HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - March 19, 1980 The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by President Falkenstein. In • attendance were Trustees Brownley, Cipriano (3:25 p.m.), and Hammond. Also: Mrs. Casler, City Council; Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society; Barbara Pursehouse, League of Women's Voters; Miss Ayars, Friends; Mrs. Cole Library Director. The minutes of the February 20 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds: Hammond reported that work on the stairway should be completed during the week of March 17-21. Bid specifications on the new carpet are before the Council, and if everything goes according to plan the carpet will be put down between'June 19 and July 61 Personnel: Mrs. Brownley and Mrs. Cole reported that the Library is seeking volunteers to staff the Children's area in order to free staff for book- mobile service at St. Elizabeth Seton Church in the southeast part of the city. Mrs. Brownley will take charge of locating volunteers. Children's Division: A journalist from the San Diego Union did an inter- view with Dan on the Children's program. The article has not yet appeared OLD BUSINESS Goals and Objectives: Mrs. Brownley suggested that the issue of site selection for the proposed central library be held for discussion until after the Council election on April 8. Mr. Cipriano moved, with a second from Mrs. Brownley, that the Board formally request a representative of the Planning Department attend the April meeting to inform the Board of projections in population and develop- ment patterns for the city. The motion was approved without dissenting vote Further, Mrs. Brownley moved, with a second from Mr. Cipriano, that the Board undertake serious study of the library ordinance, with special attention given to expanding membership on the Board (Brownley mentioned that she especially favored the addition of a financial expert and a public relations expert). The motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Cole will confer with the City Manager about revision of the ordinance. NEW BUSINESS Board vacancies: Mr. Falkenstein stated that Mrs. Munn will not seek a second term on the Board. Hammond has agreed to serve a second term, pend- ing approval by the Council Letter: The Board discussed a thoughtful letter from Thelma Hayes, which had arrived too late for discussion at the February meeting. Mrs. Hayes specifically asked the Board to consider - (l) installing a book drop for patrons' convenience; (2) accepting donated issues of periodicals in order to save the Library subscription costs; and (3) instituting a bookmobile stop at the Boys Club. Mrs. Cole responded to each point. She said that the Library's previous experience with a bookdrop had been very much less than satisfactory. Othe: libraries have had similar unhappy experiences with book drops. She went on to say that the idea of donated issues of periodicals had not worked any of the three times that the plan had been tried previously. She mentioned, though, that the Library would welcome people sponsoring sub- scriptions on behalf of rhe Library'(a boon for the sponsor, too, since library rates on periodicals are reduced). According to Mrs. Cole, the Library hopes to institute a Bookmobile stop in the vicinity of the Boys Club, but that the current level of staffing pre- cludes that effort at the moment. Hammond will send a letter to Mrs. Hayes expressing thanks for her interest in and concern for the Library. .X X CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - March 19, 1980 (continued) FRIENDS Miss Ayars reported that the Art Auction is set for March 21; the member- ship tea will be held at the Schindler's on May 1; the Bookfair will be on May 18. In addition, she mentioned that Barbara Otwell has completed the first draft of a history of the Friends and that the Friends will under- write the cost of reupholstering the furniture in the reading room. GENEALOGY Mrs. McWilliams reported that the Society will donate its periodical hold- ings to the Library. (She estimates the donation's value at $2,500-$3,000) The Board will send a note of acknowledgement and sincere thanks. LIBRARY DIRECTOR Mrs. Cole announced that Patra Straub's appointment to the Library System Advisory Board is about to expire and that Mrs. Straub does not wish to seek reappointment. Some discussion ensued about the problems Mrs. Straub felt characterized the activity of the regional board. Mr. Falkenstein and Mrs. Cole will meet to compile a list of names of possible replacements for Mrs. Straub. The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting April 16, 1980 at 3:00 p.m.