HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-19; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes. A ^ Y LI BRARY BOARD OF TRUS Regular Meeting - November 19, 1980 I t L 5 The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. by President Falkenstein. In attendance were Trustees Brovnley, Trigas and Cipriano. Also: Georgina Cole, Library Director; Sharon Schramm, Friends of the Library; Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board; Jim Stocking and Calista Sullivan, library staff. The minutes of the October 23, 1980 meeting were approved. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S-REPORT ..' .. '" Cole commented on- the minuxas of the" previous meeting concerning the Chula Vista Library annual operating budget. The Chula Vista Library Director states that their total operating budget is $988,000. with staff salaries accounting for $607,560 of that total. They have received $70,000 through-their partici- pation in CLSA. .. They also have 15 CETA employees whose salaries are-not . -- included in staff salaries. (Carlsbad-has no CETA workers.) Chula Vista is unable -to give a counr on non-resident library users, as with Carlsbad, only an item count is available. The Board.was.extended an invitation to..visit the Chula Vista Library, ideally on a Friday morning. • • - . The Southern California Association of Law Libraries sent "Florence Mace'and two other persons to go"oyer pur legal resources.. - Following the assessment of the collection the library was given-two lists, of materials —: one suggesting immediate acquisition. and one for future. The items on the first list are being purchased. The team will return In a year to .re-evaluate. The carpeting is scheduled for' -installation between December 15 and January. 4-.- - During, the period of the pro j ect,' the -library hours will be Monday-- Thursday 12..- 9; Friday 12 - 6-and Saturday 9-1. . .-"..-. The fence has been installed .in-the Palomar Storage building and materials to ' be placed in storage are being .moved." " ' . - . • Falkenstein reminded the Board about the .workshop for Boards and Commissioners . on December .6 'from 9-1, and commented on the handbook. .-• .. NEW BUSINESS -"-'.'."' ' - ' .-'-.' a.-Cole introduced Jim Stocking, the Library "Assistant in the'Children's . Department. He gave hi-s'educational.and-vocational-background" and-philos- ophy of childrehs"work." .-""•••- ;: *-"-.• " '"-."' " "" " : ' "'" b. -Disaster-Prevention Workshop •—'Calista Sullivan and "Pat Hansen attended • :the workshop at UCSD. .- Sullivan' discussed the need for fire protection — •the importance .of the installation of fire "sprinklers and the new techniques of freezing water soaked-books. Book" drops are often where fire originates. UCSD has written an authoritative book on the subject, which we have obtained'. " . •"•-'"-'•'.. .-".-"-..--' -"-•"-. - - ..- . •.'. . ^ COMMITTEE REPORTS . . - . : - - " - 'a.' Building and Grounds: none • • ..-'••• • --••-'. b. Budget: none c. Personnel: • 95 applications were received for bookmobile clerk. written exam was giver, on November 18. The c. Youth: Cipriano suggested., "and the Board approved, that a letter be written from the Board thanking Lois Boncer for sharing her beautiful crafts with the children's library. -V CARLSBAD 'CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD ~ OF TRUS •Regular Meeting - November 19, 1980 — page two TEES OLD BUSINESS a. Five Year CIP: Brownley discussed the lack of library representation on the City committee working on the CIP. The plan will be re-evaluated year by year, since income, sales tax and revenue sharing may alter. The Council is to approve the first year plan at its next meeting. The Central Library is projected to cost $8,282,000 and-be completed by 1985. It is only partly funded and grants must be obtained. Mary Casler said the City.is paying $20,000 to a company in Atlanta for guidance in ways of getting grants. The Board should send a letter to the City Manager requesting that he include the library in the priority. .Cole suggested a committee/to search for a site after the first of the year. The committee will be Brownley, Trigas and Falkenstein. . • .. b. Postponed. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Schramm announced the December 4 program featuring Eric Christmas. The Friends made $150 from the sale of the Green Tiger Press materials. She also asked that the membership of the Friends be alerted when the City is discussing the library. - . '. ' Schindler-told of her. first meeting with the Se'rra Advisory Board and that the main thrust was grantsmanship". Her highest priority is working with the Friends. She will be attending the California Library Association Conference in Pasadena. Meeting adjourned. • . ,'.-.. : • • . ; . • T/u^t Seena Trigas Secretary Next meeting December 17, 1980 V .V V