HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF; DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 15, 1981 3:00 P.M. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER • The meeting was called to order at 3:04 P.M. by President Falkenstein. ROLL CALL Present - President Falkenstein, Trustees Trigas, and Cipriano. Absent-™. Trustees Brownley, and Dearie. Also in attendance were: Council Member Mary Casler Georgina Cole, Library Director Bobbie Hoder, Administrative Assistant Frank Aleshire, City Manager . • . ; ' Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager Sharon Schraitm, Friends of the Library Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Geoff Armour, Collections Coordinator Ray Brookhart, Head of Reference APPROVAL OF MINUTES; (Approved by one motion.). The minutes of the Regular Meeting, held March 18,•198Xf were approved as 'submitted. The minutes of the Joint Meeting, held March 24, 1981, were approved as submitted. " OLD BUSINESS: 'President Falkenstein requested that the Board move the items under Old Business up on the agenda, since Frank !Aleshire and Bill Baldwin were present to hear.these items. The Board concurred. . . . Site location/land acquisition Frank Aleshire indicated this item was a follow-up from the Joint Meeting with the City Council of March 24, 1981; and gave a presentation on the matter, outlining his meeting with Mr. Holt, the library consultant. • Mr. Aleshire discussed the Municipal Code, as it pertains to the Library, and indicated Council had.requested he meet with the Board to discuss and recommend changes to the Code, He then discussed funding concerns, and the ne.ed for a Library in South Carlsbad. " : . Council Member Casler suggested that .the site not be limited to within a mile and a half of Palomar Airport Road. 'Mr. Aleshire briefly discussed the possibility of a Central Library in Macario Canyon Park, and indicated he felt it would be a good location for same. Council Member Casler explained that the Master Plan calls for a 3 to 5 acre site for the Central Library. She continued expressing the opinion that the City can no longer afford to implement Mr. Holt's suggestions in the Master Plan, and can only afford to build one more Library, comparable to the existing Library. Falkenstein Trigas Cipriano MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,, April 15, 1981 Page 2 TRUSTEES Mrs. Casler also stated that the }Haca,rio Canyon property would not be the proper location for the Library, dye to inaccessibility. • Discussion reflected concerns about the length of time involved before any development could take place in Macario Canyon, and whether another large library in the City could .result Iii_duplication-of Staff and other considerations. The Citv-:*ariager then reported on the CIP approved last October, isxich provides for one and a half million, dollars for pl£-r~±ng and acquiring the land. He also stated that the Public :.I: anilities Plan which would be forthcoming to Council, for final 'action also contains a figure of $5 million allocated for libraryj but that those funds would probably no be available for several years, Mr. Aleshir& continued, briefly reporting on discussion with .Mr. Holt? and in going over his reports, indicated Mr. Holt's opinion that Carlsbad should build one Central Library in-the middle of the City; and further, feels that his "5 Library PJan" is the best in the long run, however, he is not pushing implsjaentation of same in the near future. In Mr. Hoir's opinion, the City should keep the Central Library in its' existing location, and expand same; and • • build a smaller Library in southern Carlsbad as a branch. Mr. Aleshire indicated concerns over La Costa supporting:.:; a Library, and discussion reflected same. Trustee Trigas added that the residents in the southern portion of the City . feel a great need for a Library in that location, and she- does not understand Mr. Holt's concerns in this area. Caroline Schindler suggested that thinking not be centered 'around a "main, central, or large" library; but more of .the , function of the library., that of the processing and preparation of books for distribution to branch Libraries. She further pointed out that the size of the building is relative to the function of same. . President Falkenstein made reference to the City of Los Angeles, and explained they have Regional Libraries, with several branches, and. requested this be taken into consideration. In response to concerns of duplication of Staff and equipment, Council Member Casler indicated that if a Library was built in the southern part of the City, there was no way to get around duplication. She expressed her own concern over potential rivalry between the northern and southern parts of the City, and suggested one be called the North Library,, and one the South Library. Director Cole stated that there is a heed.for a "main or central Library, otherwise, management would deteriorate. With regard to Staff, Mrs. Cole indicated that over the past seven to eight years, they have been hiring specialists, and they do not want to split these people up. Further, she added that a branch should not be set up until you can guarantee a certain amount of circulation. Discussion then reflected the function of a main and branch Library, and suggestions for locations of same. It was also suggested that the existing Library is no longer large enough to house major collections, and that same would serve well as a branch. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 15, 1981 Page 3 TRUSTEES President Falkenstein indicated his feelings were: 1) The situation requires that we put up a library in La Costa. 2) In rerms of any library in the near future, we have to think in modular terms because the City is expanding, and. ~we are not sure of the rate of expansion in the ' future. ' 3) He .agrees that somewhere in the future we should have a asrrrral library, located around the central part of the City.. '.'• ' • .'•'•. 4) In'the meantime, we must nominate a library to function as a-central library. • . "•.-;.'•" 5) He recognizes the nee'd for a library in the La Costa ares-' and feels it should be reasonably large. However, he also feels the existing library should be designated as the'central library, and it should be enlarged. 6) He reiterated that all plans should be modular, in - anticipation of a future move. Board discussion reflected a general concurrence that a library should be located in the La Costa area, and Mr, Aleshire suggested the formation of a site committee. With the aid of a site map, Mr. Aleshire pointed out some potential sites, and suggested that the Committee go out and look at same, and report back to the Board. He again 'indicated that any project would be approximately five years down the road; however, the site acquisition could be immediate. 'Presentation by Ray Brookhart Ray Brookhart showed examples of the benefits of obtaining library resources on microfilm to the Board for their review, Revise Chapter 2.16 of the City Code BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES. .-'..-• Frank Aleshire-explained he had received information that the Board seems to have a feeling for the need of clarification of their powers. * • President Falkenstein responded that they were thinking in terms of the original Ordinance. Mr. Aleshire expressed concern over Sections 2.16.070 and 2.16.085, in that the first legally empowers the Board to act independently of the City Council, and suggested that the wording be changed.. ""•- - . Bobbie Hoder then reported on a separate bank account of approximately $342.00 presently, which was a donation to the library. She indicated that sometimes people who make donations request they go directly to the library, and not the City, and this was the reason the account was set up. Mr. Aleshire responded there is a liability involved, in the administration of City money. Director Cole stated she would check with other cities to see how they Jiandle it, and report back to the Board on the matter. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 15, 1981 Pa.ge 4 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS. Status of 1981-82 Grant . Geoff Armour gave a brief presentation on the matter, and the status of same. He indicated the project was split into two. phases; that 'of research, which was assigned to four research scholars; and the making of a film about the City of Carlsbad. He passed out copies of four studies done to the Board for their 'review; and indicated copies would be bound and made availably to the public. He continued that he is working with a Federal program specialist, to help with funding sources and to provide assistance. He is also working with a representative from the SERRA Advisory System. Mr. Armour then distributed copies of some of the grants to be considered for the future by the Board, and indicated they were requesting assistance on possible sources of funding for projects such as these. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Sharon Schramm reiterated that the Book Fair will be .held May 17, 1981, . ADJOURNMENT ' . •By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:12.P.M. Respectfully Submitted, . Ann R. Allema,n Minutes Clerk DUE TO THE TIME PACTOR, ALL OTHER ITEMS QN THE AGENDA WERE TABLED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING, CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS March 1981 Circulation Statistics Current Year Previous Year Increase (Decrease) Materials checked out through computer 3^,895 Film and video tapes 1,272 Audio Visual equipment 1 25 Total curculation 36,292 32,352 873 168 33,393 2,5^3 399 ( A3) I7B99 Reference Questions Answered Adult Section ' 3,362 Children's Section 895 Total Reference questions answered 4,257 3,247 695 T794T 115 200 315 Materials Added to Collection Books Audio Visual Materials 769 130 917 124 148) 6 Attendance at Programs Adult programs (4) Children's programs (20) 365 1,674