HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 15, 1982 3:00 P.M. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present - Trustees Schramm, Falkenstein, and Brunn. Trustee Trigas arrived at 3:10 P.M. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Member Council Liaison Claude Lewis APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 17, 1982, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS Personnel Director Lange reported that a City Employees' Christmas breakfast had been held on Tuesday, December 14, 1982. He indicated that service pins had been awarded the following Library employees: 5 Year Pin 5 Year Pin 5 Year Pin 5 Year Pin 10 Year Pin 25 Year Pin Charlotte Egea Calista Sullivan Ronnie Coates Chris Holt Geraldine Spangler Julie Almack It was determined that the Library Board of Trustees show recognition to the Library employees who received service pins. Chairman Schramm requested two copies of correspondence from Trustee Trigas. Youth Trustee Falkenstein reported on the Childrens1 activities fo the month of December, 1982. He reported that Childrens' Bo Week was one of the highlights and that a local author of teenage fiction, Joan Oppenheimer, addressed an audience of children, and then judged and awarded prizes for short stories He reported that attendance for childrens* programs for the month was 1415. Caroline Schindler indicated that she was very impressed witl the presentation by Joan Oppenheimer. She reported that the author had obviously read every one of the childrens1 entrie and had comments for each of the winners, and had written suggestions on their entries and was very encouraging to the children. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas I ast MINUTES Page 2 December 15. 1982 TRUSTEES It was recommended that the Board of Trustees thank Joan Oppenheimer for her wonderful presentation. OLD BUSINESS South Carlsbad Library 1. Leased Space Director Lange presented a report on the matter. He referenced correspondence from William Burnett of the Burnel Development Company, dated November 29, 1982 and his reply tc same dated December 9, 1982. Mr. Lange indicated that Mr. Burnett's newest proposal is not very different from the first, although it is more detailed. He indicated that the major difference is the $25,000 that w* offered for up-front costs, to be reimbursed if the library does receive money from the State Library. Trustee Schramm indicated that the negotiating committee had made an effort to have Mr. Burnett reduce the rental fee, but that the matter could not be worked out. 2. Portable Building Director Lange referenced the information which had been included in the packets from Del-Tec and Porta-Structures Industries, Inc. Director Lange reported that the cost for a portable building from Del-Tec would be about $150,000.00, erected on a site, including carpet and light fixtures. Director Lange reported that at the California Library Association meeting he had met the President of Porta-Structures. He stated that he had seen the company's branch library in Riverside, and indicated that they have redesigned the building based on Riverside's and other cities suggestions on ways to improve the usability of the structur* Director Lange reported that San Diego Public Library is putting a portable building in as a branch library in the spring. Director Lange referenced the price list on the back of the Porta-Structures information sheet. He indicated that the current price of the structure is around $200,000. He indicated that the advantage of this building is that it was designed from the ground up to be a library, and comes fully equipped with furniture, book shelves, bathrooms, carpeting, Lighting, heating, airconditioning. Director Lange reported that the cost of leasing the shoppin center space for five years would be almost equal to the cos of purchasing one of the portable buildings. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas '. » i . X X X X X MINUTES Page 3 December 15, 1982 TRUSTEES Director Lange indicated his feeling that the shopping center is still the best site for the branch library in terms of accessibility. Trustee Brunn commented that if the Library purchased a building, and later built a permanent building, the portable building could be moved to a different location as a library branch. Director Lange reported that a Library Board-City Council Workshop session had been scheduled for January 25, 1983, at which time the provision of library service in South Carlsbad will be discussed. South Carlsbad Library Survey Director Lange reported on the preliminary results of the library survey. He distributed the results to the trustees and gave a brief explanation of same. He indicated that 427 questionnaires had been received at the time that the preliminary data had been compiled, and that 52 more had been received. He indicated that the preliminary results show that people in the South Carlsbad area do not use the City Library because it is too far away. Council Liaison Lewis requested that copies of the survey results be distributed to Council. Council Liaison Lewis also suggested that the Board of Trustees should have 2 or 3 alternatives to present to the City Council at the workshop on January 25, 1983 regarding library service to South Carlsbad. It was the consensus of the Board of Trustees that improved library service should be provided to South Carlsbad by the end of 1983. Special Fund - South Carlsbad Director Lange report-ed on the sample resolution contained in the packet. He indicated that subject resolution was the result of a meeting he had with the City Attorney following direction from the Board of Trustees. He indicated that he had drafted the resolution, to which additions were made by the City Attorney, and that the resulting document was a compromise in an effort to raise private sector money for a library in the southern part of the City. Director Lange indicated that the compromise is contained in who has the authority to do what and why. He added that the resolution would provide for the City Council to establish the fund to be used totally and exclusively in support of library service to South Carlsbad, and that the money would be invested as other City funds are invested, and the interest would be put back into the Library Fund, and provides that no money would be spent out of the fund without the Library Board's recommendation. Trustee Falkenstein referenced Section 5 of the resolution and commented that the resolution did not say that no money would be spent without the Library Board's recommendation. MINUTES Page 4 December 15, 1982 TRUSTEES Trustee Falkenstein referenced Section 3, and inquired if the money in the fund would be co-mingled or would be earmarked for Library use only. Trustee Trigas suggested the possiblity of coming up with a stronger resolution that is legally acceptable to both the City Council and the Library Board of Trustees. Trustee Falkenstein indicated that he felt that if the Library Board raises money by trust for the Library, that the Trustees should be the administrators of the trust, under the control of the City Council. It was the consensus of the Board of Trustees that Director Lange be directed to seek legal advice from an outside attorney, preferably a member of the Friends of the Library, regarding rewording the resolution. NEW BUSINESS Policy Review Director Lange presented a brief report and explanation of the matter. He explained the reasoning behind the suggested policy change, and indicated that the fees for use of audio visual material is made necessary because of the fact that such materials are very fragile and receive heavy usage. The Board of Trustees expressed approval of the staff recommendaton to charge a fee Of $.50 per film and film equipment, to borrowers as an insurance fee to protect them from responsiblity for damages to them in excess of $25.00, and agreed to delay action on the matter until after the matter is discussed at the next Serra Audio-Visual Committee meeting. Following discussion/' the Board of Trustees approved the following: (approved by one motion) The staff recommendation to circulate all new fiction, recorc and audio cassettes, and non-fiction material for three week; The staff recommendation to have no limit on the number of items that can be checked out of the general collection. Chairman Schramm indicated that she had received a call from Ruth Bartlett, who works for the May Day Center in Vista, which is a non-profit organization that provides telephone service for the elderly and handicapped. She requested that elderly persons be able to renew a book by telephone, or for longer than 3 weeks. Chairman Schramm commented that she had explained that the Library did not have the personnel to renew by telephone at this time. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn s Trigas • X X X X X MINUTES Page 5 December 15, 1982 TRUSTEES LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange briefly reported on the information contained in his report, dated December 15, 1982. Director Lange reported on the current status of Senate Bill 358. He indicated that the Library still does not know if it will receive any money under SB 358, depending on what happens with the State Budget. He also reported that the CLSA funding, which supports the Serra System, and supports the Library with direct reimbursement for loans is in jeopardy as well because of the State Budget crisis. He added that there may not be any CLSA money for the fourth quarter of this year. He indicated that the State Library has requested supplemental funding for this, but added that the prospects do not look very promising. He added however, that there may be some legal complications for not funding the program, and that the State Library feels that the local libraries could sue the State if the funding is not obtained. Director Lange discussed the financial implications for the Serra System if the funding is cut. He indicated that the funding formula for systems is being rewritten, which will have a negative impact on the Serra System, who will lose close to $60,000 of funding. He reported that this matter was discussed, and the decision reached was that the System should dismantle the research centers at the academic libraries UCSD, SDSU, and restructure how those collections are accessed, and not have to pay for full time staff for these collections. Director Lange indicated that about $40,000 would be lost in reference and research support and about $22,000 would be lost in PC&E, which is planning, coordinating and evaluating. He indicated that unless funding is cut altogether, the System could operate for one more year on money from contingency. Director Lange reported that the CLSI upgrade has been successfully implemented. He indicated that out of thirty days acceptance test, there had been only 20 minutes of down time on the system, which is now running at twenty five percent capacity. Director Lange reported on the meeting of the California Library Association which he attended on December 12 and 13, 1982. He indicated that the presentations were well above average in content as well as interesting. He added that he had obtained useful information from various vendors of computer products. Director Lange reported on the Intellectual Freedom Meeting and indicated that one of the speakers, Ginny Cooper, from Alameda County Library presented an especially interesting explanation of a very difficult; censorship problem she had handled. MINUTES Page 6 TRUSTEES SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Caroline Schindler reported that she spent several days at CLA. She indicated there were members from both metropolitan and rural areas present. She indicated that the Serra Cooperative System board members have a better than average relationship with their respective librarians, and receive much cooperation from them. She added that this is not true in many other areas. She reported on the Serra Advisory Board System's handicapped survey, which was completed at a very low cost, and which was very successful. Mrs. Schindler reported that CALTAC, which is the Trustees organization of CLA, held their meetings on Saturday. She indicated that Carlsbad as yet has not had to face the terrible problem of funding, which has affected so much of the State after Proposition 13. She reported that Linda Wood, who is Riverside's City/County Librarian, spoke at the meeting, and is extremely knowledgble in the field of library funding and added that libraries are one of the agencies that are fighting at the legislative level, and since SB 358 passed, libraries are recognized as viable agencies eligible for financing. Mrs. Schindler reported that Peter Chacon, the Assemblyman from San Diego, also spoke at the meeting. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:47 P.M. Respectfully submitted, KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Deputy City Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS November 1982 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Fi1m and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Current Year •• 35,137 2,662 100 37,899 Previous Year 31,327 1,266 101 32,694 Increase (Decrease) 3,810 1,396 _ L) 5,205 ( Reference Questions Answered Adult Section ChiIdren's Section AV information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered 3,029 821 750 158 Materials added to collection Books AV materials 720 90 431 135 289 Attendance at Programs Adult ChiIdren's Bookmobile ( 1) (21) ( 5) 500 1,415 196 * Circulation statistics do not include major portion of circulation for November 30, due to a power failure in Oceanside. December statistics will include the missing November 30 circulation.