HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-17; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes•crrnrtTTTnnr--- ..... tnrr ..... ~ LIBRARY BOARD Regular Meeting - September 17, 1980 rrFTnTFTY OF TRUSTEES The meeting was called to order by President Falkenstein at 3:04 p.m. In attendance were Trustees Trigas, L'Heureux, Brownley and Cipriano (3:20). Also: Mrs. Schramm, Friends of the Library; Council Member Casler; Mrs. Cole, Library Director; Caroline Schindler, Systems Advisory Board; Debra Miller.,. Serra System Coordinator; and Jeff Crissman, observer. The minutes of the August 20, 1980 meeting were approved. SERRA SYSTEM -'• •' Mrs. Cole introduced Debra Miller, Coordinator of the Serra System. She explained the services offered by Serra are the most full-fledged in all inter- library loan service, intralibrary reference and research service; A.V. service with 16 mm films having great visibility; and prime services. There- are . . psychological and philosophical benefits such as building up a professional community .of librarians, referring people to other libraries, sponsoring or funding staff development systems.. ._ .. , . ..... Discussion ensued.on whether'.fees should be charged to non-residents. Miller stated that through Serra, Carlsbad received $35,000 - $40,000 in direct access monies the. first' year .under the California Library -Services Act. Every quarter during a two week sample period a study is done on non-resident usage. The reimbursement .is based on this study. Miller continued that under Serra, if member libraries "set fees for non-residents, that library is not eligible to receive direct access money; the<effectiveness of the System would b'e cut;' and'that library would probably lose its membership in Serra. Brownley 'questioned that too many non-resident;•children .are taking away from the residents in the reading program. .L'Heureux questioned Miller as to what- services are basic and must•'' be provided and what are optional to out-of-town borrowers. Miller said the Act specifies this. Casler mentioned that the 'City Council is not considering .dropping Serra, they just have important con- cerns. -Miller mentioned Chula Vista as_having a higher lending ratio and that the people feel -this' is'a-positive thing.for the city. Monies coming from the' imbalance are from the State Aid Act. ' . • .Trigas -moved that the Board support-the Serra System and wishes to.continue in. it. Cipriano seconded.. L'Heureux and Trigas would define this -for the next Board meeting. • - . • •• - .. -.'. '• . -- ' COMMITTEE; REPORTS . - '- .." • '.'-' •' "" • :-'."•- V- ;.---" • '.. '• ': -.•-'.-.. Building, and Grounds: No report -. • • ' •Budget: No report -""'*''. ".-."' '.'• .' - Personnel: Brownley reported that the Children's Librarian, Dan Arnsan., is leaving on October'! to accept a position with Palomar College. She moved, seconded'by L'Heureux, that the Trustees'write an-official recognition for his services. - - " - - • • ' • '- .'.... .Youth: Cipriano'repprted that the dinner theatre project'booked in one. and one-half days with a limit of eighty. Schindler mentioned Dan's contri- butions to the library. " • OLD BUSINESS .' '" ' . . ' ' - " • a. Ongoing methods of financing for the library - L'Heureux referred to books and tapes on methods o-f^securing funds, and stated they would be distributed' at the end of the meeting.* Falkenstein gave the committee report on public relations. Methods to be - used include: (1) The Press-newspapers, periodicals, etc. As an example, a "Children's Librarian Corner"; endorsements by individuals. (2) Festivals, Fairs, Fiestas — theatre parties; drives. (3) Exhibits, cultural events. (4) T.V. (North County Bureau channel 10) and radio. - (5) Mailings: direct mail solicitation with flyers, pictures, etc. (6) Special Interests: i.e. genealogy. X X x:.X x -x x V .V CARLSBAD .CITY "LIBRARY L I Ef R A R Y BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - September 17, 1980 — page two \ LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Cole stated that "the city has rented a building in the Palomar.Industrial Park which is to be used for storage. The library will have 2,000 square feet. Bound magazines, sets and duplicate books will be stored. The bookmobile will retrieve requested items. The Friends will be using a portion of the area for book fair storage. NEW BUSINESS ' .'- . a. Caroline Schindler was introduced and her appointment to the Serra System Advisory Board was announced. • She praised the Serra System and its value to Carlsbad. • . - .. b. Volunteer Project - Schramm announced that the Coordinator of Volunteer Activities will be Carolyn-Ayars and Barbara Hallman. They will have a card file of all volunteers. Schramm stated that it is the intention, of. the Friends to make this position a member of the Friends Board through a By-Law change... • . - . FRIENDS OF-THE LIBRARY -: ' " • V -." .• - Schramm said that "a mass mailing to.Carlsbad will.be going. ;out to ask people to join the Friends. Donations have been given for the mailing.costs.. At their Board meeting, the .Friends voted to support the'Serra System. ." . •' " : ' ' .The Friends will have ..Christina's cards,-note paper., etc. from the-Green Tiger Press available for sale .at the November 9 Christmas Crafts Program. :. • • The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p..m.'.- -": . • - . Seena Trigas Secretary ^t^t^tSo V, V X