HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 13, 1981 3:00 P.M. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:08 P.M. by President Falkenstein. ROLL CALL Present - President Falkenstein, Trustees Trigas, Brownley, and Dearie. Trustee Cipriano arrived at 3:20 P.M. Also in attendance were: Council Member Mary Casler Georgina Cole, Library Director Bobbie Hoder, Administrative Assistant APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held April 15, 1981, were approved as "submitted. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Cole reminded the Board of the Public Budget ... Meetings, to be held Wednesday, May 20, 1981, 7:00 P.M., at the Harding Street Community Center; and Thursday, May 21, 1981, 7:00 P.M., at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. She also reiterated that the Book Fair is to be held May 17, 1981. Director Cole reported that they have received 76 applications for the position of Childrens' Librarian, all of which have been screened, and the Oral Board is scheduled for Monday, May 18, .1981, at 9:30 A.M. Director Cole showed a copy of the new Serra AV Catalog to the Board for their review, and indicated that the library public relations staff designed the cover. COMMITTEE REPORTS Personnel Trustee Brownley reported on a recent study done on pay scales for women, and showed a newspaper article to the Board on same. She also requested that the article be filed with the Library materials. OLD BUSINESS Board vacancies Director Cole indicated that this item was included o.n an agenda when there were vacancies on the Board, and that the current vacancies should be filled by June. President Falkenstein stated his opinion that it should be up to the respective member to indicate a willingness to continue serving if they wish to seek reappointment. He also indicated that the Mayor was notified of the current vacancies two months ago. Falkenstein Trigas Brownley Dearie X X MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 13, 1981 Page 2 TRUSTEES Trustee Brownley indicated that she had made recommendations to the Mayor and the Friends of the Library on her vacancy, as she does not desire to serve another term. She also suggested that the Board make some recommendations to fill the vacancy. Budget Director Cole gave a brief presentation on the budget, and indicated that the direction from the City Manager was to take $50,000 out of books. She pointed out that in the past they have.taken the cuts from equipment. Director Cole continued her presentation, referring to the proposed changes to the City Managers' recommended cuts, and requested input on same. She stated her feeling that the original budget is an equitable one, and indicated that other than the cooling tower, there is not one thing that is not desperately needed. Discussion then reflected on the City Managers' prioritized add back list and the 81-82 budget comparisons of selected departments. Concern was also expressed over the issue of utilities, as the Library pays its own bill; whereas most other City departments are under one bill. Trustee Brownley recommended that the proposed changes to the recommended cuts of $50,000 be accepted. Trustee Trigas stated her opinion-that the Board should not agree with the cutting of $50,000. She continued that if the Library is forced to, they should then offer the proposed recommended cuts. President Falkenstein suggested addressing the City Manager, expressing the fact that the Board feels that inflation has hit certain aspects of the Library operation more heavily than perhaps others. He indicated his feeling that more information and preparation is needed in the matter. President Falkenstein continued, suggesting that we continue to prepare and look for various comparative aspects, and make another presentation before the Council and the City Manager. He stated the Board should reflect the feeling that certain aspects of the Library operation are unique and vulnerable, and submit a request that cuts be restored. Discussion also indicated that the Library was the only department that kept within the directive not to add any Staff. Council Member Casler stated that the City Council does endeavor to be fair, and also stated her opinion that the Library is asking for too much. Trustee Brownley suggested that the Board back Staff on the proposed changes they came up with to the City Manager. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 13, 1981 Page 3 TRUSTEES The concensus of the Board was that a letter should be drafted and sent to the City Manager, relaying the feelings of the Board with regard to the directive to cut $50,000. Following discussion on same, the Board directed that a letter be drafted to the City Manager, reflecting the following: The Board understands the need for cuts in light of Proposition 13; however, requests that the Library be considered more favorably in the City Manager's prioritized add back list, if additional funding is available. Also, that it be clarified that in cutting the Library budget, the Board requests the replacement of the word "books" with other items that could be cut more logically than books, due to the vital nature of maintaining the collection. The list of proposed changes to the City Manager's recommended cuts, prepared by Staff, is to be included with the letter. Role Clarification Trustee Brownley recommended that the Board exchange points of view, with regard to the role of the Board of Trustees. She expressed concern that the Board may not have the same opinions as to what the role of the Board is, or should be. She further suggested that the present Ordinance be studied, in relation to any discussion on the matter. NEW BUSINESS Space requirements 1981-85 Director Cole requested that the Board give considera- tion to this item, and give input on same. Trustee Trigas reported that the Site Selection Committee went out with Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager, and looked at a number of different sites for the proposed Library. She briefly described each location, and indicated no recommendations have been made . ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Ann R. Alleman Minutes Clerk Falkenstein Trigas Brownley Dearie Cipriano X CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS April 1981 Circulation Statistics Current Year Materials checked out through computer * 32,8*5 Film and Video tapes 1,088 Audio Visual equipment 119 Total circulation 3*,052 Previous Year 31,632 8*3 159 32,63* Increase (Decrease) 1,213 2*5 ( *0 ) T~ZTT8~ Reference Questions Answered Adult Section 3,*15 Children's Section 832 Total reference questions answered *,2*7 3,**0 6*3 25 ) 189 TPT Materials Added to Collection Books Audio Visual materials 1,130 96 890 210 2*0 Attendance at Programs Adult programs (5) Children's programs (20) 205 1,915 * includes circulation of 1,8^7 phonograph records and 1,57* cassettes 3/1/J1 nJAL ClnCULATlOi; STATISTICS CF C^rlsbau ~ity Library PA-Jh. 3 ClhCULATIO^ 100 279 5 28 3,646 815 606 204 96 2,175 305 31 35 296 367 16 473 413 98 90 202 34 76 - 75 46 44 251 418 25 95 81 43 14 7 129 139 2 CIRCULATION CLASSc-S Patterns Periodicals College catalogs Talking bks,recordings E (Easy readers) - CCP J fiction - CCP- 4 OCii J)f fiction - CCP JfA fiction - CCP JB & J920-926 Biography Juvenile non-fiction Juvenile paperbacks Juv. Span, language Juv. toys & Juv. recordings Juv. cass. &. cass. kits 332 Financial economics CATEGORY games Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, music-class. music-pop. rnu sic-folk/ethnic music-coun/western music-jazz iRusic-rock riiusic-opera spoken-humor spoken-docum. instructional music-class, music-pop, rnusic-folk/etnnic music-coun/western music-jazz . music-rock music-opera music-humor instructional spoken-prose, etc. Cassette players 206) 206) 210) 211) 212) 213) 214) 215) 216) 217) 218) 219) 220) 222) 224) 227) 229) 230) 231) 232) 233) 234) 235) 23'b) 237) 233) 239) 240') 241) 242) 243) 244) 245) 246) 247) 248) 249) CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS May 1981 Circulation Statistics Current Year Materials checked out through computer * 29,961 Film and Video tapes 1,381 Audio Visual equipment Total circulation 31 , 1 Previous Year 30,9^1 897 31,987 Increase (Decrease) (980 ) k 3 ) Reference Questions Answered Adult Section 2,987 Children's Section 837 Total reference questions answered 3,82A 3,221 750 3,971 ) 87 W) Materials Added to Collection Books Audio Visual materials 770 70 870 90 100 ) 20 ) Attendance at Programs Adult programs (k) Children's programs (19) 290 1,530 includes circulation of 1,675 phonograph records and 1,A3*» cassettes EiUAL CJ itCuLATJ Ui* oT/iTior f : CCP>Carlsbaj City Library ;jhCULATJUii 941 x 692 4,10* 1,453. 90' 3,12? 37 61 156 11 27 3,343 572 . 549 140 105 1,781 313 10 46 302 242 17 3oo 385 76 91 282 3^ 71 20 18 30 242 429 26 87 80 47 20 7 111 143 1 CIRCULATION LT (large-type), fiction McHaughton, fiction Faction Mysteries Westerns Paperbacks Adult reserve Patterns Periodicals College catalogs TalKing bks , recordings E (Easy readers) - CCP J fiction - GCP & OCN Ji fiction - CCP J/A fiction - CCP JB oc J 920- 928 Biography Juvenile non-fiction Juvenile paperbacks Juv. Span, language toys ct. games . recordings cass. & cass. kits Financial economics Recordings, music-class. Recordings, music-pop. ruusic-fol it /ethnic tfiusic-coun /western tau sic- jazz ;«usic-rocl< music-opera spoken-humor spoken-docuru. instructional luusic-class . music-pop. inusic-folk/etnr.ic niusic-coun/ we stern music- jazz music-rock aiusic-opera rnusic-humor instructional spoken-prose, etc. Juv, Juv, Juv, 332 Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Recordings, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassettes, Cassette players 196) 200) 201 ) 202) 203) 204) ?06) 208) 210) 211) 212) 213) 214) 215) 216) 217) 218) 219) 220) 222) 224) 227) 229) 230) 231) 232) 233) 234) 235) 236) 237) 233) 239) 240) 241) 242) 243) 244) 245) 246) 247) 243) 249)