HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES November 17, 1982 3:00 P.M. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present - Trustees Schramm, Falkenstein, Brunn and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Frank Aleshire, City Manager Laurie Boone, President, Friends of the Library Lois De Groot, Executive Assistant APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 20, 1982, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS Youth Trustee Falkenstein distributed copies of the November and December Calendar for Childrens1 Activities to those present. He reported that 60 children had participated in "Election Day" at the Library on November 2, 1982, and that the Drama Club presentation of "The Laugh Factory" was a great success. OLD BUSINESS Childrens' Room Addition Director Lange reported on the progress of the Childrens1 Room Addition. He stated that the patio had been demolished during the previous week, and that there had been a small communication problem between the general contractor and the subcontractor regarding the date for the demolition. He reported that the demolition had been done sooner than expected, and that the carriage had been moved and left sitting outside. Mr. Lange added that he had called Parks and Recreation and they had picked up the carriage, which is now located at McGee Park. Mr. Lange indicated that the proposed date for completion of the project is February 11, 1983. Neighborhood Library Director Lange reported that he, Chairman Schramm, and Trustee Grosse had their second meeting with the owner of the shopping center regarding the neighborhood library. He indicated that the main purpose of the meeting was to try to further negotiate the lease of the space. Mr. Lange stated that the negotiations should be finalized in December, so that the matter can be taken to the City Council in January, 1983. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas MINUTES Page 2 November 17. 1982 TRUSTEES I Neighborhood Library Survey . Director Lange distributed copies of the survey to those present. He reported that the surveys had been developed with the aid of SANDAG, and would be distributed to those in south Carlsbad, in the La Costan newspaper. Mr. Lange pointed out that there were some typos in the survey, and that the return address was incorrect, but that the content of the survey was otherwise good. NEW BUSINESS: Administration of Trusts by Library Board Director Lange presented a report on the matter, referencing Section 2.16.055 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, relating to the administration of trusts and receipt, holding and disposal of property by the Library Board of Trustees. Director Lange stated that the Board should consider this matter as a method of raising revenue. The Board discussed the possibility of soliciting funds for various library purposes, for furniture, books, or for the construction of a branch library. It was mentioned that contributions to such a trust would be tax deductible, and could be specified for particular uses. In response to questions from the Board, the City Manager indicated that he felt that City Council should be the entity to establish any trusts, and that Council would have the authority to authorize expenditures of any money collected in such manner. Mr. Aleshire commented regarding previous problems that arose regarding whether or not the Library Board had independent authority to make decisions regarding the expenditure of money. Mr. Aleshire expressed his belief that the Library should be handled in the same manner as any other city department, and should be considered as part of the overall city government. He commented that although trust funds can be created for any purpose, the ultimate legal authority for the money would be the City Council. He indicated that the Library Board could determine for what purpose the trusts would be set up, but the Council would be legally responsible for the money, with the City Auditor having to audit the account. He added that the Library Board is not a separate and independent entity, as are the Friends of the Library. Trustee Trigas stated her belief that when trusts were set up by other boards of trustees of libraries or colleges, the trustees, with proper controls, such as audits, had the responsibility for administering the trust accounts. Chairman Schramm suggested that the matter could be taken to Council, requesting that the Library Board be given the authority to administer the trust account as executors. MINUTES Page 3 November 17. 1982 TRUSTEES Trustee Falkenstein suggested that the Library Board set up a trust fund, and in doing so, go to Council to request that they be made executors of the trust fund. He added that the Council could, at any time, remove the executors, but it can be written into the trust that if the executors are removed, the trust ceases to exist and the money is remanded back to the contributors. Mr. Aleshire said that the Board should attempt to avoid a built-in conflict with the City Council. He suggested that the Board first find out how the City Council feels about the matter of a trust fund by discussing the matter with them. Following discussion, the Library Director was directed to seek the assistance of the City Attorney regarding trusts and foundat ions. Quarterly Report to the City Manager Director Lange reported that the quarterly report, instead of a monthly report had been requested by the City Manager, because he felt it provides a better overall picture of the library functions than the monthly report. Chairman Schratnm commended Director Lange on the quarterly report. City Manager Aleshire commended Director Lange on the quarterly report also. He noted certain trends and fluctation in attendance of the juvenile programs, and the increase in video tape usage. It was suggested that the Library Board and the City Council schedule a joint workshop meeting for a report to Council; the Board concurred with the suggestion. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange briefly reported on the information contained in his report, dated November 17, 1982. He also reported that he had met with Bea Carlson and Barbara Ladwig to discuss a library-based literacy project in conjunction with the Carlsbad Literacy Center. CALTAC WORKSHOP Chairman Schramm reported on the CALTAC workshop that she and Director Lange attended in Riverside on October 22, 1982. She reported on a survey that had been taken regarding library mergers, indicating that 168 surveys had been sent out and 111 responses had been received and that out of 31 that had been involved in a merger, 13 regretted it. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas MINUTES Page 4 Novemb er 17, 1982 TRUSTEES FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY President Boone apologized to the Board for not having attended prior meetings. She reported that the Friends December newsletter will introduce the Board members to readers. She also reported that the number one priority on the Friends' list of things to purchase was a book drop for the Library, which had been ordered and should be received soon. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, ^^C&t^x-s SJ. '^r'te^^J KAJBEN R. KUNDTZ.xDeputy uity Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS October 1982 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Current Year 33,823 inc. inc. Previous Year 33,760 i nc. inc. Increase (Decrease) 63 inc. i nc. 33,823 33,760 Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Children's Section AV information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered 3,567 785 inc. 329 4,001 1,043 i nc. 229 5,273 ( ( 258) inc. 100 ( 592") Materials added to collection Books AV materials 746 55 Attendance at Programs^ Adult ( 3) Children's (19) Bookmobile (4) 195 2,279 192