HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 18, 1981 3:00 P.M. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER was made by President Falkenstein at 3:03 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present - President Falkenstein, Trustees Brpwnley, and Trigas. Trustee Dearie arrived at 3:05 P.M. Trustee Cipriano arrived at 3:30 P.M. Also in attendance were: Council Member Mary Casler Gecrgina Cole, 'Library Director Bobbie Hoder, Administrative Assistant Sharon Schramm, Friends of the Library Bee McWilliiams, Genealogical Society Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 18, 1981, were approved as submitted. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT .. Director Cole indicated she had received a request from the i Literacy Center for the Library to cooperate with its program. Th< Library is purchasing some of the materials to augment the present collection. Mrs. Cole reported that the book mobile staff is working to set up signs which will designate, "Library Book Mobile" stops. Mrs. Cole reported that Geoff Armour attended a Serra Retreat in Pine Valley, which dealt with long-range planning for the Serra System. She also received information from Joe Skymba and Geoff Armour on the local history project, which is very close to completion, and will soon be available for premiere. Mrs. Cole informed the Trustees that she had a meeting with Melanie Rees about what grants the Library might be interested in. In reference to the Parks and Recreation Element survey, Mrs.;Cole indicated there was a question whether to exclude the Library in the questionnaire, and they have done so. She passed a-copy around to the Trustees for their review. Mrs. Cole distributed to the Trustees copies of a report, "Library 80's," and explained it was the State masterDirections for the plan. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds - There was no report; however, David Dearie requested that a letter be sent to the Parks and Recreation Department acknowledging the Board's gratitude for their efforts. b. Budget - President Falkenstein indicated this item would be discussed under New Business. c. Personnel - Trustee Brownley reported that she has not receive any requests, and all is under control. Falkenstein Brownley Trigas March 18, 1981 Page 2 TRUSTEES d. Youth - Trustee Cipriano was not present at this time, and President Falkenstein indicated this item would be presented later in the meeting. OLD BUSINESS; a. Role clarification - Trustee Brownley indicated she brought this up at the last meeting, as she feels it needs to be more defined, and requested it be open for discussion. She continued to recommend, that unless a person is asked to do more, committee assignments should not be given to Bqar,d members. Trustee Dearie indicated'he feels the direction given is sufficien He added that the purpose of the committee assignment is.'to carry out anything the Board feels is necessary. The input should come from the Director, and the Board makes decisions relative to the input. NEW BUSINESS; ' . Report from Serra Advisory Board • Caroline Schindler, President of the Serra Advisory Board, feporte that the Board sponsored a workshop for Friends groups throughout the system. The theme was "Success Among Friends." . . a. Board vacancies - President Falkenstein indicated that two Board terms would expire in June, and suggested the Trustees give due consideration to same. At this time? President Falkenstein indicated Trustee Cipriano •••• would present his committee report on Youth. . . : d. Youth - Trustee Cipriano reported on the Oceanography Program, which he indicated was a success. He also reported on the "Plant a Seed" program, and added that the Week of The Young Child is scheduled for March 28 through April 4. NEW BUSINESS (continued); ' b. Updating of Library Ordinance - Director Cole briefly explaine 1 changes that have taken place dn the Ordinance, since its estab- lishment in March, 1961.. She explained that at one time there was a tax rate. However, a law was.passed which took the tax rate away from libraries. When it did, the Code was updated, and Sections 20 and 21 were deleted. Mrs. Cole stated that Section 21 should be reinstated, with the exception of the phrase "derived from the City tax levy". Trustee Brownley indicated that City Manager Frank Aleshire felt there were many inconsistencies in the Ordinance. Board discussion reflected on the Ordinance, as it relates to the City Code. c. Joint City Council/Library Board Meeting, to be held March 24, 1981, 6:00 P.M. - President Falkenstein announced the meeting, and following Board discussion, it was agreed the following items would be placed on the agenda for discussion: 1) New Central Library (funding, timing, and site); as it relates to the CIP 2) Public Facilities Fee 3) Continued Appropriations - $25,000 4) Reconciliation of the Code and Ordinance. TE March 18, 1981 Page 3 TRUSTEES d. Public Facilities Fee - Discussion reflected on the CIP pro- gram, and .the new central library and branch. Brochure - "Inside City Hall." Director Cole pointed out the Brochure, a copy of which was included in the Trustees packet. Council Member easier commended the staff artists on the brochure, and for a job well done. f. Budget FY 1981-82 - Trustee Trigas introduced the budget, and gave a presentation on same. She pointed out that the budget is in keeping up with inflation costs in the area, and there are no major changes. Following Board discussion on the contents of the budget, the Board directed a memo to accompany the budget be drawn up request- ing two (2) additional staff positions under Library Assistant I, at $13,330 each; one in AV and the other in graphics. These positions would supplement present staff called upon to do work in these areas for other City Departments. The Board accepted the budget, and directed that same be sent to the City Council. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY - Sharon Schramm reported on the Art Auction, to be held March 20, 1981. She added that membership mailing has continued to bring in great results. The Book Fair is May 17, 1981, and Mrs. Schramm briefly explained what types of entertainment would be held at same. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Bee McWilliams indicated that the plant sale would be held on March 28, 1981, on the Library lawn, across from the fire station. She also reported that the new President has asked her to stay on as the Society Liaison to the Board for another year, which she has accepted. ADJOURNMENT ' . By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25,'P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ann R. Alleman Minutes Clerk Falkenstein Brownley Trigas Dearie Cipriano Falkenstein Brownley Trigas Dearie Cipriano x X