HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES November 16, 1983 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Brunn, Palkenstein and Trigas. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:15 p.m. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Representative Al Glassner, League of Women Voters Representative Elaine Lyttleton, Friends of the Library President Council Member Lewis APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the October 1,9, 1983, meeting were approved as presented. The Minutes of the Special Meeting November 1, 1983, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Building and Grounds Trustee Palkenstein reported this would be taken up under Old Business. c. Personnel Trustee Brunn reported on the filling of the Library Assistant position and distributed a copy of the background history for Linda Roth. d. Youth Trustee Trigas reported on the October events and distributed copies of the Calendar for November and December. OLD BUSINESS a. Branch Library - Discussion Director Cliff Lange reported the furniture for the new branch was ordered yesterday. He stated the Branch should be open by the end of February. Schramn Trigas Brunn Falkenstein Schramm Trigas Brunn Falkenstein MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES November 16, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated the lease was being reviewed by the City Attorney. He stated the amount of space will be 3,000 square feet, and the space next door is the area on which the City will have the first right of refusal. It is hoped this space can be used for meetings until such time as it is rented. This area is approximately 1,700 square feet in size. Director Lange stated the lease approval would be on the Council agenda next Tuesday, November 22, 1983, for final approval. b. State Library Literacy Grant Application Director Lange referred to the two pages of the application included in the packet and referred to the entire application, which he showed to the Board for their perusal. He stated it should be known by the middle of December whether or not the library would be funded. c. Gift Catalog - Discussion Director Lange presented a nock-up of the new format for the gift catalog, which would cost one-third as much as the previous one, and should be available within the next two weeks. NEW BUSINESS a. Library Business Survey Director Lange announced approximately 600 copies of the survey were mailed out today to all the Chamber of Commerce Members. The Board Members complimented Director Lange and staff for compiling such an excellent survey. b. H. W. Wilson Company Agreement Director Lange reported that Carlsbad will be a test site for the H. W. Wilson Company on-line bibliographic system. The agreement will be effective January 1, 1984 through May 1, 1984, and may be extended beyond that. The library staff will be trained to use this system and it will not be for public use at the present time. The Library Board approved the agreement with the H. W. Wilson Company as presented. 7. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange stated there was no written report this month, but he wanted to call the Board's attention to the statistics at the back of the black book. The last two or three months there has been a slight decline in book circulation, with a slight increase in film and video tape use during October. He stated the staff is trying to determine the reason for this change in circulation. Caroline Schindler stated she had heard several people say they could find no place to park at the library. The Board discussed the possibilities for extending the parking area for the library and Director Lange agreed to discuss this with Assistant City Manager Ron Beckman. Schramm Trigas Brunn Falkenstein Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES November 16, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees asked the Director to consult with the appropriate City officials to gain additional parking spaces for the library, since the library is affected by the lack of space, and to discuss alternative solutions. Director Lange reported the roving process for the library is two-thirds finished, and there have been ccnplaints from some people who had trouble finding the new location for a particular section. New signs are planned to alleviate this problem. Director Lange stated a check was received today for $19,518.72 for the second quarter CLSA reimbursement. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY President Elaine Lyttleton reported on the Fall Faire and the Historical Tour. She distributed flyers for the Christinas Program and a 1980-81 Membership Drive Report. Mrs. Lyttleton read the figures from the Report, using them to indicate another membership drive would be helpful at this time. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Dale Smathers reported on the Membership Drive and the Society's fund raising program. The Board of Trustees adjourned to a Workshop at 3:50 p.m. WORKSHOP a. CIP Director Lange called attention to a report from Jim Hagaman regarding the projected population for Carlsbad. Using those figures, by 1990 the library should have 45,000 square feet of space. The Board discussed the the need for additional library space and a program requesting that space from the City Council. Director Lange stated there may be a meeting November 29, 1983, to discuss the CIP ramifications. President Schraimt stated the Board Members should attend that meeting, if possible. Trustee Brunn stated for the record that in five years the library will have a space problem and in seven years a nuch more acute problem, with any activity at the present time having an effect on the future. The La Costa Branch will only add 3,000 square feet to the total needed, which will leave the library short of the necessary space. Council Member Lewis arrived at 4:03 p.m. Council Member Lewis stated the Board should make a recommendation based on these projected figures and the amount of money the Board would like to see set aside each year. Since the deadline is January 15, 1984, this should be done as soon as possible. The Board of Trustees requested the Director of the Library to advise the City Council prior to the November 29, 1983, meeting, of the Library's situation in square footage as estimated for 1990, with an additional 3,000 square feet being supplied in the interum. The City Schramn Trigas Brunn Falkenstein Grosse Schramn Trigas Brunn FalkensteinGrosse MINUTES LIBRARY BCHRD OP TRUSTEES November 16, 1983 Page 4 TRUSTEES Council should be advised of the amount of money needed at the present time to supply those library needs that will accrue over the next ten years, on a yearly allotment basis, with the inflation rate taken into consideration. b. Consultant Consideration Director Lange stated he had talked with Ray Holt. He may be available to assist the Library as a Consultant in the future. There will be a need to hire a Consultant eventually. c. Fund Raising - Grants Director Lange stated there is a need to think about fund-raising projects, and the Board Members discussed briefly such ideas as "letting the library into your will" and applying for grants. The Board tentatively reset the December meeting to Tuesday, December 13, 1983. ADJDORmENT By proper notion, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk