HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 19, 1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Trustees Schramm, Falkenstein, Brunn, Trigas and Grosse. Absent - None. Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Member Council Liaison Claude Lewis arrived at 3:07 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 15, 1982, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Building and Grounds Trustee Grosse reported that the new addition to the building is progressing. Director Lange added that the project is about a month behind schedule—due to the weather and the problem with the footings. The contractor has been working hard to make up time. It will be the middle of March before it is finished. Director Lange described the book return unit. It is a baffle system that filters out the debris and lets it fall into a catch bin. Also, it is fire retardant, all aluminum, and if anyone throws a burning object in, it will go out. There is not enough oxygen to sustain fire. Director Lange stated that staff is putting stickers on the cassettes and records indicating they are not to be put in the drop. Budget Trustee Trigas reported that the Library is still solvent. Youth Trustee Falkenstein reported on the children's activities for the month of December, 1982, which was a very busy month, including a visit from Santa Glaus. December total program attendance was over one thousand. He called attention to the schedule and Official Newsletter for January/ February 1983, which was given to each Trustee. A wide variety of programs are listed on the schedule. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas Grosse X X X X X X MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 19, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: Insurance Fee Director Lange reported he made a proposal to the Serra Audio Visual Committee that all libraries in the system adopt an insurance fee for films and video tapes. They accepted the proposal and appointed a subcommittee to address the matter and return to the Audio Visual Meeting January 20 with their recommendation. All participating libraries will establish an insurance fee for the use of audio visual materials of 50£ per item. Patrons would be responsible for damage up to $20 on video tapes and the insurance would take over after that. If it is destroyed totally, $20 is the total charge to the patron. The Committee recommended a percentage instead of a dollar amount on films, since the amount of money involved is so variable. Fifteen percent of the value of the film would be the patron's responsbility and the insurance fee would take care of the rest. There will be a brochure distributed explaining the new insurance fee. The idea is that the money accumulated in the insurance fund will be used to replace damaged or destroyed films and tapes. This fund should generate about $15,000 a year. Other cities are interested in this proposal, and it is hoped that the insurance fee could be initiated in all the cities at one time. There are many regular Audio Visual users, and the user group is expanding all the time—particularly for video tapes. The tape use is increasing and the film use is decreasing. Some libraries have stopped buying film and are buying only video tapes. However, much material available on film is not on video tape. There is a definite need to stay with both at this time. There is less damage to the tapes, but some damage is starting to occur. The library does not now loan video recorders and has no plan to do so. The borrowers sign for full responsibility. In answer to a question from Trustee Grosse about how many tapes or films don't come back, Director Lange answered they haven't lost any. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to tape a tape out. South Carlsbad Library Fund Director Lange referred to his memo to the Board, a copy of which is in the packet. He recommended this Resolution be tabled until a future date. The Board voted to table the draft of the Resolution approving the establishment of a South Carlsbad Library Fund until a future date. South Carlsbad Survey Results The final version of the Survey Results is in the packet. There were no surprises, but it was felt the response was good, with 475 surveys returned. The City Council will get a copy of this. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas Grosse X X X X X X t ii MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 19, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: Agenda for Council Workshop with Library Board President Schramm read a draft of the Goals of the Library Board cf Trustees to be presented at the Joint Workshop with the City Council, January 25, 1983, as follows: January 19, 1983 Library Board of Trustees Statement of Goals At the regular meeting of the Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees on January 19, 1983, and in accordance with past discussion and commitment, the Board reaffirmed unanimously the following goals: 1) Long range goal: The location and construction of a Main or Central Library near the geographical center of the City of Carlsbad. 2) Short range goal: Improved library service, through an interim branch operation in the South Carlsbad area by the end of 1983. The Board accepted the Statement of Goals as read. Director Lange reported on the Agenda for the Carlsbad City Council/Library Board of Trustees Joint Workship, January 25, 1983. Chapter I of the Library Master Plan II was repro- duced and Director Lange wrote a cover memo, which he read, as follows: January 17, 1983 TO: City Manager, City Council, Library Board FROM: Library Director SUBJECT: Carlsbad City Library, August, 1978 Master Plan No. II appeared shortly after the passage of Proposition 13. Because of the uproar caused by that political event, the recommendations contained in the Master Plan were not formally acted upon. Although more than four years have passed since its publication, many of the concepts, findings and recommendations of the Master Plan remain sound. Those which appear to be most relevant for current consideration are circled on the attached copy of the appropriate pages from Chapter I, SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. The most important recommendations are those relating to the current library. The present library building is already functioning at capacity, and will need to be replaced. Given the anticipated growth of Carlsbad, and the almost even distribution of population North and South of Palomar Airport Road at projected buildout, the Master Plan recommen- dation to relocate the central library near the geo- center of the City seems reasonable. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 19, 1983 Page 4 TRUSTEES Master Plan No. II is being reevaluated and updated, where necessary, to serve as the basis for planning future library service for Carlsbad. Expertise on the library staff and in other City departments will be used to carry out this project. Director Lange stated that a city needs to have a strong central library. If a city can afford to build branches, then they are built. He further stated that the Library Master Plan II will be reevaluated. President Schramm added that it is valid and can be reevaluated, with proper time and research. Trustee Brunn stated that there is no conclusion as to when that central library should be planned, and until then this is the main library. It doesn't mean we couldn't have a test situation in La Costa. We are not locked in. President Schramm answered Trustee Grosse that there is no time limit oh the goals. The purpose is not to lose sight of the fact that we need a main library before branches. Director Lange stated that on Library Service to South Carlsbad, there is a copy of the Survey, the Survey Results and Comments. On service alternatives and costs, he has worked up sample budgets for each of the alternatives, including leased space in a shopping center; a portable building; a larger bookmobile and the existing bookmobile service. All of this will be presented to the City Council. Director Lange reported that there is $43,000 available from California Library Services Act money, which could be used to support start-up costs for a branch library. There is no money available in the current library budget to support a branch library. There will be CLSA re -imbur semen t for the second and third quarters of this year of approximately $35,000. The fourth quarter is very questionable. Also, next year's CLSA budget is a tentative situation. Council Liaison Lewis was asked if anything had been omitted and Mr. Lewis answered the information was adequate as far as what they have in mind. The funding is a critical element LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange had one thing to add to the written report and that is his attendance at a workshop at San Jose next week. It is the League of California Cities and will be an Employee Relations Workshop. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Caroline Schindler stated there will be a SAB meeting next week. She did attend the Friends of the Library Meeting Thursday night. Plans are proceeding for a book fair. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, vHarriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS December 1982 * Circulation Statistics Current Year Materials checked out through computer * 35,616 Film and video tapes 2,991 Audio Visual equipment 117 Total circulation 38,724 Previous Year 30,298 2,143 140 32,581 Increase (Decrease) 5,318 848 ( 23) Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Children's Section AV information Bookmobi1e Total reference questions answered 2,943 752 1,029 207 3793T 3,973 875 NA ** 154 5,002 (1,030) ( 123) 1,029 53 ( 7T) Materials added to collection Books AV materials 245 161 593 86 ( 348) 75 Attendance at Programs Adult ( 2) Children's (16) Bookmobile (4) 190 1,100 187 - Circulation statistics include the major portion of the circulation for November 30, due to power failure in Oceanside. ** Included in adult statistics