HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 13, 1983 1:00 p.m. Library Conference Room CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by President Schranm at 1:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Brunn, Falkenstein and Trigas. Trustee Grosse arrived at 1:07 p.m. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Representative Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the November 16, 1983, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Building and Grounds Trustee Falkenstein reported this would be taken up under Old Business. c. Personnel Trustee Brunn reported on the retirement January 6, 1984, of Julie Almack. He felt the library employees should be aware that there is promotability available to them. The Board Members expressed a desire to participate in any activities planned for Julie Almack and discussed presenting some token of appreciation to her. The Library Board voted to present a certificate of appreciation to Julie Almack on her retirement. d. Youth Trustee Trigas reported on the November events and distributed copies of the Calendar for November and December. OLD BUSINESS a. Serra Latino Services Project Report Director Lange called attention to the report included in the packet and stated this would be helpful in improving the program. He added that good contacts were made and the level of awareness was raised in the community. Schrannt Trigas Brunn Falkenstein Schramm Trigas Brunn Falkenstein Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 13, 1983 Page 2 TRUSTEES The Board Members discussed the report, agreeing the object was to promote increased use of the library's Spanish language collection. b. Branch Library Update Director Lange called attention to the Agenda Bill, copy of which was included in the packet, and stated the lease had been signed. Work will be started December 14 on the inside of the library and should be finished by the first week in January. He stated the furniture should arrive the middle of January and the library branch should open mid-February. The suggestion was made that a Board Meeting might be held at the new branch library. NEW BUSINESS a. Quarterly Report Director Lange stated he had no additions to the report contained in the packet, but would answer any questions the Board Members might have. Caroline Schindler congratulated Director Lange for the collection reorganization, commenting specifically on the mezzanine. Trustee Brunn inquired about the fall-off in activity in the library, and Director Lange answered he talked with the City Manager regarding the parking problems. At the present time negotiations are under way to perhaps trade some property to allow parking in the back portion, off of Laguna Drive. Trustee Brunn asked where the library fits into the Cable TV station and Director Lange answered the library could produce programs. He added Mr. Greer and he are the two staff members for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television Board. b. City Council Goals and Objectives Annual Review The Library Board has a letter on file now with the City Council requesting that the expansion program for the Library be considered during the fourth and fifth years of the next five-year CIP. (Reported by Trustee Grosse.) LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange described the new locations of the different sections of the library and stated he had composed a letter explaining the reasons for the reorganization. This letter was handed to anyone making a complaint. Director Lange stated the library had a safety inspection and he will give a report on this at the next meeting. The California Library Conference at Oakland was attended by Director Lange and he gave a brief report on the conference. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 13, 1983 Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated the business survey was mailed and of the 600 sent out there have been 93 responses. He added he hoped to get 20 percent response, and would follow-up the responses with selected telephone calls. The City errployees1 breakfast will be held tomorrow morning, and Director Lange stated three people from the library will receive service pins: Betty Maerkle - 20 years; Bobbie Hoder - 15 years; Charlene Kennedy - 5 years. The windows in the second mezzanine will be installed December 14, 1983, and will be paid for by the Friends of the Library- GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Dale Smathers reported on the annual Christmas party held this morning. He stated the funds to purchase the microfiche were approaching the first increment of $5,900, but it was thought the next increment would be difficult to collect by March of 1984. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Caroline Schindler reported Calexioo now has a Member on the Board for the first time in six years. She also reported that CALTAC had received a $17,000 grant from the State Library for workshops. There will be five different locations in the State for workshops, and the nearest one would be Newport Beach for the members in this area. The date is April 7, 1984. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Caroline Schindler reported on the Christmas concert last Wednesday evening at the Cultural Arts Center. She also had copies of the gift catalog. ADJOURWENT By proper motion, the Meeting was adjourned at 2:04 p.m. President Schramm reminded the Board Members that the January Meeting would be January 18, 1984, at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS November 1983 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Children's Section AV information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered Main Library Materials added Books added wi thdrawn Net books AV materials added wi thdrawn Net materials Current Year 31,917 3,030. 65 35,012 549) T55) 37 25) 12 Previous Year 35,137 2,662 100 37,899 ( 1 904" 84) 720 90 3) Increase (Decrease) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 3,220) 368 35) 2,887) 110) 123) 1,719) 30) TT9BI) 500) 365) 555") 53) 22) 75) Branch Library Books added 754 NA 754 Attendance at programs Adult ( 5) Children (20) Bookmobile (5) 478 1,308 300