HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - October: 17, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 3:10 P.M. by President Fal- kenstein. In attendance were Trustees Brox-mley, Cipriano (3:20) Hammond and Munn. Also: Mrs. Hoder, Administrative Assistant; Miss Ayars, Friends; Mrs. Casler, Council; and Mr. Baldwin, Assistant City Manager (3:20). (Mrs. Cole was on vacation.) In the opening report for the Friends, Miss Ayars reported that 1346 tickets had been sold for the Broadway opening. In ad- dition, she reported that the Friends had accepted the offer of a friend of the Friends to purchase from him large editions of Webster's dictionary, which the Friends will in turn sell at a profit to the group (in effect, the Friends are in a position, to make $7.50 on each book sold). The minutes of the September 19 meeting were amended to read as follows under the heading "Bookmobile Policy": "...from 3-5 P.M." (add) 'Mrs. Cole also questioned Mrs. Brownley's report, which requested a survey of volunteer possibilities in the Library, as recommended by Mr. Holt in the updated master plan.' COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds: Hammond reported that the parking lot was complete except for a bit of striping. The contract for the stairway has been let to Michael Straub, who should begin work on or about November 1. The additional funds for this project (ref. minutes 9/19) were obtained by a transfer of funds from the General Fund Account. Budget: no report. Personnel: Mrs. Brownley announced that Joan Daubney has "come aboard" as a Library Clerk II. She came to the Library from the Planning Department, replacing Jim Anderson. For the November meeting Mrs. Brownley asked the Board to consider the following policy statement: "When and as staff support is possible, we endorse volunteers for the Library and a survey of volunteer possibilities as recommended in the master plan for the Library". Youth: Mr. Cipriano reported that "Airport 80" is in action and that 170 flights were logged in the first 2 hours. He also mentioned that the hospital kits prepared by the Library and funded by the Junior Woman's Club has been written about in the Tri-City Hospital newsletter; and that model building sessions were in progress every Tues- day under the guidance of volunteer help. OLD BUSINESS Under the heading of Site Selection, Mr. Falkenstein pre- sented sets of options he felt were open to the City and a set of corresponding arguments that are pertinent to the issue. Discussion followed. FRIENDS Miss Ayars announced that the Friends gave $50 to the Chil- dren's Division for Book Week programs;, that a cooking and crafts display would take place on November 11 in conjunction with the Woman's Club; and that the Little Things sale of October 15 raised $105. LIBRARIAN Mrs. Hoder reported that Dan and Geoff had made a trip to Tijuana to purchase books in Spanish; announced the 5th annual Film Festival which is to be held January 22, 1980; and that Dan is holding workshops for teachers. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted Tom Hammond Next meeting November 21, at 3 P.M.