HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 16, 1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:04 p.m. ROLL CAT.r. Present - Trustees Schramm, Falkenstein, Brunn, and Trigas Absent - Trustee Grosse Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Council Liaison Claude Lewis Laurie Boone, President, Friends of the Carlsbad City Library Bee McWilliams, Genealogical Society Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of February 16, 1983, were corrected as follows: Trustee Trigas made the motion to approve the Minutes of the January 19, 1983, meeting. Trustee Brunn's name was substituted for Trustee Falkenstein on page four, paragraph six. Director Lange changed the first paragraph on page three to read: Plans are to eventually replace the card catalog with terminals at an approximate investment of $70,000. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16, 1983, were approved as amended. Later in the Meeting, Council Liaison Lewis asked for changes to the Minutes in paragraph four of page three. He stated he was not certain the Council would pick up the tab, for asking Council to pick up the tab, regardless of what happened is something that cannot be predicted. As far as committing funds for two years and then having the new Council pick up the tab after that, you can't say that the new Council would do that. There are other priorities they have to consider, and the new Council may'not'agree to picking up that tab. In paragraph six, the sentence "This Council supports this project." was changed to read "This Council supports the concept of this project." The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16, 1983, were approved as amended and with the additional changes, and were retyped. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds - Director Lange gave a report on the progress of the library addition, stating they had continued to be plagued by problems with the sub-contractors and the weather. He suggested Sunday, June 5, 1983, 2:00 p.m. as a possible date for Open House. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas X Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 16, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES b. Budget "The Council Meeting March 22 will involve the budget. Wo budget documents have been received. Director Lange suggested a special meeting may have to be called prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. d. Youth Trustee Palkenstein reported on the children's activities, stating that they are so varied, and noted that attendance is constantly increasing. He especially recommended the movies Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. OLD BUSINESS! a. Insurance Fee for Film and Video - Discussion ^Director Lange gave an update on this item, stating that ike hoped to have a final report on this at the next .•fleeting. *fo. South Carlsbad Library - Discussion Director Lange reported on the meeting with the Leucadia Plater District people regarding the City of Carlsbad leasing land next to the Water District building. It 'appeared the Board is interested in leasing this land to TGarJ^bad and the City would have a five and a half year Jaase, consisting of a four-year lease and eighteen months escape clause in the event of the library having to j@slinguish the space, in order to have time to find an site. The lease would probably be for $1.00 for the length of the lease. JS*e*Water District Board met last Thursday and one member SfaewKjht up the suggestion that they ought to build a 3Ja.li3.dlng and lease that to Carlsbad rather than vacant At some point in the future, they will want to on this site. Apparently, it would be cheaper now and Jbhey would lease to the library. There could be pBObieros with that, one being the time element, as that put off any activity for at least a year. Also, aon't need 3,000 sauare feet for their purposes, but 'library does need that much space. In answer to a qiaestion from President Schramm as to when the answer will be known, Director Lange answered that they are meeting nest week and he will call to find out their decision. c. Children's Library Film Program Policy Director Lange referred to the Draft policy for the Film Programs for Children, a copy of which was in the Trustees' packers. This was the result of 'the -policy he spoke about at the last Meeting. Mie TBoard approved the Library Film Programs for 33i£iaren as presented. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 16, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES d. Audiovisual Collection Development Policy Director Lange referred to the Draft of the Audiovisual Collection Development Policy. He stated the library is to provide the public with quality material. There was a discussion about concern if this policy stood alone, but Director Lange stated this would not stand alone, but would only be a part of the overall policy. The Board decided to accept the Audiovisual Collection Development Policy as presented. e. Master Plan Reevaluation Director Lange called attention to his Memo of March 16 to the Board on this subject. He suggested going through the report and picking out areas or sections most appropriate for review by the Board before making any changes or update. Chapters I, III and VI are the first required reading suggestion and after the Board has read these Chapters, they will be discussed. President Schramm suggested they all read the Chapters and then assign one particular section to each Member. It was agreed that all Chapters are interrelated and the Board Members could write comments in the book itself. The Council had asked the Library Board to make recommendations on the Master Plan. NEW BUSINESS: a. Legislative Analyst's Recommendations for 1983-84 State Library Budget Director Lange stated no cuts are proposed in the CSLA Direct Lean Reimbursement itoney and he felt confident the money was secure and would be in next year's budget. Because of increased usef and to discourage frivolous use of all * "' '"iy^ri ^s in the '"'SLA, the analyst recommended a charge of 31.00 for inter-library loan use. Data showed, this use increased each year, and perhaps that suggestion has some irerit. However, the Legislature has been adamant about library services being free and Director Lange felt the Legislature would not go along with this suggestion. Trustee Falkenstein said he would abstain on this subject for he had an interest and was opposed to this charge of $1.00, as it would be prohibitive as far as he was concerned. The difference between frivolous use and other use would have to be defined. Schramni Falkenstein Brunn Trigas X X X X X *-' . » MINUTES w$\XLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 16, 1983 Page 4 • ^\W»v?