HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 16, 1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Falkenstein, Brunn, and Trigas Absent - Trustee Grosse Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Council Liaison Claude Lewis Laurie Boone, President, Friends of the Carlsbad City Library Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Member APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 19, 1983, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Youth Trustee Falkenstein reported on the children's activities and the special programs held at the Library during the month of January, 1983, commenting especially on the display of antique toys by a local collector and a program where children ages 6 to 16 played Suzuki strings. January was a record-breaking month with 20 classes and over 200 students; with special tours for the handicapped. The February Newsletter was distributed to the Board. OLD BUSINESS: Building and Grounds Director Lange reported the children's addition is going up. The steel work is completed, but work is still about four to six weeks behind schedule. An April 1 completion date is anticipated — it was originally February 11. Staff had hoped to have Open House on April 17, at the beginning of Library Week, but that is very doubtful at this point. It would probably be wise to plan for Open House in May. Insurance Fee Director Lange reported there will be a Serra Audio Visual Committee meeting February 17, and the insurance fee is an item on the agenda for final discussion. His goal had been to have all the libraries institute the fee, but he doubted that, would happen. Escondido and Oceanside are interested in the fee and this will all be done simultaneously. This fee is not a user fee, but is an insurance fee of 50«? per item to insure against catastrophic damage. On the video tapes, it is the first $20, and the insurance premium payment picks up the rest. Those tapes cost $50 and up, so it is safer for the user. On the films, it is the first 15 percent of the cost of the film. This is on total damage — not normal wear and tear. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 16, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES Trustee Brunn questioned whether this would stand up in court and did the user know he was responsible for damage. Also, did the City Attorney know about this proposed insurance fee charge. Director Lange restated that no one. under the age of 18 is allowed to use the audio visual material and they sign a financial liability statement that they are responsible. Trustee Brunn asked if they had trouble collecting, and Director Lange answered that they had and that is the reason for the insurance. They will have the City Attorney check over the plan before it is instituted. President Schramm added that if the patron doesn't pay the insurance fee, they can't check the material out for use. Director Lange agreed that was the planned procedure. Director Lange said the Committee members were to go to the Directors and discuss this and get approval and come to the next meeting with the decision. In answer to a question from Trustee Brunn as to whether they were all pleased with the idea, Director Lange said they were not. Some have strong feelings about charging fees for anything in a library. But, libraries have always charged fees for some things; fines, reservation fees and incidental fees; he added that charging for use of the library would be a different matter. The State law in California forbids charging for library use. South Carlsbad Library Fund Director Lange referred to the Draft Proposal for a South Carlsbad Library which had been distributed to the Board prior to the meeting. This proposal shows the operating costs and the building costs, along with the funding source. With the CLSA funds on hand and anticipated funds, there would be a total $137,000, which would be enough to cover the first year's costs. The difficulty is not knowing whether CLSA funds will continue after next year. Council Liaison Lewis asked if CLSA funds were eliminated, could they cover the library out of the budget, and Director Lange answered they could not. There is not enough money in the current budget to cover any of the costs. There was a discussion among the Board Members concerning the City advancing the money for the portable building and then paying the City back with CLSA money as it is received. Laurie Boone asked if the CLSA funds had been a continuing thing and Director Lange answered since 1979. She asked what the funds had been used for, and Director Lange answered it was used for books, microfilm, periodicals, microfiches computer terminals ($58,000 upgrade) , etc. She added it had not, then, been over and above the things needed for current library programs, and would it hurt the regular program to lose that money for two years. Director Lange said he didn't think so, as the money they have on hand is not: committed to anything else. He felt this was an appropriate use for CLSA money. He felt "soft money" should never be used for the ongoing budget, but they could use it for the first couple of years to get the branch going and then get out of it and use the CLSA money for up-grading the computer. They were running out of capacity