HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF'. DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 18, 1984 3:00 P.M. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:15 P.M. by President Schramm. ROLL CALL Present - Trustees Schramm, Trigas and Grosse Absent - Trustees Brunn and Falkenstein Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Representative Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representat ive Christine Holt, Library Staff Member APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the December 13, 1983, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Since Trustee Falkenstein was not present, there was no report on building and grounds. b. Budget Trustee Grosse indicated that there would be a report at the next meeting. c. Personnel Since Trustee Brunn was not present, there was no report on personnel. d. Youth Trustee Trigas reported on the December events and distributed copies of the January 1984 calendar of events in the Children's Department. OLD BUSINESS: a. Branch Library Update Chris Holt, who will be in charge of the Branch Library, reported on the progress being made. She indicated that the dedication of the new library is scheduled for February 25, 1984, and that Gary Strong, the State Librarian, will be the dedication speaker. She reported on the changes in the bookmobile schedule due to the opening of the branch library* and distributed book markers with the new schedule. Schramm Trigas Grosse MINUTES Page 2 January 18.TRUSTEES She showed samples of the carpet for the branch library and reported that the furniture for the library would be shipped from New York on January 23, 1984, and is to be installed the week of January 30 through February 3, 1984. She reported that the branch library would be stocked with over 6,100 volumes, 175 records and 60 videos. She then reported that the following persons would staff the branch: Chris Holt (Full-Time) Karen Webber (Full-Time) Beverly Short (Part-Time) Pat Brunini (Part-Time) Jeff Wilson (page) Bruce Allen (page) She reported that over $2,100 had been received in gifts for the branch and that book service to the homebound would be carried out by Friends of the Library volunteers in the future rather than by staff members. She also reported that the Louis McKay Dance Studio, which is located in the shopping center with the bramfh library, will be having its grand opening on February 4, 1984, from 1-4 P.M., that Debbie Reynolds would be at the festivities, and that the branch library had been requested to participate in the festivities if they wished. Director Lange briefly reported on the branch library and indicated that it was necessary to put in an additional bank of lights causing the tenant improvement costs to exceed estimates by $1,025. b. Literacy Grant Update Director Lange reported that 23 applications had been received for the position of Project Director and that Lynda Stinson had been selected for the position, pending the results of her physical examination. He reported that space is being leased in the Colonial Mall, across from City Hall, for $1.05 per square foot including utilities beginning February 1, 1984. He also reported that there will be one clerical position open and that the position will be filled through an employment agency. c. H.W. Wilson Project Update Director Lange reported that the agreement has been signed and that installation of the terminal and training will be either February 14-15, or February 21-22, 1984. He indicated that the agreement extends through May 31, and can be extended. MINUTES Page 3 January 18. 1984 TRUSTEES d. Business Survey Results Director Lange reported on the results of the business survey. He stated that the results were very interesting and gave an indication of where people in business go for information. e. Safety Inspection Report Director Lange briefly oonmented on the information contained in his memo, dated January 12, 1984. NEW BUSINESS: a. Library Board Savings Account Director Lange reported on the Library Board savings account which was established as a gift from the Miles Post family, and was to be used for the purchase of art books. He indicated that there had been no action on the account since 1970, and that the balance is currently approximately $500, and recommended that the Board close out their account and place the money in the Library's trust and bequests account so that it may earn more interest. The Board accepted the staff recommendation, and suggested staff select art books to be purchased with a portion of the money from the account. b. Children's Library Card Procedure Director Lange reported that the present procedures for children's library cards require that the cards remain on file in the library, which is very impractical. He indicated that this practice will be stopped and the cards will be issued to the children or to the parents who will be responsible for the cards. c. Personnel Changes and Plans Director Lange reported on three personnel changes which would be taking place: Chris Holt should be promoted due to her additional responsibilities at the branch library; the position of Acting Head of Circulation would be filled by Charlotte Egea; and there will be an open and competitive examination to fill the position vacated by Julie Almack. Trustee Schramm requested that the Director furnish a chart of the library management structure to the Board Members. d. 1984-85 Budget Schedule Director Lange stated that the Finance Director had reported that the financial picture for the City looked brighter for the year ahead and would be making a report to Council on January 24, 1984. Schramm Trigas Grosse MINUTES Paqe 4 January 18, 1984 TRUSTEES Director Lange indicated he is requesting the following be included in the budget: 1. Online data base search for the reference department. 2. Upgrade of the circulation desk equipment and a terminal in audio visual. 3. Funding to keep the Library and branch library open all day Saturday. 4. Creation of a madia center for the City to produce public information programs. He indicated that the Governor had increased the CLSA state funding to libraries by $1.3 million, plus a cost of living increase of 3%. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange reported that he had attended the first annual Bi-National Library Conference at the Cultural Center in Tijuana. He indicated that over 130 persons, including State Librarian Gary Strong had attended. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Caroline Schindler reported that the gift catalogues the Friends had printed up had produced $2,500 worth of gifts for the branch library. The Friends had authorized $1,500 for the window on the second mezzanine of the library. She also reported that many books had been received for the Book Fair, on May 20, 1984. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Dale Smathers reported that the Society had more thar 400 members as of the first of the year, and had received $5,900 for the purchase of microfiche. ADJOUR1MSNT By proper motion, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:20 P.M.. Respectfully submitted, R. nty City Clerk s-i February 3, 1984 TO: City Manager FROM: Library Director QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1983 South Carlsbad Branch Preparations for the South Carlsbad Branch continued throughout the quarter. The location was finally set when the City Council decided against a portable facility and accepted a lease arrangement on a 3»000 square foot property in the Plaza de la Costa Real shopping center. Furniture and shelving have been ordered and interior modifications are nearly complete. By the end of the quarter, over 6,000 books were processed for the branch collection. These have been boxed and moved into storage space adjacent to the branch. The final move will take place as soon as the shelves are installed. The dedication ceremony, at which the State Librarian, Gary Strong, has agreed to speak, is now set for February 25. The first full day of public operations will follow on February 28. Though on a much smaller scale, the branch will provide virtually all of the same major resources aid services as the main library. The Friends of the Library have developed a gift catalog which was distributed to every home in the La Costa area. Over $2,000 in gifts have been received to date. Collection Reorganization The first major reorganization of the library's collections was completed by year's end. All the adult fiction and non-fiction have now been integrated into one continuous sequence. The final arrangement places all periodical, microfiche, and newspaper backfiles in a closed area behind the circulation desk. A periodical service point has been set up and is staffed during regular library hours. The oversize collection and all the fiction have been relocated to the first mezzanine. All the adult non-fiction, 000 through 800, is now on the main floor in the adult reading room. This new arrangement, for the first time, nrovides complete access to all the library's collections. An additional benefit is the more efficient use of existing space and the creation of a modest expansion area for both fiction and non-fiction. 2. Adult Literacy Project Staff assisted in the formation of the Tri-City Literacy Coalition, which includes the public libraries of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista; the volunteer literacy organizations in each city; and the Reading Department of Mira Costa College. The Coalition was formed to begin planning a major literacy project designed to publicize the problem of functional illiteracy; to recruit hundreds of new students; to train additional tutors; and to build library- based collections of materials for use by functional illiterates and the general public. California was allocated $2.5 million under the Library Services and Construction Act to combat adult functional illiteracy. The State Library invited proposals from all public libraries for new projects. Carlsbad staff prepared the grant application and all supporting documents. The Coalition was recently awarded a $73,000 grant for a nine month project. The next step will be to hire project staff and to set up an office. Project staff, with advisory input from Coalition members, will then be in charge of all operations, including public relations, recruitment, fund raising, training, and the location of new instruction centers. Audiovisual Department The Audiovisual Specialist worked during the quarter on reshooting and revising the city1s sound-slide programs on liability and workman's compensation. A script has also been prepared by an outside consultant on employee benefits. AV staff began to plan a shooting schedule for this program. Photo documentation was also provided by AV staff on the State Street portions of the redevelopment area. These photos will eventually be incorporated into before and after displays. Plans now under consideration for the Audiovisual Department include relocating'the service desk and the AV Specialist's office to create more effective use of space; setting up a new self-service video selection system; and investigating .the use of computerized bookings and circulation control. Children's Activities A major activity during the quarter was the drama club's presentation of Peter Pan. The play was put on before a full house at the Cultural Arts Center and was taped by Carlsbad Cablevision for "broadcast over the public access channel. A copy of the .videotape was made available for the library's collection. A great deal of time was contributed by parents and others in producing and staging the play. Community volunteers assisted with costumes, set design, and construction. The expanded and reorganized children's area has worked out extremely well. Noise, especially from juvenile audiovisual programs, has been greatly reduced. In addition, the collections are much more accessible and functional and there is more seating space. Programs Dr. Herbert Falkenstein, a member of the Library Board, gave a series of ten lectures on Latin America during the quarter. Dr. Falkenstein's lectures (others have been given on China and the Soviet Union), which are a mixture of scholarship and personal experience, have attracted a wide following in the community. Library art staff prepared special maps for use during the programs. Some of the special public programs presented this quarter included the annual Christmas Crafts and Cooking; eight music concerts featuring local musicians; talks by authors; and eighteen displays and exhibits of crafts, collectibles, and art works. There was also a special appearance by Argentine actor Miguel Dante, who read selections from the epic poem El Gaucho Martin Fierro. This was the first adult library program entirely in Spanish, with musical accompaniment, and was directed at Carlsbad's Hispanic community. Significant Statistics CIRCULATION OF ALL MATERIALS 2nd Q 1981 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 100,842 112,983 107,195 REFERENCE/INFORMATION QUESTIONS 2nd Q 1981 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 14,592 12,584 12,906 AUDIENCE FOR ALL PROGRAMS 2nd.Q 1981 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 5,399 6,254 6,602 ADULT FILM BOOKINGS 2nd Q 1981 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2,123 1,756 1,022 VIDEOTAPE BOOKINGS 2nd Q 1981 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2,973 6,34-6 9,099