HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMKMUTES Meeting of: Tirae of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 P.M. February 18, 1981 Library Conference Room TRUSTEES The meeting was called to order at 3:05 P.M. by President Falkenstein. In attendance were the follow- ing Trustees: • Trustee Falkenstein Trustee Brownley Trustee Dearie Trustee Cipriano arrived at 3:30 P.M. Also in attendance were: Council Member Mary Casler Sharon Schram, Friends of the Library Georgina Cole, Library Director The new Trustee, David Dearie was welcomed by President Falkenstein. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting, held January 21, 1981, were approved as presented. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Cole referenced the editorial appearing in the Carlsbad Journal this date, by Oliver Carlson re Isaac Don Levine, the author-journalist who v/as a part-time Carlsbad resident. Cole also referenced another article by Oscar C. Orman, commending the Library for its service to the community. Mrs. Cole informed the trustees that a consultant had been selected for the EIR for the Macario Canyon Park, and that a meeting had been scheduled with said consultant on Monday, March 2, 1981, at 6:30 P.M. She also indicated that she would like the trustees to be in attendance at same. Cole distributed to the trustees copies of the funds presently on deposit in the Library Special Fund Account (CLSA funds) as well as a request for expen- diture for board approval. Following discussion, the Board approved the Directors recommendation regarding expenditure of funds presently in the Special Fund Account as follows: Half for purchase of books Half for purchase of additional periodicals on microform $16,803.00 16,800.00 total $33,603.00 Mrs. Cole distributed to the trustess copies of the Memo, dated February 11, 1981, from the City Manager to all Department Heads regarding Goals and Objectives. She emphasized the Budget Retreat would be held on February 26, 1981. Falkenstein Brownley Dearie X ?alkenstein Brownley Dearie X X -2- LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 18, 1981 TRUSTEES Cole reported to the trustees regarding the Out- Reach Program, which supplies books to those who are handi- capped or incapacitated, and distributed a letter from one such per son, Fonda L. Roberts, who had been served by the program, and had subsequently sent a letter of gratitude and a donation. President Falkenstein inquired as to the flexibility of the scheduling of the Bookmobile, and indicated that the trustees might be able to recommend areas to be serviced by same. Mrs. Cole responded that such suggestions from the trustees are welcomed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds - There was no report, how- ever, the board made an interim appointment of David Dearie to subject committee. b. Budget - There was no report, however, Mrs. Cole again, mentioned 'the Budget Retreat to be held on February 26, 1981. Trustee Cipriano arrived at this time. " • c. Personnel - Trustee Brownley distributed a list of Library personnel to the board members. She re- ported that there are presently 22 full-time positions budgeted for the Library, 20 of which are filled, and 4 part-time positions, all of which are filled. She noted that the two openings are the positions of Head of Childrens1 Services and guard. She indicated that in addition to these personnel, the Library has people on call for emergencies, and are paid on an hourly basis. •' ' • - . . ' • - • : d. Youth - Trustee Cipriano reported that some marine biologists from Lockheed were scheduled to visit the Library on this date to address the children and bring microscopic equipment as well for them to view. He also noted that the Fifth Annual Authors ' Luncheon is scheduled for March 7, 1981, at Vacation Village. OLD BUSINESS: a. Policy Statement - The trustees briefly reviewed Policies No. 5 & 6 at this time. It was the consensus of the board that these be considered as part of the total Policy Manual at a future board meeting. No action was taken on the matter. b. Planning for New Central Library - Review of Chapter 3 of Holt Master Plan. Trustee Brownley indicated that she had requested this matter placed on the agenda for this meeting in that she felt that it was extremely important that for the purpose of "Goals & Objectives", the Library Board calendarize the following 5 steps contained on pages 43 and 44 of the Master Plan No. II. for the Carlsbad City Library, dated August 1978, by Raymond M. Holt: t MINUTES -3- LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 18, 1981 TRUSTEES 1. Site Selection 2. Program Preparation 3. Architectural Design 4. • Financing 5. Construction Mrs. Brownley continued by stressing that she felt that the other departments had created more realistic "Goals & Objectives" by calendarizing same, and she wished that the Library Board would follow suit, even if it is still uncertain when the money will be available for the constuction of the new Library. Director Cole indicated that there appears to be $25,000.00 still in the Library account which had been budgeted for the Childrens1 Library. She then sug- gested that this money be used to begin Step #2, the program preparation, the relationship of services and interior functions of the new Library, which will provide the architect with the information necessary to design the building. Mrs. Cole also indicated that if plans were not started shortly, the City would not be eligible for funding which may be available in the future through the Library Construction Act. Council Liaison Mary Casler inquired as to whether or not the money was encumbered, and suggested that the board delay action regarding the $25,000.00, until its existence had been verified. The board concurred with Mrs. Casler 's suggestion with regard to action on the matter of beginning the program preparation. Trustee Cipriano left at this time. Trustee Brownley suggested that the board set a target date for Step #1, the Site Selection, as no later than June, 1981. Following discussion, Trustee Brownley rescinded her previous motion, with the consent of the second, to set a target date for Step #1, as September, 1981. Trustee Brownley suggested that the board set a target date for Step #2, Program Preparation, of January, 1982 Trustee Brownley suggested that the board set a target date for Step #3, Architectural Design, to begin by June, 1982. Trustee Brownley suggested that the Objective for Step #4, Financing, be an ongoing effort to explore methods of financing. Trustee Brownley suggested that the board set a target date for Step #5, Construction, to begin, as June, 1983 Falkenstein Brownley Dearie Falkenstein Brownley Dearie Falkenstein Brownley Dearie Falkenstein Brownley Dearie Falkenstein Brownley Dearie Falkenstein rownley Dearie X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 18, 1981 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS; a. Role Clarification - City Workshops on Boards and Commissions. Trustee Brownley reported on the City Workshop for members of all Boards, Commissions, and Committees which was held on December 6, 1981 , at the Harding Street Community Center, briefly summarizing the event! of the day. Trustee Falkenstein commented on the workshop and indicated that two general ideas had been discussed and agreed upon at the meeting: 1. That the members of the Boards, Commissions and Committees have the good of the City at heart. 2. That the Boards, Commissions, and Committees are the advocates of the Departments with which they are affiliated. . Both Trustees Brownley and Falkenstein concurred that the workshop had been a very beneficial experience for those in attendance. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Sharon Schramm reported on the membership drive. She indicated that 100 responses had been received in the span of less than one week, and that only 20 were renewals, and that there were 6 new Life Members. She referenced the program to be held this evening, February 18, 1981, at 7:30 P.M., in the Library Conference Room, featxir ing Jack White, of Channel 10, T.V., on "The Changing Face of Broadcasting" . Schramm reported that the art auction would be held on March 20, 1981, and that the location of same was as yet undetermined. Schranm also reported that the Book Fair would be held on May 15, 1981, and would have a western theme. ) GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: In the absence of Bee McWilliams, the Genealogical Society Representative, a brief report was given by Director Cole . She indicated that the plant sale would be held on March 28, 1981, on the Library lawn, across from the fire station. ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, REN R. fiTEVENS, puty City Clerk Next meeting date will be joint-meeting with Parks & Recreation Commission, March 2, 1981. Next regular meeting is March 18, 1981. Carlsbad City Library Statistics January, 1981 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer 32,983 Films and video tapes 1,132 Audio Visual Equipment 130 34,245 Reference Questions Answered " Adult Section '• 3,129 Children's Section 720 Total reference questions answered ' 3,849 Materials Added to the Collection 841 Attendance at Programs Adult programs (2) 210 Children's programs (22) 1,355