HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-24; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesU Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL/LIBRARY BOARD GIT TRUSTEES (Joint Meeting) 7:00 P.M. March 24, 1981 ""'' " ' ' . COUNCIL Council Chambers MEMBERS CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard. ROLL'.CALL: The following Council Members and Trustees were present: . Council Members: Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin PRESENTATION: Trustees: Falkenstein; Brownley Cipriano Trigas • -•' Dearie Mayor Packard read and presented a proclamation to Florine • Mardel, proclaiming the week of April 5-11, 1981, as "Women of Achievement Week". . . 1. CENTRAL LIBRARY - TIME-TABLE/CIP'. ' The City Manager gave a brief introduction to the matter noting the concern of the Board regarding inactivity relating to development of a central library. He stated that the Library Director, Mrs. Cole, would present additional staff • report on the matter. , ; Mrs. Cole gave a brief history of the matter of a central library since adoption of the Library Master Plan entitled "Matching User Needs". She, also referenced the updated Master Plan entitled "Moving Ahead" which was completed in • October, 1978, and its. contents wherein it details the need to proceed toward locating a central library near the geo- , center of the City. ... ... . .-. . . : a. Site ; . '• • . . • ' • . • . • : .' Council Mensber Anear referenced the memorandum dated March 24, 198i, furnished to Council which contained-an excerpt from the Board minutes of July 16, 1980, and questioned where the 20-acre figure was obtained. He also expressed concern about planning on locating the library in Macario Canyon since the property does not yet"belong to the City, and there -appear to be a number of conditions placed on the property with which he is uncomfortable. • • Council Member Casler stated the Master Plan calls for a 3 to 5 acre site for the central library. She continued expressing the opinion that the City can no longer afford to implement Mr. Holt's suggestions in the Master Plan, and can only afford to build one more library, comparable to our existing library. 'She also stated the Macario" Canyon property would not be the proper location for the library due to inaccessibility. Council Member Casler"concluded by suggesting that a library be placed on El Camino Real, south of Palomar Airport Road, and that it be built in phases to an ultimate- size and capacity larger than the existing facility in order to accomodate storage space and conference rooms. She also suggested that if the library is built from money in-the General Fund that its use should be restricted to citizens of "Carlsbad. • Council Member Lewis indicated the citizens he talked with had expressed concern about the expenses involved in building a central library and several branches. Trustee Trigas stated that the residents in the southern portion of the City .feel a great need for a library in that location. • ' , , . - March 24, 1981 Page 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS As a point of clarification, Mrs. Cole stated no decision had been made on the 20-acre figure. She indicated the concept of locating the library in the Macario Canyon area had resulted in dreams of a 20-acre site for use as a cultural center for the City, a part 'of which would be the library. " • . Council Member Kulchin expressed agreement wi-th the concept of the cultural center located in Macario Canyon, but : - expressed concern about the length of time involved before any development could take place in that area. In response to query by Council Member Kulchin, Mrs. Cole stated the SERRA System would not allow a city with two libraries to join SERRA in only one of the facilities. Trustee Falkenstein expressed concern about whether another large library in the city would require another Library Director and Board as well as other considerations which could result in duplication. -He stated previous meetings had resulted in agreement on a central library, and questioned what events had changed that concept. Mayor Packard reported that'development activity in Macario Canyon could take several years before it became a realizatioi He noted 'the many issues which need to be addressed and resolved, including the fact that the property is located in the Coastal Zone, and would 'be subject to additional restric- tions. . Council and Board discussion reflected a general concurrence that a main library should fee located in a vicinity which could also serve as the branch for the southern portion of tht City. It was further suggested that a-desirable location would be somewhere within a mile-and-a-half radius of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, but a suitable location should not be overlooked because it did • not fall within that radius. b. Funding and ..-'.. - c. Planning Trustee Falkenstein read the time-table prepared by Trustee Brownley'which concluded with a projected date for beginning construction of June, 1983* Discussion reflected that while the time-table may be desirab! it may not be economically possible. In response to query, the City Manager reported that the CIP approved last October provides for 1-1/2 million dollars for planning and acquiring the land during the first five years. He also stated that the Public Facilities Plan which would be forthcoming to Council for final action also contains a figure • of $5 million allocated.for library; but that those funds would probably not be available for several years. Mrs. Cole referenced the memorandum dated March 24, 1981 pertaining to Planning for the Central Library, and requested that Council consider allocating the remaining $25,500 not utilized for the planning of the Children's Library to allow development of a building program .statement for the.main library. March 24, 1981 Page 3 COUNCIL" MEMBERS Trustee Dearie gave a brief history of previous library requests for funds and expenditures, and requested a commit- ment from Council regarding utilizing the money for preparatioi of a building program statement. .Council discussion.related to whether a site selection should occur prior to commitment of-funds, purpose of a building program statement, and whether funds should be set aside at this time, or paid from the General Fund at the time required. Council cetrermined that the $25,500 should remain in the', existing account, earmarked for library purposes, until such time as Council determines that its usage for a building program statement is the proper place for the funds. 