in the computer, but by increasing the capacity, they took care of v MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 16, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES that. It is a five-year project and they will be needing additional terminals. Also, they are replacing the card catalog with terminals at an investment of $70,000. They already have the software, so there would be no other costs for a two or three year period. They would still have enough CLSA money and that money would increase with the increased use of the library. The library circulation was up 15 percent last month over last year, and a placement of a branch in south Carlsbad would attract people from the other cities nearby and it would be a revenue-maker as far as CLSA money. There is no way to predict about Senate Bill 358 — the Governor is not recommending funding for it this year. If it were funded an additional $45,000 to $50,000 would be received based upon $1.20 per capita. Trustee Brunn wanted the City Council to know the Board is committing itself to use the CLSA funds for the South Carlsbad Library for this year and next, but not beyond that. Other things may be needed, like books and other expansion, and the Board should convey to the Council our willingness to do this for two years. If the library didn't get any money, (CLSA) they would have to go to Council for the other things. The Board would recommend to lift this burden from the City in the interest of assisting in the early completion of a very worthy project. Council Liaison Lewis stated the Council would understand that. The Board would understand Council's priorities. If funds come in, they are distributed. Carlsbad has a fine tax base and it is looking for money from the State. He stated he was certain the Council would pick up the tab, but asking Council to pick up the tab, regardless of what happened — that is what is not known. As far as committing funds for two years and then having the Council pick up the tab after that, you can't say that the Council will do that. There are other priorities and that may not occur. Council Liaison Lewis stated they have information that Hughes Helicopter may move here and sell at the Airport. This would help Carlsbad financially. Also, Chrysler is putting in a research center. These things are coming on and if the economy stays up and there is new industry, it will be a realitvif not, things might get tight. Trustee Brunn stated the Board can't look two years in the future and determine the operating budget. Council Liaison Lewis said you can't ask the Council of today to guarantee something for two years hence, as the Council of today won't be there. This Council supports this project. Trustee Brunn said they need the understanding this will be a center of focus and the library will need the CLSA money for other things eventually. Also, he commented about the other portable building that had been considered. He was in favor of the more expensive building. Director Lange then explained the disadvantages of that building and the advantages of going the cheaper way as shown on the proposal . MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 16, 1983 Page 4 TRUSTEES * Trustee Trigas commented that she saw no need to try to anticipate what might happen in two years. There would be a new Board and a new Council at that time, and the financial picture would be assessed then. Director Lange agreed that it would be reassessed in two years and Council Liaison Lev/is agreed that it would automatically be reassessed. Trustee Brunn asked where the money would come from initially and Director Lange said they may be able to borrow from the City and repay as the CLSA funds were available. Also, there would be money from fund-raising projects. Director Lange explained the $129,540 for the portable building included delivery, setup, two restrooms, carpeting, light fixtures, air conditioning and 3,000 square feet of space with floor reinforcement to support the weight of books. This building could be converted into some other use, also, where the other portable building considered could be used only as a library. Also, the other building was much smaller. The Board discussed determination of the starting point on the proposed financing, to clarify the starting time for the two-year period. The Board voted to commit the current CLSA money, plus the next two fiscal years of CLSA money, toward the creation of a library in south Carlsbad. The Board discussed the fact that it was, in fact, a City project and the City would contract for the building and would be responsible for the construction. Trustee Falkenstein wanted to be certain the Library Board would not be liable and Council Liaison Lewis assured him that it would be a City function and the Council would be responsible. Master Plan Reevaluation The reevaluation of the Master Plan was discussed and Director Lange asked for the reactions of the Board. The Board wants to go through the Master Plan one more time and pick out the appropriate portions to review and then discuss those later and come to some agreement on issues. As a part of that, they would like to incorporate the approach used in the American Library Association Planning Process for Public Libraries. It is a good program and the Board should read the parts applicable and then discuss them one at a time. If agreeable to the Board, Director Lange indicated they would start work on that project. NEW BUSINESS Revised Council Goals and Objectives FY 82-83 The Revised Goals and Objectives were reviewed by the Council on February 8, 1983, as shown on the sheet marked 5-a. The only change was deletion of E-2-1 and the new wording reads: "City Council subcommittee is reviewing alternatives for temporary facility in southern Carlsbad." Schramra Falkenstein Brunn Trigas } } } 3 12 ji MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 16, 1983 Page 5 TRUSTEES ' • Director Lange had looked at a potential library site in La Costa shopping center, but it was eliminated because it was located under high tension wires. A structure must be at least 35 feet away from the wires. The other site is the Leucadia County Water District property next to their portable building. The Mayor wrote a letter February 15 inquiring about the availability of this site. Director Lange said they were looking at five years, and if they agree, the City could seek a contract to use it. 1983-84 Budget A letter from James Elliott was attached explaining the budget process and the calendar. Children's Film Programs The Friday afternoon films for children had a policy established by Mrs. Cole of only showing G-rated material. Director Lange had looked into this and there was no written policy and he recommended a written policy be established that children's film programs sponored by the library will only show G-rated material. The reason is that is the only policy that is manageable by the library. G is the general rating, and next is PG, which is parental guidance. There could be material in those films which would be objectionable to some parents. It covers a wide spectrum — semi-nudity, swearing, violence, etc. The difficulty with that is who will make the judgments. Library staff doesn't want to take over the role of the parents. Directors of all the Serra libraries feel the same way. There will be a policy drafted for the next meeting. Director Lange stated he would also bring a selection policy on audio visual material. All policies are being reviewed to see if they are relevant and to update them. Trustee Trigas asked about reviewing special situations and Director Lange said the Library did not want to get into that. That would involve a decision each time. OTHER: President Schramm read a letter addressed to the Mayor and the City Council, which all Members of the Library Board are to sign, thanking the Council for the buffet prior to the joint meeting, which set the tone for the meeting, and thanking them for such an excellent workshop. President Schramm read a list of the meetings she will be attending. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 16, 1983 Page 6 TRUSTEES i LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange showed "Strategies for Service" California Libraries in the 1980 's and said it was an interesting and useful document for library development throughout the State. Director Lange mentioned the agreement for use of the Cultural Arts Center, between the City and the school district. It is a fine facility and a good potential for programs for the library. When a larger room is needed, the library could look to that facility without paying a fee. Director Lange stated he had a memo from Elizabeth Fairchild, who writes the City Newsletter. They want to do an article on the Library Board. Director Lange said he wanted Pat Hanson to call the Members and talk with them about the article. Friends of the Library Laurie Boone, President of Friends of the Library, distributed copies of the Newsletter "Spirit of Love". Friends are continuing the effort to sell copies of the "Seekers of the Spring", as they have not yet recovered the cost of publishing the book. Mrs. Boone talked about the fund-raising projects and commented they have not done too much on the south Carlsbad library branch as yet. President Schramm commented that about 40 people had indicated an interest in joining the Friends of the Library on the SANDAG survey. Those names were given to the membership committee. Caroline Schindler asked for books for the Book Fair. Thousands of books have been marked at this time. Council Liaison Lewis said they were inquiring about the Leucadia Water District land for the library as of today. The Council will hold a budget briefing workshop March 22. The Board would know what money is expected and would be aware of what the Council is trying to do. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /dtMttjZ y^^f^ Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS January 1983 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Current Year 40,023 2,998 106 43,127 Previous Year 3^,790 2,1 42 112 37,044 Increase (Decrease) 5,233 856 ( 6) 6,083 Reference Questions Answered Adult Section ChiIdren1s Section AV information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered 4,142 803 1,143 325 ^4T3 4,486 830 NA * 150 5,1*66 ( 344) ( 27) 1,143 175 Materials added to collection Books AV materials 153 32 424 62 271) 30) Attendance at Programs Adult ChiIdren's Bookmobile ( 4) (16) ( 4) 260 954 199 Included in adult statistics