HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-29; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesC A R L S B A D LIBRARY CITY "LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting - October 29, 1980 The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. by President Falkenstein. In attendance were Trustees-Brownley, L'Heureux, Trigas and Cipriano. Also: Council Member Casler; Mrs. Schramm, Friends of the Library; Mrs. MeWilliams, Genealogical Society; Mrs. Almack and Mrs. Hoder, Library Staff. Falkenstein began the meeting discussing the handbook-which is being developed for all new Board and Commission members: He distributed the.section which deals specifically with-the Librar'y Board",'and asked for recommendations or suggested changes which he would take back to the committee meeting. The minutes of the September 17, 1980 meeting were approved with the following correction: under Serra System - Debra Miller is to report back at some later meeting. • • " • LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT In the absence of Library Director Cole, Hoder reported: - - • . - ' a. .- Library Programs: ..November 6- --a lecture by Ed -Ballard; November.9 - annual Christmas Crafts arid -Cooking Program; November 19 - piano concert by Brian Bader. -.•."-.-. •b. The re-carpeting of the library is on schedule and is to be accomplished between December 13 .and January 4, " .".-•''• COMMITTEE REPORTS " ' . , / '..;. '" . ••-'•-• " -": . • - ' '• • • Building and Grounds: ' No report. .: • - .: Budget - Trigas announced that_the CIP public hearing will" be on Saturday,: November 15 from 9:00 to 1:00 p.m.. in the Council Chambers. .' . • • . Personnel - Brownley announced:"; -"..'_ . -' . • .. (1) Jim Stocking has" been, hired to replace Chris Holt in the Children's • Department." He began work on October 20, 1980. . . (2) 65 applications were received by the Personnel Department for the Book- mo"bile Clerk position. Tests and interviews will be given. (3) The guard position has not been advertised as yet. (4) A screening board "has been set up to review applications for the position of.Children's Librarian. Following this, an interview board will convene Youth - No report. _ . - • OLD BUSINESS .- '-.' .- --•.'- V . ' ' Five-year CIP (Public Facilities -Fee) - L'Heureux stated that the Board should clarify its' position for one^eentral library.,- rather than for four branches at this time. Brownley mentioned -that the Holt Master Plan was pre-Propositii n- 13 and. conditions have changed.. Casler clarified.that'the. Macario.Canyon Par} has no library site. It is for park purposes only. Brownley stated, that "this'means we still_ have to find-a viable site. -.She .suggested going to Mr. Holt for a re-analysis of the number of libraries needed. Also, she question whether the California State Library had -done a report on branch libraries. Cipriano expressed concern over the library site designated on the map for the five-year CIP. Casler said that all -of the buildings shown in that area indicated only that these buildings 'were to be generally located in the center of the City. NEW BUSINESS • • . Fiscal impact on City of serving non-residents - A lengthy discussion was held on the fiscal impact on the City of serving non-residents. Cipriano- and Trigas mentioned that non-residents use City businesses when coming to the library and that it is good PR for the City. Brownley mentioned that accord- ing to Holt, 40% of the users are non-residents. Falkenstein said this may not be accurate now that Oceanside Library hours have been fully restored. Also, that Escondido is expanding to a new 40,000 sq. ft. library. Brownley discussed that the .effects of Proposition 13 are just now. being felt by the cities. ! i CARLSBAD LI BRARY Regular Meeting "CITY ."LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 29, 1980 — page two NEW BUSINESS (Continued) .A discussion ensued on per-capita expenditures. Hoder stated that the only fair way to"judge per-capita comparisons was by comparing all city services (eg. police, fire) against all city services of the cities being compared. Casler stated that the Chula.Vista Library budget was $^50,000. Reliability of the figures are in question. . . ' FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Schramm announced that in February a bulk membership mailing will go out to every resident in Carlsbad. The mailing will .cost $965 and'it is estimated that they anticipate a minimum return of $2,800, based"on an average business return of 10%. ' - • ' • • Friends will set up a new by-laws committee to review the by-laws and incorpor- ate"the newly approved coordinator of volunteers. • . • •-• • "The'book fair book's have-now been stored in the Palomar storage building. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. ' . ' ' / ;-. ;.'-.-.' ; '' '. ' • , McWilliams stated that, the yard sale netted $1,300; they have bought books and . indexes to add -to the collection. '•'.-"' - •; ; . . . . .-. Meeting adjourned at 5:'00 p.ia.- . . '. T. Seena Trigas .Secretary . 6 Next meeting, December 17, 19SO at 3:00 p.m-.