HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 15,1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Brunn, Falkenstein and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Council Liaison Lewis Calista Sullivan, Head, Technical Services Geoff Armour, Collections Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held May 18, 1983, were approved as amended to show Caroline Schindler as a Board Member of Friends of the Library. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Director Lange reported the new addition to the library should be finished within another week and a half. He said the formal dedication would probably be the end of July. The other item Director Lange reported on was the branch in South Carlsbad. The Council will give final approval to the budget next Tuesday and everything will be finalized. Mr. Lange stated he had the applications and requirements for the Federal money, but there are some stipulations that may exclude Carlsbad. One stipulation is that the library must have title to the site on which the building will rest, and would have the use of that land for 50 years, or the useful life of the facility. He stated he didn't know whether or not the State library would or could make exceptions, but is looking into that. Another factor is the unemployment rate, and he is trying to find out what it is in Carlsbad, North County, or all San Diego County, if there are any figures available on this. In explanation, Director Lange stated California would get five and a half million dollars for public libraries. Portable buildings do qualify for this, but the site is a problem, along with the unemployment rate. In answer to a question from Trustee Bunn, Director Lange stated the library could possibly receive $50,000. However, it would have the disadvantage of delaying any action until September. b. Budget , f Trustee Trigas announced the budget cuts for the library budget. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas X MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 15, 1983 Page 2 c. Personnel Trustee Brunn called attention to the letter Director Lange brought in, complimenting the library staff. d. Youth Trustee Falkenstein distributed copies of the June Newsletter to the Members of the Board and reported the month of May was a full month, meeting a local author, bookmark contest started, Ronald McDonald clown performed and the drama club's adaptation of "Super Fudge". He He reported there was going to be a summer reading club, and there is a flyer available in the Children's Section with an application attached. 4. OLD BUSINESS; A letter went out to Laurie Boone, President of Friends of the Library, from the Board of Trustees thanking the Friends for their work this year and highlighting the Book Fair. Also, thank you letters were written to Mike HolznuLller and Jim Hagamah for their reports at the last meeting. a. Library Conference Room Use Director Lange referred to his memorandum, recommending no changes in the present policy. He added that it is possible the Conference Room will have to be taken over for use by the library for other purposes as space problems worsen in the future. b. Library Master Plan - Discussion Director Lange stated the mission statement and list of goals and objectives had been reviewed by the department heads and he is getting the feedback. He will bring a report to the July meeting, along with a re-worked copy of the mission statement and list of goals and objectives. Director Lange said he had talked with Jim Hagaman about the CIP and was reminded that the Council changed the CIP year and it is now a fiscal year, requiring no documentation until November of this year. The Board felt this would allow more time to prepare a proposal, but that workshops would probably be necessary to complete the necessary work. c. Children's Addition - Discussion Director Lange felt this had been covered and had nothing to add. d. Audiovisual Insurance Fee Director Lange referred to the documents in the packet and the program is ready to be implemented July 1. He stated the A-V staff is handing out a printed sheet and staff is explaining the insurance to the users, and this^answers most questions or objections to the insurance] fee. [ ; ;r MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 15, 1983 Page 3 MEMBERS 5. NEW BUSINESS; a. Division Heads Report 1) Geoff Armour, Collections Coordinator Geoff Armour gave a report on his responsibilities and activities and how the library staff is getting ready for the branch library. Mr. Armour gave the Trustees a copy of the Suggested Reorganization Plan for the library and explained how this would be accomplished. 2) Calista Sullivan, Head, Technical Services Calista Sullivan reported on her responsibility for processing, ordering and cataloging books. She explained how automation has affected her department, commenting on the many advantages and some of the disadvantages. b. South Carlsbad Library Director Lange stated he felt this had been covered. c. Kiwanis Club Gift - Discussion Director Lange reported on a gift of $300 from the Kiwanis Club, which is to be applied toward draperies for the Children's Area. He stated a total of $1,500 was needed for the draperies. d. Funding of SB 358 Director Lange referred to the copy of the Clarion in the packet explaining what happened on this bill. e. Election of Officers Sharon Schramm was re-elected President of the Board of Trustees by unanimous vote. 7. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange referred to his written report, and in addition reported the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation had offered a collection of documents and materials relating to the lagoon and the library accepted them. The library has a collection on the Buena Vista Lagoon, and will add this collection to that. Director Lange stated he had completed his first year with the library and wanted to express his appreciation for the fine support of the staff and the Board. He said he.looked forward to many years of service. Trustee Brunn stated the Board is delighted to have Director Lange as the Director of the library, and is looking forward to healthy growth. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 15, 1983 Page 4 TDIIOTCCO1 KUo 1 tco COUNCIL REPORT: Council Liaison Lewis reported on the budget and how the contingency fund was affected. Councilman Lewis stated that if the Library Board wanted to place a request for the CIP, they should make the request to the City Council for that. He felt the Board should consider the branch library is just a temporary situation, and they might want to consider the entire package. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m. Respectfully submit tted, Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk : ? ','•]••'•> ; i i M • •s * , i i - * CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS May 1983 Ci rculat ion Slat i st ics Katerials checked out through computer Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Cur rent 38,569 3,415 107 Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Chi Idren1 s Sect! on AV information Bookmobi le Total reference questions answered Materials added to collection Books - Added Wi thdrawn Net Books added AV materials £ Video tapes Added Wi thdrawn Net AV materials added Attendance at Programs Adult ( A) Children (23) Bookmobi le (5) 4,031 953 1 ,26^'363—j y _£^6TT 1*82 ( 287) 195 ( 42) 2 174 1 ,800 295 3,233 825 NA* 182 UTIW , 8i*8 ( 34) 94 —^ 798 128 1 26k 'l8l 2,371 ( 366) ( 253) ( 619) ( 50 ) ( 92 ) " Included in adult statistics.