HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 20, 1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Brunn, Falkenstein and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Mrs. Lois DeGroot, Executive Assistant Mrs. Elaine Lyttleton, President, Friends of the Library APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held June 15, 1983, were approved as amended to show Trustee Trigas made the motion to elect Trustee Schramm as President, and Trustee Trigas was selected as Secretary. President Schramm announced the new Committee assignments as follows: Trustee Falkenstein, Building and Grounds, Trustee Grosse, Budget; Trustee Brunn, Personnel; and Trustee Trigas, Youth. President Schramm introduced Elaine Lyttleton, the new President of Friends of the Library. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Falkenstein reported the new Children's addition is complete except for carpeting. d. Youth Trustee Trigas reported on the youth activities, which included a spelling bee, drama club presentation and the summer reading club. (The Journal did a write-up on the reading club.) The Activities Calendar for July and August was distributed to the Board. OLD BUSINESS; a. South Carlsbad Library - Federal Funds Application Director Cliff Lange reported the Federal Funds are still an issue. He referred to the papers in the packet and stated Carlsbad does not meet the unemployment requirement of 9.4%. Carlsbad's unemployment rate is 6.87%. The other two priorities were met. Schramn Falkenstein Brunn Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 20, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES t The requirement of ownership of site cannot be met. The branch will be a portable building on leased land. The amount Carlsbad would be eligible for would be approximately $60,000. Director Lange stated there is a possibility more money will have to be spent for the portable building. The estimated $129,000 would be wood frame. Steel would be better, more valuable and worth more later. The target date for bid authorization is the August 16 Council Meeting. If the decision is made to apply for Federal funds, bids could not be asked for prior to the time the grants are awarded. The grants will be awarded no later than September 15. However, the project would go out to competitive bid either way. The deadline for application for the Federal money is August 22. Director Lange reported the book collection is being organized for the branch library and new materials are being purchased. NEW BUSINESS: a. Mission statement - Goals and Objectives Director Lange emphasized that the document is a "working paper". It represents the thinking of the Director and the Department Heads. He requested the Board Members read this statement and return with comments or suggestions for changes by the next meeting. OTHER: The Board voted to send a letter of commendation to Tybie Stone for her many years of volunteer work at the library. She was the only volunteer worker for the library who was trained on the automated circulation system. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange announced he would like to have pictures taken of the Board Members prior to or after the September Board Meeting. He stated these pictures would be for the library and would be placed where the public could see the present Board of Trustees. . Director Lange gave an update on the income from the AV insurance fee. As of July 15, the income was $933.50. That money will be used to repair or replace video tapes and films when necessary. The request was made to know how many books have been bought in this calendar year to date, and Director Lange stated he could get that information. Also, the price paid for a book was discussed, the average price being slightly over $25.00, with many books far exceeding that average price. The increase in the price of books has been far greater than the cost of living increase. The thought was expressed that perhaps the Council should be informed about this increase. Also, the loss of books not returned was discussed, and Director Lange stated he would supply this information. Director Lange commented the library charges a flat fee of $3.00 plus the cost of the item not returned. The library is in the process of taking inventory as time allows. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas -. X X X X X i MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 20, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange announced the "no smoking" ordinance had been implemented in the library, making smoking permissible only in the employees' lounge. Director Lange added the library had been assigned one of the City cars and would be responsible for that car. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Elaine Lyttleton, President, gave a report on the activities of Friends of the Library. They are in the process of a membership drive. She reported there will be a tour October 1 in conjunction with the Historical Society. A flyer announcing a Photography Contest was distributed to Board Members. Mrs. Lyttleton stated she needed a Book Fair Chairperson and would appreciate any help the Board Members could give on this. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Dale Smathers reported the Genealogical Society will be holding a yard and plant sale on Friday, August 12, 1983, 9:00 a.m. to 5;00 p.m., and Saturday, August 13, 1983, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Roosevelt between Elm and Grand. Lois DeGroot announced that Dave Kulchin had a triple by- pass operation this morning at Mercy Hospital in San Diego. She stated that the Circulation Committee was meeting every Wednesday, and Councilman Lewis was attending that meeting this afternoon. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was recessed at 3:53 p.m. to be reconvened into a Workshop for Board Members only. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORKSHOP - July 20, 1983 - 4:05 p.m To set goals and objectives Main goal is how to provide the best service to the public. Need documentation before November on CIP budget Year Population Library Square Footage Required 1983 1990 1995 2000 39,037 65,456 87,322 104,000 23,422 39,273 52,393 62,400 The Board agreed to ask City Council first year CIP available. Use .6 as formula as library footage per capita. Library Board discussed main library at present site and expanding this building. Need exists to add square feet to library footage to keep abreast of the population increase. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 20, 1983 Page 4 TRUSTEES - i WORKSHOP (Continued) Board agreed to request funds for library construction in the fifth year of the next CIP. The Board wants to update the request each year. Would like to get population growth to anticipate the increase in square footage of library space needed. Review annually the actual population and advise City Council. The Board adjourned the Workshop at 5:05 p.m. and agreed to continue the Workshop following the next Board Meeting. Respectfully submitted, ll^fit'^u /} UJM/^SM^b iJurW* Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS June 1983 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Fi1m and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Current Year 39,856 3,078 ., 9J» 1*3,028 Previous Year 2,011 „ _ 16? 1*3,326 Increase (Decrease) ( 1,292) 1,067 ( 73) ( 29$) Reference Questions Answered Adult Section ChiIdren's Section AV information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered 3,355 1,151 1 ,01*2 310 57*58" 3,281* 851 NA * 2i*7 k, 382 71 - 300 1,01*2 63 Main Library Materials added to collection Books - added withdrawn Net books added AV Materials & VT - added - withdrawn Net AV materials Branch Library Books added 10 81*8 137 137 NA ( 228) (1,398) ( 86) ( 127) 81*8 Attendance at programs Adult ( 4) 325 Children (21) 1,775 Bookmobile( k) 260