HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, 1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Brunn, Palkenstein, Trigas and Grosse. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Representative Lois DeGroot, Executive Assistant Bobbie Hoder, Administrative Assistant James Hagaman, Research/Analysis Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes were amended as follows: Page 4, paragraph 3, change last sentence to read, "The first five years will be a testing and sounding period." Page 4, paragraph 9, delete remainder of sentence following the word "list". Page 5, paragraph 2, delete last sentence. The Minutes of the Meeting held August 17, 1983, were approved as amended. NEW BUSINESS; b. Public Facilities Management System - James Hagaman Research/Analysis Manager James Hagaman gave a presentation on the capital improvement program. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Falkenstein reported the Children's Library addition is now open and was dedicated on Sunday, Sept. 18, 1983. c. Personnel Trustee Brunn reported on the position opening in the Library of Library Assistant I, and stated 259 applications had been received. He also reported on personnel changes at the Library. d. Youth Trustee Trigas distributed copies of the Calendar for the Children's Department and called attention to several special events. Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas Grosse X MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES QIC BUSINESS; a. Branch Library - Agenda Bill authorizing request for bids. Director Lanqe called attention to the Agenda Bill, copy of which was included in the packet. He stated this was approved September 6, 1983, by the City Council, and the financing is being sought. If no financing is available at 10%, the City would make a loan at that rate. Director Lange stated it might be possible to pay back the loan sooner than the five to seven years anticipated. The Board approved the notion that the use of CLSA funds for the branch is a knowledgeable sacrifice on the part of the library. While the Board reaffirms its committment of CLSA funds for the branch during the fiscal year 83-83 and fiscal year 84-85, the Board feels that the City should assume the financial obligation for the operation of the branch library at the end of the Boards committment. b. Current status of CLSA Funds Director Lange referred to the report included in the packet and stated there should be interest included in the amount of $12,238.00, making the estimated total funds available 1983-84 $183,396.71. Director Lange stated it was hoped to pay the building off in a two-year period. The amounts given do not include any gift money or Friends of the Library money. c. Gift Catalog - discussion Director Lange reported a copy of the gift catalog will be ready in two or three weeks, and he stated he thought it will be an excellent catalog. NEW BUSINESS: a. State Library Literacy Grants Director Lange referred to the letter contained in the packet and reported a project proposal will be formulated to send to the State Library. He stated the goal is to reach the people who need this service. The function of the Library, according to Director Lange, is to be the vehicle to get the funding and source of material and support in terms of library use. Caroline Schindler spoke in support of this work, stating this is a community service project and not a library project, and its purpose is to facilitate or draw togther and help services already existing. She further stated this is a grant type of thing. President Schramm suggested this might be added to the Mission Statement. Trustee Falkenstein stated this literacy project had two parts; one, to attack illiteracy and two, to reach those who speak other languages, and he stated the latter one is more important in Carlsbad, Schramm Falkenstein Brunn Trigas Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES b. Public Facilities Management System - James Hagaman President Schramm asked Trustee Trigas to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Hagaman. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange added to his report that a call had been received from a representative of the Plaza de la Costa Shopping Center, quoting lower rates for the library branch to move into that center. Director Lange reported there is a new law, AB 1293, which spells out that the library can take people to court if they are caught stealing books. He stated signs will be posted warning that people are subject to prosecution. Also there is a right to detain, if there is a suspicion of stealing. He concluded that signs will be posted and he will pursue this with the City Attorney. Director Lange stated he would be in San Francisco next week for a meeting of the Library Services Planning & Development Committee and the State Librarian's Steering Committee - Planning and Standards. Director Lange reported the Library "Wish List" for 1983- 84 was submitted to the Friends of the Library last week and they approved all items with a dollar amount given. He stated the items with a question mark will be presented at the next meeting with price information. The Council has appointed members to the Cable TV Foundation Board, and that Board will be making grants to groups wishing to produce programs. The funding comes from the two cable companies in Carlsbad, who give one percent of their basic services earnings toward this Foundation. He added the Library would like to produce some programs and would contact the Fire and Police Chiefs for program content. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Caroline Schindler reported that she wanted to remind everyone that the Friends of the Library is strictly a group to support the library in all phases. The funds raised by them are for the benefit of the library. Also, she reported the Friends serve as host and hostess for library functions and provide refreshments. Their other function is volunteerism and she stated there are many people whose names are unknown, but they are dedicated workers. Mrs. Schindler reported that October 1, 1983, is the date of the Historical Tour and she added she had brochures for distribution. Mrs. Schindler called the attention of the Board to the fact that in California libraries, there is an increasing problem of dealing with the disturbed client or patron. The California Library Association has developed a workshop seminar to deal with this problem. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, 1983 Page 4 Mrs. Lois DeGroot reported she was attending this Board Meeting for Council Liaison Lewis, and would report back to him. She announced that Women's Opportunity Week would be October 17 through October 22. New plot plans were distributed showing the parking lots and present library building. Director Lange stated it would be possible to add 10^000 to 20,000 square feet to the present library bulding and the additional parking lot to the east would be sufficient to take care of the parking requirements. President Schramm asked the Board Members to think about expansion of the present library building and to work toward getting this into the CIP. ADJOURNMENT; By proper notion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk