Mrs. Brownley also emphasized the need for the Board to look into the comparability of Library salaries vis a vis those of other departments. Mr. Baldwin mentioned that every- one is still waiting for the final job reclassification report, which should be ready in a couple of weeks. OLD BUSINESS North County Forum—Mr. Falkenstein reported on the first meeting of this venture undertaken by him and Mr. Orman. 19 people attended and the goals and objectives of the group were discussed. The next meeting will be on December 6 and will feature Mr. Falkenstein and Rev. Gordon Baker discussing the Pacific community and Asia, respectively. Public Relations—A list co community organizations and their leaders was obtained from the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Munn suggested we wait until after the first of the year to begin tours. Mr. Hammond will draft a letter to be sent to the groups. The Board acknowledged report of the Librarian's annual report to the City Council. Master Plan—Mrs. Munn directed attention to the section dealing with the function of the Library Board. Mr. Falkenstein re-iterated the urgency of providing for the period during which the central facility will be planned and built. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting —November 15/ 1978, cont'd Statistics—The sheet indicates that circulation in October 1978 was up 6311 over October 1977. Genealogical Society Mrs. McWilliams reported that the Society had given the Library 30-35 boo books in each of the preceding 2 months. Friends of the Library Miss Ayars announced the magazine sale on November 20 and a performance by folksinger Sam Hinton on December 13. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hammond Secretary Next'meeting: Wednesday, December 20, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS Date CIRCULATION Adult Total Juvenile Fiction Juvenile non-fiction—including periodicals Bookmobile Total TOTAL CIRCULATION AUDIO VISUAL—FILM AND PROJECTOR Film circulation Film showings Audience Projector Bookings Current Year I. 1 ?0 tails .1/1 (,(, 1 13k. l.t SI 1-7. %'I J M? Previous Year J.'? l-\. L5S Til Increase (Decrease) S.mv S_3c 0.3 il 5 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Adult reference questions Adult Readers Advisor Service TOTAL ADULT Juvenile reference questions Juvenile Readers Advisor Service TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS 1*74 UQ. 3o I Adu.lt--added Adult--dropped TOTAL ADULT Juvenile--added Juvenile—dropped TOTAL JUVENILE MATERIALS ADDED Adult fiction Adult non-fiction TOTAL Adult Miscellaneous Pamphlets V F Records Cassettes Maps Films Ready Reference ,-ts TOTAL TO DATE ff I (,3 CURRENT MONTH " C- ft /1 e c e C fe"l a. | a £ H I TOTAL ADULT Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Toys TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL ADDITIONSr fiction non-fiction records cassettes . I o US