HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 15, 1984 3:00 p.m. Branch Library - "M" El Pamirv-. Poal TRUSTEES The new Branch Library facility was toured by all those in attendance prior to the Meeting. CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by President Schramn at 3:02 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Trustees Schramm, Trigas and Brunn. Absent - Trustees Falkenstein and Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Representative Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Christine Holt, Library Staff Member Lynda Stinson, Project Director, Tri-City Literacy Coalition Council Liaison Lewis APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the January 18, 1984, Meeting were corrected on page 4, under Friends of the Library to read "$2,100". The Minutes were approved as corrected. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds This topic will be covered under the Branch Library Update. b. Budget The report was distributed to the Trustees for their perusal and was filed as presented. c. Personnel Director Lange stated he would explain the organizational chart later in the meeting. d. Youth Trustee Trigas announced there was no printed calendar to be distributed. She gave a brief report on the children's activities. OLD BUSINESS; a. Branch Library Update Director Lange exclaimed "This is it!" He stated he wanted the Board of Trustees to see the new Branch and ask Chris Holt any questions they had. Schramn Trigas Brunn MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF. TRUSTEES February 15, 1984 Page 2 TRUSTEES Chris Holt explained where the different sections would be located and called attention to the philodendron plant sent by Trustee Grosse. b. Literacy Grant Update Lynda Stinson, Coordinator for the Literacy Coalition, addressed the Board, giving a brief synopsis of the project. She stated she had attended a workshop for all the projects in Southern California and found this one to be a unique project covering more than one jurisdiction. Mrs. