HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 18, 1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Brunn, Grosse and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Falkenstein Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Member Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Council Liaison Lewis Bobbie Hoder, Administrative Assistant Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager Jim Hagaman, Manager of Research/Analysis APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held April 20, 1983, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: b. Budget Trustee Trigas announced Library Director Lange would meet with City Manager tomorrow to review the budget. d. Youth Trustee Brunn gave the report for Trustee Falkenstein. The May/June Newsletter was distributed and Trustee Brunn reported the schools and the library are cooperating to provide tours for the children to make them more familiar with the library. OLD BUSINESS: a. Report on City of Carlsbad General Plan and Growth Trends Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave a report on the land use plan for the City of Carlsbad, stating there are basically four quadrants, divided by El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. He stated that Carlsbad is unique because of this division, and for that reason it is difficult to predict where the growth areas will occur. Mr. Holzmiller used an easel map showing the zoning and the projects already approved in the City. He outlined the number of units approved in the four quadrants of the City, and stressed they are approved, and not constructed. There is a four-year life time for projects — two years plus two one-year extensions to file the final map. Once that map is recorded, the plan is good forever. Schramm Grosse Brunn Trigas X X X X X • MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 18f 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES In answer to a question, Mr. Holzmiller stated there were two areas where construction is going on—Calavera Hills and La Costa. He used an overlay on the map to indicate the pending projects. The numbers are great, but because of the market and other factors, not all these projects will happen. Mr. Holzmiller stated Carlsbad will continue to grow, as it is a desirable place to live, and developers like the City's plan. It is anticipated that there will be more use of the higher density residential designations, as there is a shortage of apartments and affordable housing. This affordable housing would be in the downtown area and La Costa. The term "affordable" is different for Carlsbad than in other areas, and this is something that must be recognized. The industrial area will expand, and it is being done with attractive, clean technical industries* It is thought that as the industrial area expands, there will be a request to put residential areas into that area. Jim Hagarnan, Manager of Research/Analysis, spoke to the Board regarding population. He spoke of their goals and objectives, and their involvement with the school district. Mr. Hagarnan reported his department monitors the facilities in the City and reports to the City Council when they drop below the standards set by the Council. He stated there is a report made each six months and he would provide the Board with copies of the next report. Also he used a chart showing the City of Carlsbad Housing/population and stated he would make copies available. c. South Carlsbad Library Director Lange reported the City Council had approved the proposed lease a week ago. There were some changes made by the Leucadia Water District Board; one dealing with the people living within their district having access to the library and the other making the indemnity clause in the lease tighter. The lease is to go back for approval next Tuesday and after it is approved by tx>th groups, Council will have to approve the budget for the branch. d. Rescheduling of dedication - Children's addition - discussion Director Lange announced there will be no date set for the dedication until the building is completed. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a. Quarterly Report Director Lange referred to the Report attached to the packet. 6. OTHER; The Board of Trustees voted to institute a program, effective with the next meeting, to invite division heads to each meeting to give a short presentation. This would be followed by a discussion period. Schraram Grosse Brunn Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 18, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES I 7. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange reported on the Sundowner party held at the library following the April 20 meeting. He felt it was a very successful party. Also, the business book list was a hit and is now available at the Chamber of Commerce office. The coin-operated computer has been in the library for two weeks and some software is available. Computer students are using the computer to do their homework at a cost of $2 per hour. A contract was signed for six months, and both can cancel with 30-days notice. The City Attorney requested some changes in the lease, and those were made. Director Lange announced the library and Serra would have a booth at the Del Mar Fair and would man it jointly, with the library covering on Carlsbad Day, June 20 and July 1. Director Lange stated that at the workshop held recently it was determined that the copies of the Minutes of the Boards and Commissions should be shared, and this will be done. 8. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Member, gave a report on the Book Fair held last Sunday. They already have several hundred books for next year. The total gross intake was over $10,000 and there will be several thousand dollars in expenses. She praised the efficiency of the Fair workers and the left-over books were picked up by the San Diego Library, which was a happy disposition of the books for everyone. The Board voted to send a letter of appreciation to the Friends of the Library for all those participating in the Book Fair. 10. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Member, reported the Board is still working on the oral history project and hope to have it finished by the end of June. COUNCIL REPORT: Council Liaison Lewis reported the Council was pleased with the South Carlsbad Library lease. Council Member Lewis congratulated Trustees Schramm and Trigas on their reappointments to the Library Board. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk i Schramm Grosse Brunn Trigas • X X X X X May 6, 1983 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: LIBRARY DIRECTOR QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JANUARY-MARCH 1983 Significant Activities Weeding the adult, juvenile, and audiovisual collections continued this quarter. Since last August, when the project began, about 4,000 worn and obsolete adult and juvenile books have been discarded. Nearly 60% of the adult collections have now been weeded. Along with the weeding, collection development and reference staff have been selecting and tagging books that could be transferred to a future branch in La Costa. So far, about 2,500 books have been tagged. Once the branch is approved, Technical Services staff will pull these materials and process them. The final series of local history programs, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, was presented at the Harding Street Recreation Hall in January. This last presentation was designed specifically for senior citizens, and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association helped coordinate the programs by providing publicity in their newsletter. Total attendance at all fifteen lectures presented at five different locations this past year was nearly 1,000. The library has established a liaison with the Carlsbad Historical Society to discuss a mutual interest in the future development of local history resources. The coordination of acquisitions, organization and processing of materials, storage, and public access are all being discussed. The Historical Society's space in the Magee House may be used for public displays and exhibits. Volunteers from the Society have already been recruited to help organize and process the library's local history archives and photographs. A slide-tape program on library services and resources was completed by the Audiovisual Department. Department staff also produced photographs on down- town redevelopment activities and took pictures for the Building Department, Personnel, Parks and Recreation, and the City Manager's Office, including portraits of all new department heads arid board and commission members. Another project now underway in the AV Department is a videotape orientation program designed to instruct new student help on their duties, in the library. The script was written by Jean Henshaw, formerly of the LA COSTAN, who has volunteered to produce other scripts as needed. In addition to instructional programs for staff, oral history interviews are also being planned. 2. The Library Director and reference staff met with Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce officials to coordinate future programs. The Chamber has indicated that it would be willing to cooperate on a survey of some 3,000 businesses in Carlsbad, a survey designed to determine information needs. In addition, reference staff began writing a column, "Business Bookshelf," for the Chamber's CARLSBAD BUSINESS JOURNAL. The column reviews the best new reference and circulating books of potential interest to the business community. Special activities in the Children's Department included an Easter egg hunt and program for 250 children; a marine animal art contest; a display and program on antique toys; and a Suzuki Strings program and demonstration on violin making. There were 55 group tours and class visits during the quarter for a total of 929 children. The Collections Coordinator and the Children's Department Head screened some 3,000 books received from the annual Carlsbad School District book drive. Nearly 1,000 of these books, mostly juveniles, were held for consideration as collection additions, as prizes, or for possible branch use. Noteworthy programs presented in the library this quarter included lectures on goal setting and time management, IRA investments, and building home additions. There was also a piano concert by Marion Barnum and performances by the Camino Real Theatre Arts Group and the Andromeda Trio. In addition, the winning films from the Eighth Annual Carlsbad Amateur Film Festival were screened for the publi c. There were also significant staff activities outside the library. The Director was appointed Chairman of the California Library Association's Library Services Planning and Development Committee. He also spoke at a Serra System collection development workshop at the Escondido Public Library and gave several other talks to local community groups. The Director has also been working closely with city staff, council members, and officials of the Leucadia Water District to plan for a portable branch facility in La Costa. The Head of Technical Services spoke at a meeting of the Greater San Luis Rey Area Planning Commission on ways in which Oceanside and Carlsbad libraries have been cooperating with a shared circulation control computer system. She also participated in a teleconference between library systems led by the State Library Director. The purpose was to discuss ways to implement a statewide data base and other resource sharing methods. A talk to the Jewish Couples Club of North County, presented by the Head of Reference, covered the library's reference collections and genealogical resources. Key Statistics The following statistics have been selected to demonstrate activity levels in various library operations during the reporting period. CIRCULATION OF ALL MATERIALS 3rd Q 1980 , 3rd Q 1981 3rd 01982 101,892 114,653 127,618 REFERENCE/INFORMATION QUESTIONS ANSWERED 3rd Q 1980 3rd Q 1981 3rd Q 1982 11,655 15,719 19,824 AUDIENCE FOR ALL PROGRAMS 3rd Q 1980 3rd Q 1981 3rd Q 1982 5,492 4,954 4,807 Clifford E. Lange Library Director CEL:ch ADULT FILM BOOKINGS 3rd Q 1980 3rd 0. 1981 3rd Q 1982 1,837 2,127 1,769 VIDEOTAPE BOOKINGS 3rd Q 1980 3rd Q 1981 3rd Q 1982 2,015 3,806 7,520 Circulation Statistics CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS April 1983 Current Year Materials checked out through computer Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Children's Section AV Information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered Materials added to collection Books - Added Withdrawn Net Books added AV Materials & Video tapes Added Withdrawn Net AV materials added 40,378 3,704 107 44,189 4,724 821 1,239 292 7,076 421 428) 253 4o) 213 Previous Year 37,819 2,423 136 40,378 3,622 927 NA* 194 4,743 825 ( 35) 790 95 ( 27) 68 Increase (Decrease) 2,559 1,281 ( 29) 3,811 1,102 ( 106) 1,239 98 2,333 ( 4o4) ( 814) 1,218 158 ( 13) 145 Attendance at Programs Adult Children Bookmobile ( 4) (16) ( 4) 390 1,035 200 'Included in adult statistics