HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-08-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES August. 17, 1983 3:00 p..n. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schrarnm, Brunn, Falkenstein and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Dale Sroathers, Genealogical Society Representat ive Elaine Lyttleton, President, Friends of the Library Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Representat ive APPROVAL- 0? MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held July 20, 1983, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Falkenstein reported the Children's Library is finished except for resolving the carpeting problem. A tentative Grand Opening is set for September 18. c. Personnel Trustee Brunn gave a report on various personnel changes. d. Youth Trustee Trigas distributed copies of the August calendar of events for the children and commented on some of the special events. b. Budget Director Cliff Lange reported that copies of the budget are in the black notebooks. He commented on the statistics for June and July, which showed a decrease in circulation. This will be monitored. 4. OLD BUSINESS; a. Mission stateirent - discussion Director Lange asked for additional comments or suggestions, as it is a working document and will change. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 17, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES There was a discussion about the Spanish materials and the promotion done for Spanish-speaking patrons. Trustee Trigas commented that in the La Costa Branch, she felt thought should be given to coordinating with all the schools involved in the area. Director Lange added the children's newsletter goes to all school districts and they are aware of the programs and may want to do something special through the new Branch. President Schramm stated the Board Members should continue to work on this statement and keep making suggestions and additions. The Board of Trustees acknowledged receipt of the Mission Statement and will use it as a working paper. b. Federal Funds for Branch Library - discussion Director Lange distributed copies of a letter received from the California State Library, which explained Carlsbad was ineligible for Federal Funds on the project since it does not own the site. c. Branch Library - discussion Director Lange reported he was working with Engineering to go to the City Council at the September 6 meeting for permission to go out for bids for the Branch Library. There is a gift catalog being developed in conjunction with the Friends of the Library. Director Lange stated the gift catalog will describe the new library and methods of contributing. d. Collection Reorganization - discussion Director Lange distributed a map to the Board Members showing the layout of the library children's addition and explained how the different areas will be integrated. There was a discussion about teenagers and the necessity of having a special area for the young adults. President Schramm stated that the library needs to develop a program to serve the young adults. e. Overdue Books Director Lange reported that it appears that a significantly larger number of books are being lost due to non-return rather than through theft. He stated the library is losing 500 to 1,000 books a year this way. The procedure for follow-up on overdue books is going to be reviewed and updated. Mr. Lange commented he felt a letter from the City Attorney's Office should be sent to borrowers who fail to return materials. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES'August 17, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES In conclusion, Director Lanae stated the sequence of notices now in effect will be re-evaluated and perhaps changed to tighten the follow-up process. NEW BUSINESS: a. California Library Services Board (CLSB) Meeting - discussion Director Lange announced the CLSB Meeting will be here at the Library tomorrow, August 18, 1983, and Friday, August 19, 1983. There will be a reception tonorrow at 5:30 p.m. for the CLSB Board Members. The Friends of the Library are in charge of refreshments. There will be over one hundred people in attendance, and it was felt this was an excellent exposure for the Carlsbad Library. 7. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: In addition to the Director's Report in the packet, Director Lange added that the Library will be getting two new Xerox machines. After evaluating the machines available, it was decided to replace with Xerox. The 4000 will be replaced with another 4000 on a lease- purchase basis. The 3100 will be replaced with a 1035 with an enlargement and reduction capability. Trustee Trigas questioned the newspaper editorial regarding the merging of Libraries. Director Lange stated he had met with the Editor and explained the reasons why this was not feasible. The editor suggested that he write an article for the newspaper. Director Lange stated he felt at this point it might be wiser to drop the entire matter. The Board agreed. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Elaine Lyttleton, President, distributed copies of the new Board Roster of Friends of the Library, and reported a donation of $200 had been received from the Evening Rotary Club toward the purchase of draperies for the Children's Addition. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative, reported on the annual yard and plant sale and announced there will be a plant sale on September 24 in front of the Library. He reported on the membership of the Society, stating they expect to have over 400 members. RECESS; President Schramm declared a recess at 4:25 p.m. and the Board reconvened at 4:35 p.m. for a Workshop with four Board Members present and Trustee Grosse absent. .1 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 17, 1983 Page 4 TRUSTEES WORKSHOP: a. Current Library Site and b. Potential Library Sites These items were discussed by the Board coincidentally, with the discussion starting with a handout map, showing the existing Library and parking lot and property east of the parking lot owned by the City. Also shown was the property off of Laguna Drive and the approximate 100 feet at the end of the new edition. All of these areas would allow expansion of the present Library. The Board Members reauested a map of this area drawn to scale, showina the available land as well as the new addition. Also, it was requested to be shown how many parkina spaces could be added in the additional property to the east. Trustee Brunn stated it was necessary to keep in mind the four quadrants of the City, with the northwest quadrant being 31 percent at buildout, the northeast quadrant being 19 percent, southwest quadrant 17 percent and southeast quadrant being 33 percent. He stated there is no reason to give up the headquarters in the foreseeable future where the Library is located now. The southeast quadrant will grow and expansion in that area will precede any other area. Trustee Brunn continued, stating the industrial area will include the financial, research, industrial and high-technology centers of the community. He felt there will be a need to serve that area. However, the time limit of five years should be put on the new branch before the next move is made as far as another branch. Trustee Brunn felt there would be alternatives if the City is looked at in sections rather than as a whole. President Schramm stated the need to decide the direction to go with the branch and the main building. Trustee Brunn stated the Library has an excellent building for another 50 years and could operate out of this building expanded as needed. Trustee Falkenstein commented there would be more chance of getting money for the existing Library building and expansion of the building. He felt the first stage will be in the acceptance of the branch in the southeast quadrant and the determination of the demand. No further planning should be done until the Board has the facts on that branch. Trustee Falkenstein suggested there should be a library and resource center for servicing the industrial complex. It was agreed that center could be expanded to service the demand for reading material, too. The Board determined that legal services should be added to the list, with perhaps a law library being set up. The industrial library and resource center could contain popular reading selections, and through the computer could supply whatever is available in the main library. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 17, 1983 Page 5 TRUSTEES Trustee Brunn stated for the foreseeable future the Board anticipates operating as headquarters out of the existing facility? and, two, as needs would develop, the Board would not exclude the potential of expanding this building. He further stated the Board is desirous of exploring the possibility of a library and resource center for the financial, research, industrial, hiqh-technology and legal area in the industrial park area—Palomar Airport Road or El Camino Real. At stage three, the Board would need to review the needs of the La Costa branch. ADJOURNMENT: By proper notion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS July 1983 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Current Year 39,529 3,38, 42,983 "Previous Year 42,291* 2,733 119 Increase (Decrease) ( 2,765 ) 648 ( 46 ) ( 2,163 ) Reference Questions Answered Adult Section ChiIdren's Sect ion AV information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered Main Library Materials added to collection Books added wi thdrawn Net books AV materials added wi thdrawn Net AV materials Branch Library Attendance at Programs Adult ( 4) Ch i1dren Bookmobile (22) ( 4) 3,334 747 1,122 391 . 5T59T 403 ( 1,157) ( 754) -326 ( 60) 266 770 156 1,643 203 2,966 889 NA * 318 M73 547 ( 32) 515 85 ( 16) 6T NA 368 ( 142 ) 1,122 73 1,421 ( 144 ) ( 1,125 ) ( 1,269 ) 241 ( 44 ) 197 770 - Included in adult statistics