HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting June 20, 1979 The meeting was called to order by President Munn at 3:00 p.m. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Cipriano, Falkenstein and Hammond. Also: ' Mrs. Cole, Librarian; Miss Ayars, Friends; Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society; Mrs. Casler, City Council. The minutes of the May 16 meeting were amended as follows: under the heading "Public Utilities Tax" (New Business), the phrase "...used to finance City services necessitated by new growth" should read "used to finance public facilities necessitated by new growth." COMMITTEE REPORTS i Building and Grounds: Hammond reported that the Board's suggestion for configuration of the proposed new parking lot won't work; therefore, the Board's approval rests with the plan that seems to involve good traffic flow and fewer parking spaces (ref. minutes May 16). There is no news about the stairway. Mrs. Brownley 'asked about the possibility of installing a floodlight outside the exit of the Conference Room. Mrs. Cole will look into this. Budget: Mr. Falkenstein reported that things are in abeyance here pending some word on the city's income for the year. Personnel: Mrs. Brownley reported that this, too, is in abeyance pending the outcome of negotiations with city employees. She said there may some word after June 30. Children: Mr. Cipriano reported that over 400 children have signed up for the summer reading program. Dr. Bills, a local dentist, has provided helium for inflating balloons for the children who register. The "hospital/shut-in kits" mentioned at the May 16 meeting were displayed. . Letters of thanks will be sent to the North Coast Juniors and to Dr. Bills. OLD BUSINESS Master Plan: Mrs. Munn and Mr. Falkenstein will attend the Council Workshop on goals and objectives on June 25 to discuss the Board's priorities on the Master Plan. CLSA: The Council approved on its consent calendar of June 19 appropria- tion of CLSA funds from the second quarter of this year for the Children's Division. The Board, acting on a memo from Mr. Brookhart, Head of Reader Infor- mation Services, requesting CLSA funds from the 3rd and 4th quarters to increase the Library's collection of periodicals on microform (microfilm and microfiche), unanimously approved Mr. Brookhart's request. Mr. Hammond made the motion; Mrs. Brownley seconded the motion. (The amount in question, according to memos received from the CLSA Board, is $12,729.60.) Library Fees: A memorandum addressed to the City Manager by the Adminis- trative Assistant, Parks and Recreation Department, was presented to the Board along with a memo to Council from the City Manager dated June 19. The first memo, a survey of existing and potential fees for Library use, recommended that fines, Xerox use fees, and books reservation fees remain at their present levels. The memo suggested that a $3,00 fee be added to the current charge for lost or damaged materials (i.e. repair or replacement cost plus $3.00), and that no fee be assessed for general library use, audio visual use, or room use (as is current policy). X CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD LIBRARY OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting June 20, 1979 (cont'd.) Council requested that the City Attorney prepare a report on the legalities of charging fees for library services. Mrs. Brownley moved, with a second from Mr. Falkenstein, that letters be sent to the CLA and to Ethel Crockett, State Librarian, urging a statewide study of user fees for libraries in California. The motion was approved unanimously. Statistics: In response to a question from Mr. Hammond in May, Mrs. Cole reported that the computer is not yet giving complete circulation data and, therefore, the Board has not received recent circulation figures. Available information (not itemized by division) indicates that circulation increased 2293 in May over May 1978. NEW BUSINESS Election of Officers: By assent, Mr. Falkenstein was selected to serve as Board President for the upcoming year. Hammond is to serve as Secretary. Neilsen Bill: This bill has been tabled temporarily. FRIENDS Miss Ayars reported that 421 tickets "to the Broadway opening had been sold for a total-of $2,105.00. The incredible success of Li'l Things sales continues. The Friends will have a booth at the community picnic on July 4th at Holiday Park. GENEALOGY No report. Mrs. Munn expressed the Boardb pleasure at having Mrs. McWilliams back. LIBRARIAN Mrs. Cole announced that the manual of Library Procedures is complete. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tc Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting: Wednesday, July 18 at 3:00 p.m. X X X