HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - November 21, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 3:22 p.m. by President Falkenstein. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Hammond, and Munn. Also: Mrs. easier, Council; Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society; Mrs. Cole, Library Director. I ^The minutes of the October 17 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds: Hammond reported that work on the stairway to the second floor was scheduled to begin December 3, 1979. Budget: no report. Personnel: Mrs. Brownley moved, with a second from Hammond, that the Board adopt the following statement of policy: "Since our policy has - always been to use volunteers in the Library, we endorse continuing the use of volunteers in the Library program." The motion was passed unanimously. Children's Division: (In Mr. Cipriano's absence, Mr. Falkenstein delivered Ron's report). The model-building program continues to be popular and successful; Book Week was a success; over 300 have participated in "Airport 80". Mr. Falkenstein also relayed a report from Mr. Cipriano on the progress of the Fees Committee, generating some questions in the process regard- ing how the City staff had arrived at a proposed figure of $14 million for the Library program. OLD BUSINESS . Both goals and objectives, and site selection will be discussed at the December meeting. Fee Study: Brownley moved, with a second from Hammond, that the Board adopt as its official position the following: "The Board of Trustees opposes user fees for residents and non-residents." Discussion followed and some disagreement arose over the definition of "user fees". Hammond moved, with a second from Brownley, that the statement be amended to read: The Board supports the concept of the municipal free library and the ' proposition that every library established in the City of Carlsbad shall be forever free to the inhabitants and non-resident taxpayers of the City and to all non-residents who are members of co-operative ' library systems of which the Carlsbad City Library is a part. The motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Brownley moved, with a second from Mr. Falkenstein, that in sending the statement on user fees to the Council, the Board include a separate note to the effect that, in this period of concern over municipal revenue and recognizing the amount of non-resident use incurred by the Library, the Board is continuing its study of these issues. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Insurance coverage on exhibits: Mrs. Cole said she will get the informa- tion on this. City Council Policy Development Process: The Board was gratified that such a thing exists. X X X X X X X X CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - November 21, 1979 — page two FRIENDS In Miss Ayars absence, Mrs. Brownley reported that: , 1. The Friends have purchased a Texas Instruments "Speak and Spell". 2. The Friends' money from the Broadway opening will be used to purchase "quality" books, tapes, and so on that would not otherwise be obtainable. 3. The last "Little Things Sale" will be held December 17. This is due to the fact that the storage area for all of these items has been on the second floor, which will soon be open to the public once again. The "last sale netted $165. 4. Forty-four dictionaries have been sold, to date (reference - October 1979 minutes). 5. The Friends have received $100 from Security Pacific Bank, an expression of the bank's gratitude for Charlene Keenedy's presentation on the business and technology collection. GENEALOGY No report • LIBRARIAN Mrs. Cole said that the City Manager sent his regrets for not being able to attend. She concluded by saying that she hoped to move expeditiously to purchase the books made available with the Broadway money. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted i N fe-,- .. . t^-f A Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting December 19, 1979, at 3:00 p.m.