HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-02; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, TASK FORCE MEETING, WITH LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 2, 1981 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER was made by Chairman Dahlquist at 6:36 P.M. ROLL CALL Parks *& Recreation Commission: Present - Chairman Dahlquist, Commissioners McFadden, Donovan, Murk, Boone, and Tarango. Library Board of Trustees: Present - Herbert Falkenstein, Margaret Brownley, Seena Trigas, and David Dearie-. INTRCTMJCTIONS Chair.araa Dahlquist turned the meeting over to David Bradstreet, who introduced the Commission, his Staff members, Mayor Packard!1.,. Mary Casler, the City Manager, members from the Planniinog Department, and the Historical Society.- Georgina Cole, ttiie Library Director-, introduced the Library Board. PROJECT' STATUS REVIEW DavM Bradstreet pointed out wall exhibits, depicting the existing General Plan of the City to show the area to be . revised, existing-.park sites within the City, districts as far as park-in-lieu, and a drawing, of the proposed Macario Canyon Park by Rick Engineering. Mr. Bradstreet then turned the sieeting over to Russ Iwanaga, the Consultant. Mr. Jwanaga introduced the consultant team. He then- explained that Phase I begins with review and research, and •will allow his team to familiarize themselves with the project of designing the park, and of preparing the documentation of the element. He also encouraged any input on the project, stating that it was the purpose of the meeting, and that his team would bring everyone up to date on what they have accomplished to present. Mr. Iwaraaga introduced Ernie-Siedel. Mr. Siedel explained that they are only reporting on the -items that they have had a chance- to review to date, and gave a brief explanation of what the agenda would cover. Element . - Mr. Siedel introduced Debbie Denne', who gave a presentation on the parks and recreation element. She explained that the current element will update the City's goals and objectives for the General Plan, to meet_the needs of the current and projected populations. She pointed out that the City's combined total -of leased and City-owned developed park land is 57.7 acres, and the City has title to 815.5 acres of land for potential park sites. She further explained that of the developed parks, there are approximately 1.6 acres per thousand persons for the City, which is approximately 37 square miles, excluding the 7 square miles which is county property. . Ms. Denne1 continued that the recommended ratio for the National Recreation of .Parks Association for developed neigh- borhood parks is 2.5 acres por thousand people, with parks at this level being a minimum of 5 acres. Further, 52 percent of Carlsbad's existing parks are less than 2 acres in size, 34 percent are 3 to 5 acres, and 14 percent are 5 to 11 acres in size. March 2, 1981 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Ms. Denne' explained that th'e following are areas of concern: 1. The acreage for use as developed park land per person is less than the national, standards, and more developed park acreage is needed. This dpes not necessarily mean development of additional new parks, but possibly expansion of those existing parks. 2. The existing facilities are sub-standard in size for their hierarchy of classification, in that any- thing less than 5 acres is considered a mini-park. And, 3. The lack of diversity for recreational opportunity. \ _ In conclusion, Ms. Denne' used wall exhibits to depict the four sub-areas in the.City, and briefly- explained the development of same, and summarized a preliminary review of opportunities a,nd constraints. .Ms. Denne' then opened the matter up for discussion. Frank Aleshire, the City Manager, suggested that a meeting be held v.;i.tb the Coastal Commission staff, to ascertain what their constraints are. Mr. Aleshire also suggested that an in-depth look be iaade in terms of cost, and how it would tie in with the overall program, and to ascertain how practical things like equestrian trails would be. Discussion was then held on the parks and recreation element, • including the standards for developed park land. In response to Commission inquiry on what would be done with the existing parks, David Bradstreet explained that Staff is working on this at the present time; they, are proposing on.the 2 to 4 acre park sites that are undevelopable, to combine or trade off for isore usable" park'sites ^ '- . The water problem was also addressed. Seena Trigas expressed concern over projected limited funding, the options,-and the priorities of same. . " . Mr. Siedel then introduced Harriet Posner, from Economic Research Associates; who presented a report on the economic aspect of the project.. She pointed out suggestions for recommended funding, and cutting down maintenance costs. David Bradstreet addressed the Leo Carrillo property, and introduced Mr. Tony Bellin from the Historical Society, who gave some background and a brief report on same. Macario Park Mr. Siedel introduced Mike Lopez, who explained the first phase of Macario Park. With the aid of a flow chart, Mr. .Lopez explained that Phase I consisted of review of community attitudes and demands,, review of planning and development actions, summary of community goals, assessment of existing policies, summary of existing planning