>v3(JvTRUSTEES \t* \& \f» \ijp Director Lange stated the other germane item was Senate Bill 358. The Governor did not recommend funding for this Bill. If the Bill is funded, Carlsbad would receive approximately $43,000 at $1.20 per capita. OTHER: Use of Conference Room * Director Lange stated that the matter of security for the library has to be worked on at this tiife,! and felt the regulations should be reviewed and any changes made before new agreements to use the Conference Room are signed. He will bring recommendations in writing at the next Board Meeting. It was suggested that an alarm be installed on the Conference Room door and the door between the staff lounge ' and the rest of library be locked, so the Conference Room door would be the only access to the Library. There would- be exits at each end, and an alarm would be triggered. This would not interupt the meetings, but would address the security problems for meetings that go beyond 9:00 p.m. Jbe problem of capacity of the Conference Room was discussed, with concern expressed about the Library being liable for not enforcing the 75-person limit. Director .Lange stated the alternative was to use the Cultural Arts Center when they had .raore people than the library Conference Room would accommodate. However/ the Cultural Arts Center is a theater-type auditorium and is not suitable for all types of meetings. ' Ttece was a question about Item #7 and the possibility of etearging fees to groups that are not library groups. It was noted that some libraries charge fees according to the classification of the group. Profit-waking organizations are not allowed to meet at the library, but that could be cfeanged. At the present , there are six ; groups that use the .iibasary for their meetings. The possibility of free will Offerings was discussed, and it was suggested that the WQBding could be changed in that section. Director Lange -Mated the policy had always been not to charge any fees for -caoference room use. Director Lange stated he felt this should be studied further and he would return with a .BBcoaniended policy. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT - , Director Lange reported that in addition to the information contained in the written report, the California Library Services Board would hold its meeting at the Carlsbad Library on August 18 and 19. Director Lange reminded the Board of the Chamber of Commerce SiSEifewner Meeting April 20, whidi its in the middle of National Library Week and the day of ihe Board Meeting. The Sundowners meet from 5:00 p.m. to 7$00 p.m. and the Chamber Of Commerce sponsors the meeting, with the hosts being * ~: - . t * ---•--'•" '- __ . ,- i: •' *•i... LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 16, 1983 Page 5 TRUSTEES various businesses and organizations. Its primary function is to get people together for discussion. It is a cocktail- type of event with door prizes. He felt this was a very good way to get the business community involved in the Library and would work with the Sundowner Committee to work out the details. Friends of the Library had been asked to provide the refreshments. Director Lange stated he had met with Bernard Fipp of the Roll Companyr developer of the Carlsbad Research Park, to discuss library service to the businesses in the park. Director Lange called attention to two publications that had been distributed to the Board prior to the Meeting; one was the Carlsbad Business Journal, which is the new Chamber of Commerce publication. He noted that Char Kennedy's Review appeared on the front page. The other publication was Openers, and the Library had entered a subscription for this publication. This is an American Library Association handout to library users. The Library will get one thousand copies per quarter and the Board will be given copies as they are published. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Mrs. Laurie Boone, President of Friends of the Library/ gave a report on their activities. The 40 names taken from the surveys had been mailed invitations to join the Friends. Friends will have a booth at the Street Faire May 1 and will be hoping to sell copies of Seekers of Spring and plastic tags for suitcases. The Book Fair has a therre of fitness—Jog Your Mind and Run to the Book Fair. Friends are planninq a home tour for next fall, just along Carlsbad Boulevard, vith nine attractions on a walking tour. GENEALCGICAL SOCIETY Mrs. Bee McWilliaros, Genealogical Society Representative, gave her last report as their Representative. The new Representative will be Dale Smathers. Mrs. Mcwilliams gave a report on the activities of the Society, stating in the period from April 1, 1981, to February 28, 1983, they spent $4,089.56 for books and subscribed to a number of periodicals, in the amount of $162.50, and that did not include several hundred books donated by their members. Mrs. McWillliams read the slate of new officers for the Society and commented about the entire North County being represented by the new officers. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 16, 1983 Page 6 TRUSTEES South Carlsbad Library Council Liaison Lewis reported on the new library in South Carlsbad and the report given at Council last night, stating that Council was very pleased with the report and progress in the negotiations with the Leucadia Water District, Other .... President Schramm reported on meetings she had attended for the Library Board. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. , Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk 1 [ j -- CARLSBAD t ITY L I BI'.ARY SI AT ISTTCS February 1983 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Pi 1m and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Tot al circulation Reference Questions Answered Adul t Sect i on Chi 1 or en ' s Sect i on AV information Dooknobi le Total reference questions answered Materials added to collection Books ~ Added Wi thdrawn Net Books added AV materials 6 Video tapes Added Wi thdrawn Net AV materials added Attendance at Programs Adult ( 2) Children (17) Bookmobi le ( *0 Cur rent Year • 3*4 ,029 2,517 78 36,624 A, 154 987 959 274 6,374 418 ( 737) ( 3T9) 130 ( 5) 125 135 1,171 203 Previ ous Year 32,149 1,704 142 33,995 3,708 886 NA* 185 ^,779 484 ( 70) TTRT 165 ( 3) W Increase (Decrease) 1 ,880 813 ( 64)27629" 446 101 959 89 1,595 ( 66) ( 667) ( 733) ( 35) ( 2) ( 37) Included in adult statistics