HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - February 20, 1980 The meeting was called to order by President Falkenstein at 3:10 p.m. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Munn, (Cipriano arrived at 3:30 p.m.). Also: Carolyn Ayars, Friends; Mary Casler, Council; Barbara Pursehouse, League of Women Voters; Georgina Cole, Library Director; Bobbie Hoder and Geoff Armour of the Library Staff, and Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager The minutes of the January 16 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds: No report Personnel: No report Children's Division: No report Budget: Delayed to discussion of the 1980-81 budget listed under New Business. OLD BUSINESS - A. Mrs. Casler reported on the Council's Goals and Objectives meeting and pointed out that another discussion/workshop was scheduled for this evening (February 20). There was some further discussion by the Board regarding the goal of a central library being most desirable before any branch libraries are considered. It was also noted that continuing discussions would be held by the Board in a constant evaluation of their Goals and Objectives. B. Qeoff Armour explained the plans for utilization of the $10,000 grant received from the National Endowment for the Humanities. As the original application had been for $175,000, the amount received will constitute a "planning grant". It is hoped to produce an audio-visual history of Carlsbad and its residents. The funds are for the calendar year. (TRANSITION: The Cultural Heritage of Carlsbad and North San Diego County.) NEW BUSINESS A. Mrs. Munn opened the discussion of the 1980-81 budget by noting that she and Mr. Falkenstein, as the Trustee's Budget Committee, had gone over the budget item by item with Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Hoder. The Committee had also reviewed the "want lists" submitted by department heads. Some items were deleted outright and some were deleted temporarily from their respective sections and listed separately for the Board's consider- ation. Mrs. Hoder then reviewed each section for the Board. It should be noted that the overall budget as presented indicates only a 6.H% increase over the 1979-80 budget, although that percentage would change if other items are reinstated. It was pointed out that no increase has been made in the hourly wage paid part-time employees for two years, and the Board indicated approval of a request for an increase of 25C an hour for that category. Also, in regard to the Board's stated goal of increasing the use of the Bookmobile, a request is included for the addition of two people — one Library Assistant II and one Library Clerk I for the Bookmobile. Considerable discussion followed of the aforementioned deleted items and it was finally agreed that the four items most urgently needed should be listed in their priority as follows: CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - February 20, 1980 page two I. Composite Controller (CLSI) To relieve the congestion and long lines at the check-out counter, since adult and juvenile books are now all checked at the same spot. II. Space rental and shelving for same A necessity to alleviate the serious crowding of the stacks and to take care of overflow of books and materials. III. Addition of Library Clerk/Guard To attempt to eliminate loss of books and materials from the library and to assist in recovery of overdue/lost books. IV. Reupholstery of three couches and four chairs Originally donated to the library, these have not been reupholstered in twelve years of steady use. $12,000 15,000 11,358 2,000 $10,358 Miss Avars suggested the Friends might investigate taking care of Item IV. The Friends are true friends! The Board approved the budget as submitted, plus the inclusion of the first three of the above items. Inclusion of those items would send in a budget showing a 12.1% increase over 1979-80. B. J&>. Falkenstein made the suggestion that the Board investigate formatioi of seme sort of Foundation to receive gifts, donations, legacies, etc. as an ongoing method of financing for the library. Another suggestion was cade that a drive be launched for donations of Spanish language books — mainly adult books. In view of the late hour, it was requested that these items be placed on the next agenda. • ' A letter from Thelma Hayes was read which made three recommendations for the Board to consider. After some discussion it was .noted that one of the suggestions would require extra personnel to operate, and that the other two had been tried. • Mrs. Brownley announced that the San Dieguito League of Women Voters would hold a symposium on the subject of "Taxes-Government Spending and Government Services" on March 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Library Conference room. The program will repeated the same date but at 7:00 p.m. at the United Methodist, Church in Oceanside. Miss Ayars announced the Friend's Art Auction would be on March 21. She further requested suggestions for authors to appear at the Book Fair in May. The Friends have given $10.00 to the Children's Section for prizes in the Model and Bookmark Contest. The annual membership tea of the Friends will be held May 1 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Schindler residence. In the absence of Mrs. HcWilliams there was no Genealogical Society report. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, j$£-y_^ A_AjL<jC' ' \JA~-r~S Ben Alice Munn Secretary Pro-tern Next meeting March 19, 1980 at 3:00 p.m.