HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 15, 1982 3:00 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: Library Conference Room CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Trigas, Falkenstein, Brunn, and Grosse. Absent - None. Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Girard Anear, Council Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held July 21, 1982, were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Personnel Trustee Brunn reported that Karen Webber has been hired as the new Clerk-Typist for the bookmobile. He added there have been two changes in part-time personnel; June Williams has resigned and will be replaced by Gwen Kraft, and David Lawrence transferred to Audio Visual and will be replaced by Barbara Picker. Trustee Brunn reported that Fred Horn received a letter of commendation from the Police Chief for recovering' cash and jewelry, found on the Library premises. The Board directed Staff to draft a letter of appreciation, on behalf of the Board, to Mr. Fred Horn. Youth Trustee Falkenstein reported on the activities for the month of August in the Children's Department. He also reported on some special activities to be held in October. OLD BUSINESS Children's Room Addition Director Lange reported that the City has received six bids for the Children's Library addition, with the low bid being submitted by Diversified Pacific for $105,000. He added that the Agenda Bill on the matter will go to Council at their meeting of September 21, 1982. He continued that the estimates developed last year were too low based on what has been submitted. He added that, in his opinion, the addition can be furnished for approximately $10,000., rather than the original estimate of $20,000.; however, it will still be more than the allocated $114,000. TRUSTEES NJ Schramm Trigas Falkenstein Brunn Grosse Schramm Trigas Falkenstein Brunn Grosse n X X il X X X X X X X X X X ^ k MINUTES September 15, 1982 Page 2 TRUSTEES Additional Parking for Library Addition Director Lange reported that five additional parking spaces will be required for the proposed library addition, in order to meet Ordinance requirements. He added that a parking layout has been prepared which will require minimal restriping of some existing spaces, and relocation of the existing wheelchair ramp which has caused problems for the Library in the past. Council Member Anear indicated that he could contact the Handicapped Committee, who would assist in planning the new parking spaces, at no cost to the City. He further suggested that consideration be given to including compact car spaces, which would allow additional spaces. Heating System Repairs Director Lange reported that the matter is being handled by Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager/Maintenance and Operations. He added that the Agenda Bill will go to Council at their meeting of September 21, 1982, requesting approval for the re-tubing of the boiler, at a cost of $7,500. Meeting Room Security Director Lange indicated that he is still working on the matter, and requested the Board defer same to allow for additional review. NEW BUSINESS Capital Improvement Program (GIF) Director Lange expressed the opinion that it would be inappropriate for him to develop a proposal on the new Library to be included in this years' CIP, and indicated that he would be more prepared to develop a formal proposal next year. The Board concurred. CLSA Expenditure Director Lange reported that the Library has received reimbursement money from the State for the use of the Library by non-residents, and the monies are ear-marked for Library purposes. He continued that some of the monies were used to upgrade the CLSI, and there is an active balance as the City continues to receive money from the State. Director Lange requested Board approval to spend $3,500. for two double-faced ranges of shelves. The Board approved the spending of $3,500. for the adult shelving. CLSB Budget Issues - Impact on Serra Director Lange referenced the information contained in the Board's packet on the matter, and indicated it was informational only. Schramm Trigas Falkenstein Brunn Grosse MINUTES September 15, 1982 Page 3 TRUSTEES Senate Bill 358 Director Lange reported SB 358 was passed by the Legislature, and established a foundation for State support of public libraries. He added that a Library must meet or exceed the $12.00 per capita, and will receive ten percent of same. The City of Carlsbad will realize approximately $43,000. of State funding, which is figured on the population. He concluded that Governor Brown has not signed this legislation, and asked Board Members to write the Governor to urge his signing. Sample Board By-Laws Director Lange referenced the Sample By-Laws provided to the Board in their packets, and indicated that much of what is contained in same is already part of the Ordinance. President Schramm suggested that a Committee be formed to work on the orientation packet which was discussed at a previous meeting, to assist new Board Members. Staff was directed to include same on a future agenda for discussion and consideration. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange reported on the list of video cassettes that was produced on the word processing unit in Central Services. He added that the information will be retained on a disk in that Department, and the list can be revised at any time with little effort. He further reported that bibliographies and book lists could also be done on the word processing unit. Director Lange reported that the Fire Department conducted a safety inspection of the Library, and he is working with the Purchasing Officer and Powell Harrison to correct the minor problems they discovered. Director Lange reported that the application for the grant through the Downtown Community Television Center for an oral history program was rejected at this time. Director Lange reported that he received a letter from Debra J. Christian, complaining about the Hocus Pocus Day in the Children's Department, claiming same was "Un- Christian." Director Lange read a note to the Board which had been left on the Reference Desk, commending the Reference Librarians for their assistance. Director Lange reported that the Friends of the Library will meet on Thursday, September 16, 1982, and will be discussing the Library "Wish List." La Costa Store-Front Library Director Lange reported that he and President Schramm met with the owner of the shopping center "Plaza de La Costa Real." He indicated that the owner is most anxious to negotiate, and will submit a written proposal by the end of the week. MINUTES September 15, 1982 Page 4 TRUSTEES Director Lange expressed his opinion that to provide adequate services for the southern part of the City, the branch would be a better solution than the bookmobile. President Schramm indicated that the owner would do all the site preparation to bring the store front up to standards. Council Member Anear inquired if the Board had considered utilizing space in the new City Operations Center as an interim solution, until Alga Norte is built. Board discussion reflected Council Member Anear 's suggestion, the service radius, and naming the branch Library. Trustee Grosse suggested the Board might wish to consider offering a one year lease at possibly $1.00 per year, with the City doing all the improvements, which would be a one time cost. She further suggested that the Library might consider having a benefit to raise funds for furnishings for the branch Library. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY In the absence of President Boone, Sharon Schramm reported that the Friends will be sponsoring a program on Wednesday, September 29, 1982 at 7:30 P.M., featuring Mr. Ashleigh Brilliant, syndicated author of "Pot Shots." ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:35 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, ^*^t^ J\' 6£££6*<*i*<~) ANN R. ALLEMAN, Minutes Clerk - CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS July 1982 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Film and Video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Children's Section Bookmob i1e Total reference questions answered Materials Added to Collection- Books Audio Visual materials & Video cassettes Attendance at Programs Adult programs ( 0 Children's programs (35) Bookmobile programs ( 4) Current Year 42,29** 2,733 119 45,146 2,966 889 318 "47T73" 515 85 20 2,282 140 Previous Year 38,438 1,606 120 40,164 3,227 1,252 NA ¥7479 623 170 Increase (Decrease) 3,856 1,127 " ( 1) 4,982 ( 261) ( 363) 318 ( 306) • ( 108) ( 85)