HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting; LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 P.M. January 21, 1981 Library Conference Room TRUSTEES The meeting was called to order at 3:03 P.M. by President Falkenstein. In attendance were the following Trustees: Trustee Falkenstein Trustee Brownley Trustee Trigas Trustee Cipriano arrived at 3:13 P.M. Also in attendance were: Bee McWilliams, Genealogical Society Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Sharon Schramm, Friends of the Library : Georgina Cole, Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES; Schindler noted that the library lobbyist referred to on page 2 of the minutes was Mike Dillon, and that Mr. Nielsen was a Senator. The minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 17, 1980, were approved. ' . . . . , LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; • Cole referenced the. article appearing in the Blade-Tribune on January 20, 1981, regarding the visit of the new California state librarian, Gary Strong, to the area. She noted that he would be visiting the Carlsbad Library on Friday morning around 11:00 A.M., arid extended an invitation to all to be present. Mrs. Cole informed the trustees that Caroline Schindler is now in the top position in the Serra System, and will be honored in the near future for this accomplishmenti It was reported that at the Council meeting of January 20, 1981, Mayor Packard had announced the nomination of David Dearie to fill the vacancy on the Library Board. She displayed a copy of Mr. Dearie"s application for those interested in same. Cole reported that the Library had applied for a grant from B. Dalton Bookstores, since it was learned that they had such a program in cities in which they had a store located. It was reported that B. Dalton approved a grant of $300, and at their meeting the previous evening. Council had approved acceptance of same. Cole distributed copies of a newspaper clipping relating to the use of revenue-sharing funds for the purchase of video equipment to be utilized in a library. Mrs. Cole reported that Julie Almack is attending a 2-day management training, and others would be participating in such training in the near future. Mrs. Cole reported that the talk given by Sargent Smith on the "Beauth, Culture and Challenge of Japan" was excellent, and she urged others to attend should the opportunity arise in the future. It was reported that Kay Formosa is now home from the hospital. Falkenstein Brownley Trigas MINUTES January 21, 1981 PAGE 2 TRUSTEES • Cole reported that all applications for the Children's Librarian position had been rejected. She stated that those on the list would remain, but that the list would be re-established allowing a three-month time period for receipt of applications. Cole read a letter from Sharon Morgan expressing praise and appre- ciation for the selection of Jim Stocking to work in the Library. Cole informed the Trustees that the time was again nearing when thought should be given to the budget. She further reported on the problems being encountered with regard to obtaining approval of a- third CLSI Terminal. She rioted the possibility of being required to go to bid on' the terminal, and problems which could be encountered by incompatability. Trustee Cipriano arrived at this time. Mrs. Cole continued her report indicating such problems act as a reinforcement for the opinion that the Library Board should be able to determine what items are purchased with the Equal Access Money. In response to query, the Board indicated agreement with expending the funds at one time for specific items, as opposed to requesting approval for small amounts on several occasions. Further, the Board noted that upon receipt of a complete report from Mrs. Cole, they would discuss the matter further with individual Council Members . COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds - There was no report, b. Budget - There was no report. c. Personnel - Mrs. Brownley expressed the feeling of the impor- tance of the training sessions being attended by personnel. She further acknowledged the burden placed on some personnel due to the flu striking many. d. Youth - Mr. Cipriano reported that the Children's Library is back in operation. . OLD BUSINESS: \ a. Site Committee - President Falkenstein reported that following a conversation with Mayor Packard, that contact has been made with the consultant who is responsible for planning in the Macario Canyon area. He stated that a meeting was to be held with the consultant in a couple of weeks, and suggested that the Trustees gather all available -information in preparation for that meeting. Schindler reported that her meeting with the Serra System regarding non-resident usage would take place on January 22, 1981. NEW BUSINESS: a. Policy Statement - Cole referenced the policy statement distri- buted to the Board and indicated attempts were being made to update all the policy statements . and include them in one document. She noted that the Board would be receiving a couple each month for their review during the month, and discussion at the following meeting. b. Human Services Report - President Falkenstein referenced a copy of the agenda bill which had been before Council on the 20th of January, and noted that the library was mentioned in the report. ?.-.: jr ~t MINUTES January 21, 1981 PAGE 3 TRUSTEES Cole stated the matter was presented to the Board for information purposes. She referenced the attempts of the League of California Cities to combine Parks and Recreation with Libraries, and labelling the results as Leisure Services. She stressed the importance of •the library remaining an independent unit, and urged the Board to be aware, and review anything which may carry such a label. President Falkenstein expressed concern about the definition of Human Service contained in the Agenda Bill, and stressed the need for retaining the.library's separate status. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Schramm reported that on February 18th, Jack White of Channel 10 would be in the Library Conference Room reporting on "The Changing Face of Broadcasting". She reported that the Art Auction.would be held on March 20, 1981, and the Book Fair will be held on May 17, 1981. Schramm reported that.the By-Law amendments were adopted, and it also was determined to.increase the insurance from $100,000 to $500,000, which would result in an increased cost to $376. per year. GENEALOGICAL. SOCIETY; . . McWilliams reported that at the last Board meeting, it had been determined that to date, the Society 'had purchased and placed in the library just under $4,000 worth of books. She noted this did not include donations by individuals. McWilliams also stated that not all members of the Society are residents of Carlsbad. It was reported that the plant sale would be held in March. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS; President Falkenstein mentioned the free seminar on American Foreign Policy & Diplomacy which will be held in the Library Conference Room beginning January 26, 1981. ; ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:44 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /W* LEE RAUTENKRANZ . City Clerk Next meeting date is February 18, 1981.