HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - August 15, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 3:10 P.M. by President Falkenstein. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Cipriano and Munn. Also: Mrs. McWilliams Genealogical Society and Mrs. Cole, Library Director. The minutes of the July 18 meeting were approved after the following cor- rection: Under Old Business, first paragraph, the last sentence should read "Mr. Falkenstein submitted this information to her". Committee Reports Building and Grounds: At it's regular meeting August 7th, the City Counci 1. Approved the plans and specifications for the outside stairway to the mezzanine and authorized the Clerk to advertise for bids. 2. Authorized the award of the contract to Griffith Company of San Diego for the extension of the library parking lot. Mrs. Cole reported that City building maintenance personnel have been pulled from other jobs to finish work on the portable buildings at City Hall. Following completion, the lighting outside the conference room will be taken care of. Mrs. Brownley brought to the Board's attention that the CIP Budget approved by the Council contains $3,000 for a railing at the Library. Since no one present knows where or exactly what is intended by this, investigation of the item was requested by the Board. Budget: Mrs. Munn reported the City Budget for 1979-80 was approved by the Council at their August 7 meeting. This included the Library budget as amended and adjusted by the July 30 memo from the Trustees. The Library's 79-80 budget is a bare 10% above last year's, and in- cludes a serious deletion of funds to the Audio Visual Department. Mrs. Munn asked members to be prepared at the September Board meeting to make a definitive policy statement regarding the Board's position and feelings about the place of the Audio Visual Department in the Library. Charts of City expenditures by departments for the last 10 years, re- searched and made by the League of Women Voters, were displayed and discussed. Personnel: Mrs. Brownley discussed the Ralph Anderson report on Classifi- cation of City Employees, showing the Board in particular the "career ladder" for Librarians. Youth: Mr. Cipriano reported that the Children's Librarian is making plans for a "follow-up" program to the Summer Reading Program to be instituted this Fall. Mr. Cipriano also reported that the Children's Department has managed to obtain, through gifts and personal repairing and ingenious adaptation, about $1,500 worth of shelving and equip- ment used in that department which eliminated the necessity of re- questing a like amount in the budget. Mr. McDonald, Manager of the local Woolworth store, has been a prime source of these materials, and the Board voted to send him a letter of appreciation. The Board also voted to send a letter of appreciation to the personnel of the Children's Department, congratulating them on the fine Summer Reading Program this year. At least 600 invitations have been sent to children completing this year's program for the theater party to be held at Cinema Plaza on August 25. Old Business The CLSA 3rd and 4th quarter reimbursement monies were approved by the City Council on August 7 to be used for additions to the Library's collection of periodicals on microform. CETA: Because of the new regulations regarding CETA positions, the City Council elected not to participate in the program. Two positions were lost at the Library. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - August 15, 1979 (cont'd) New Business Grant: Mrs. Cole announced the possibility of receiving a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. In application for over two years, the grant would cover a film history of Carlsbad and the North County. No firm approval has been received but phone calls from Wash- ington indicate interest in the proposed program at that source. Bookmobile: Mrs. Cole requested that the Board study the Bookmobile program, its importance, its staffing and its future. At present the Bookmobile operates on a schedule of about 8 hours a week, and requires the time of two people, which is taken from their regular duties. The possibility of using volunteers as the second person on the Bookmobile was .discussed and Mrs. Brownley volunteered to investigate and discuss that possibility with the Friends of the Library. Seminars: The Board was advised of the series of three seminars to be held by the Reference Department in September. Budget Committee: President Falkenstein announced a budget study com- mittee consisting of himself and Mrs. Munn which will endeavor to monitor budget policies so as to advise and help the Board position itself for next yearV budget. Genealogy Mrs. McWi 11 iams reported that the group's Rummage Sale of last month garnered them $1,272, all of which is ear-marked for books for the Genealogy Section of the Library. President Falkenstein dubbed the Society "Extraordinary Friends of the Library". Mrs. McWilliams also gave the Board details of the Genealogical courses being offered through MiraCosta College in the Fall Semester. The classes will be held in the Library Genealogy area. Friends In the absence of Miss Ayars, there was not report from the Friends. Mrs. Brownley reported that she and another Friend member would attend the next Newcomers meeting at La Costa to publicize the Library and, hopefully, stimulate interest in tickets for the Broadway Store open- ing. Librarian Mrs. Cole reported on a visit to the Library by Wes Doak, the Audio Visual Consultant of the State Library, and the activity on the State level of that department. In the discussion, it was suggested that the Board make a field trip to observe the activities of the Chula Vista Library. Mr. Falkenstein announced the next FORUM, on September 5, would be in the form of a round table discussion of SALT II. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25. Respectfully submitted, E^v-> i\JLcjj ' L>K-^-^J Ben Alice Munn Acting Secretary Next meeting: Wednesday, September 19, at 3:00 P.M.