HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - September 19, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 3:14 P.M. by President Falkenstein. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Cipriano, Hammond and Munn. Also: Mrs. Cole, Library Director; Mrs. easier, City Council; and Miss Ayars, Friends of the Library. The minutes of the August 15 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds: Hammond reported that 1. The parking lot project was underway. There will be 2 fewer spaces than anticipated, because two islands containing planting at the east end of the old lot will be left intact. (Original plans had shown their elimination.) 2. The bid for the outside stairway came in $2,310 over the engineer's estimate (Estimate $9,000; bid $11,130). Additional funds will have to be allocated for the project. 3. The $3,000 amount for a railing (reference minutes of August 15) is for the cost of an additional rail on the west steps. A memo from Mr. Baldwin stated that the City's insurance carrier requests this addition. 4. On the general topic of land acquisition, Mrs. easier offered the information that the Cable TV people recently paid at the rate of $90,000/acre for land near Palomar Airport. Budget: Mrs. Brownley reported on the comprehensive study of the budget done by the League of Women Voters. The study resulted in a League- approved statement (distributed to the Board) supporting extensive citizen participation in the budget-making process and endorsing the Council's plan to set goals and objectives to aid in preparation of the budget. Personnel: Mrs. Brownley noted that 10 of 16 "manager"-level city employees were paid more than the Library Director. Children: Mr. Cipriano is the Library Board representative on a City committee to study public facility needs, especially with regard to possible fees for use in funding future public facilities. Dan Arnsan reported to the Board on his latest project, "Airport 80", an aviation-oriented program designed to encourage young readers. He discussed the support he has received to date from several major air- lines in implementing his plans. FRIENDS Miss Ayars reported that Roy Ward had spoken to the Friends on September 18 on the preservation of old St. Patrick's Church, the City's first library. The Friends have contributed $870 to the preservation effort. Over 800 tickets have been sold for the Broadway opening on October 19. Mystery writer Bob Wade is scheduled to speak at the Library on September 19. The first Little Things sale of the Friends' year will be held on September 24. OLD BUSINESS Goals and Objectives: Mrs. Cole distributed a report on the AV Depart- ment and asked the Board to read it for a discussion at the October meeting. Discussion of AV followed, the theme of which was best sum- marized in Mrs. Munn's comment that we "need to come to grips with the importance of AV today". AV is particularly inportant in light of the Council's desire to review goals and objectives in late January - early February. In response to a comment by Mr. Falkenstein concerning the Library's service to the business community, Mrs, Cole discussed the efforts of Charlene Kennedy in that area. Mr. Falkenstein wants these efforts CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting - September 19, 1979 - cont'd stated as a stipulated goal of the Library. (Mrs. easier voiced her judgment that, because large companies have extensive libraries, the City Library is best suited to serve smaller businesses.) Bookmobile policy decisions; (Ref . August 15 minutes for background) In response to Mrs. Brownley's questions concerning 1. A desirable bookmobile schedule and 2. staff personnel available to train volunteer workers for the book- mobile Mrs. Cole stated that ideal bookmobile times are Saturday mornings and afternoons and weekdays from 3 - 5 P.M. She was adamant in her assess- ment that no staff assistance was available to assist in establishing a volunteer program for running the bookmobile. She feels that the staff simply does not have any spare time in which to train volunteers. NEW BUSINESS Site Selection: Mr. Falkenstein asked that the Board defer discussion of a site for the proposed central library until the October meeting. He asked Trustees to consider, in the interim, not only possible locations but options for finance, general arguments pro and con, and conceptual views of the library, also. LIBRARIAN Mrs. Cole reported on the success of seminars planned and carried out by Charlene Kennedy and Ronnie Coates on business-oriented research and on how to do academic research for papers. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting: Wednesday, October 17, 1979, at 3:00 P.M.