2.a. Reconcile City Code " Following a brief explanation. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents deleting subsection (4) from Section 2.16.060, of the Municipal Code. 2.b. Reconcile City Code ' . ' • ."'•-• • •-.*... Mrs. Cole explained the contents of the memorandum detailing the deletion of Section 21 from the Municipal Code relating to a Library Trust Fund, and requested that the section be re- stored in the Code. The City Attorney explained that the section had not been deleted from the Code, but had been placed in the proper portion, and was, therefore contained in Section 3.24. He further explained that Council did not control the expenditure of those funds. ; • Mayor Packard suggested the matter be re-evaluated due to confusion to ensure the existence of the section in the proper place in the Code. 2.c. Proper Authority - Education Code Mrs. Cole explained the existing confusion relating to where to turn for direction, and indicated the belief that the proper authority is the Education Code. Council Member Casler referenced the previous joint meeting with the Board and reiterated the discussion which reflected that the library was not established-as an Education Code Library and is subject to the Municipal Code. She again suggested that the Board prepare and make recommendations to Council on any changes to the Municipal Code which they desire. • The City Attorney explained the history of the inception of the library Board and the fact that a group of people had attempted to make the Library Board of Trustees a separate entity, under the authority of the Education Code. He stated that Council, at that "time, had determined that the library remain as a department of the City, and the Board would'act as an advisory committee' to Council, similar to other committei and commissions in the City. He further explained that portions of the' original ordinance had been retained to help smooth over the action, which has today resulted ±n the con- fusion. Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin March 24, 1981 Pacre 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Following brief discussion, it was agreed that the current" Code should be reviewed and revised to clarify the functions and role of the existing Board of Trustees. RECESS; Mayor Packard called .a recess at 9:05 P.M. and noted the conclusion of the items on the Joint Meeting Agenda. Council reconvened at 9:17 P.M. with all Council Members present. . . 2. AGEN5A BILL NO. 6546 - CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF PROPERTY FROM VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO CARLSBAD UNIFIED DISTRIC Assistant City Manager/Administration, Frank Mannen, gave a . brief report indicating that the only reason the City is involved in this particular-action is due to land ownership in the affecrsd area. In"response -to questions, he stated that the areas affected are uninhabited at this time, and both School Districts agree to the change. Council expressed consent to the exchange of territory from the Vista Unified School District to the Carlsbad Unified District. Mayor Packard noted that item 3 and 4 are both appointments to the Planning Commission. He indicated that action would be taken on item number 3, but that Council should .come to the next regular meeting prepared with nominations for number 4. 3. AGENDA BILL #6540 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. The following nominations were made by Council for the vacancy on the Planning Commission: Council Member Anear — Clarence H. Schlehuber Council Member Casler - Bob Mosier . ' • Council Member Kulchin — Clarence H. Schlehuber Council Member Lewis - George Heard Council Member Packard.— Vernon J. Farrow, Jr. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Mayor Packard gave a report to Council on his activities that day in Sacramento. He stated that a hearing on the housing issue and the Coastal Zone was delayed. . . " He reported that Senator Craven's bill addressing the agricul- tural policy of the Coastal Act and its interpretation had passed the committee, and would change the agricultural policy and tie it to agriculture being economically viable. • f He also reported that the bill addressing the funding for dredging of the Buena Vista Lagoon had been heard. He stated he had expressed the willingness of Carlsbad to form a tri- city agency to help enforce grading ordinances and other controlling factors, but the amendment had not passed. The original bill did pass, and would be moving forward without • an amendment. . • Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin March 24, 1981 Page' 5 COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Packard reported that he then went to the Assembly and addressed a bill authored by Assemblyman Frazee. He stated the bill addressed the deadline established for adoption of a Local Coastal Plan,. and changes the power for adoption of the Local Coastal Plan and requires City approval of the Plan He further reported that the bill also says that the Coastal Commission does not have the power to adopt and "enforce implementing ordinances for a Coastal Plan. In conclusion, Mayor Packard suggested that the City Manager begin preparations for establishing a meeting for a committee of members from the City Councils1 of Vista, Oceanside, and Carlsbad, to discuss-the future of the. Buena Vista Lagoon, and mitigation measures which may need to be taken to protect the lagoon. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAN2 City Clerk