implications, identi- fication of opportunities and constraints, and evaluation of existing regulatory measures. From this, they will investigate the City's needs and desires, and proceed with the project formulation. Mr. Lopez added that, as of date, they have not compiled all the information, and encouraged any input. Phase II will consist of an analysis of information from Phase I.' - . Discussion war, then held on the different stages of Phase I, as depicted on the flow chart. March 2, 1981 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Lopez also explained how the consideration of human and environmental factors would assist them in finding the most suitable site for the facility. Seena Trigas indicated that the strongest factor in the location should be the unification of north and south Carlsbad. Mr. Herbert : Falkenstein explained that the park is ideally located for the unification of north and south Carlsbad, and would be a central focus for long range development of the City. He feels the facilities should include recreational, leisure, cultural, and performing arts. Mary Casler indicated she does not feel. Macario Canyon Park is the ideal location for a library, as there will be no residential around it, and it will be some time before we can develop it. Mrs. easier also-pointed out that she does not feel the City -would get the use'out of the library if it were located in Macario Park, as it does from the present library. Laurie Boone suggested the City may want to consider looking into private development within the park. She pointed out that they had already received a request from the Y.M.C.A. RECESS Chairman Dahlquist called a recess at 8:53 P.M., and the meeting was reconvened at 9:06 P.M.; Mr... Murk . left -at 9:00 P.M. REVIEW OF CITIZEH'S SURVEY Mr. Siedel introduced Ken Mullins from Danieliari and Associates who explained the purpose of the survey, and pointed, out that at this time it was in rough draft only, and the final product would be reduced to approximately one page, front and back. He added that the usual response from a survey is approximately 20 -to 25 per cent, however, they are--hoping to do better. Mr. Mullins briefly discussed the contents of the survey. Laurie Boone suggested that a task force get together to go door to door with the survey, with the questions being asked and the survey completed at that time, as this would yield the best return. * » Mr. Iwanaga suggested that service clubs be used for distributing and collecting the surveys. Mayor Packard indicated that he feels the beaches should be included in ;the survey, as they are a very significant recreational facility. Margaret Brownley expressed concern with the survey as it is titled, in that the inclusion of the library in the parks and recreation survey, as a-library is not simply a recreational facility. Mrs. Brownley added that without some background information on- the people answering the survey, she would almost rather see library not mentioned. Mr. Siedel explained that when they arc considering recreation and parks, they are defining recreation as both active and passive activities. He further explained that in the text of the element, they possibly need to state a very clear definition, to show how broad the recreation experience is. Mrs. Brownley pointed out that the library is an information center. • Lynn Chase added that the library is also a recreational experience. March 2, 1981 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Mrs. Chase continued that one of her concerns in going over the survey, is that the terminology of park facilities is use<3 so frequently, it seems to channel one's thinking into a p*ark, rather than perhaps community services. She suggested that this might be broadened, to bring to mind other types of. . sarvices that the people might like. She also suggested that in reference to the question concerning the willingness to pay fees, that perhaps the survey could be more specific, I.e., if a person would be willing to pay a certain amount for a certain kind of a program, they would see more value. It was suggested that, on question no. 21, gymnasium and -community meeting room be added to the list. Also, that an additional question lie added, as to the willingness to walunteer in the parks and "recreation programs. It was also requested that the age of the respondent be added to the survey .Jeanne McFadden further suggested-that plays, concerts, and lectures be added slso. The Commission then recognized Jane Skotnicki, who suggested that the Park include a facility for teenagers to go, and da'nce. She requested that this be included in the survey. ADJOURNMENT • ' ' • i By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:33 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, j r. Ann R. Allemah, Minutes Clark Carlsbad City Library Statistics February 1981 Circulation Statistics Current Year Materials checked out through computer 30,022 Films and video tapes 1,231 Audio Visual equipment 102 Total Circulation 31,355 Previous Year 28,771 934 146 29,851 Increase (Decrease) 1,251 297 ( 44 ) 1,504 Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Children's Section Total Reference questions answered 2,717 832 3,549 2,860 627 3,487 99 ) 205 106 Materials Added to Collection Books Audio Visual materials 791 64 768 107 23 43 ) Attendance at Programs Adult programs (4) Children's programs (20) 185 1,703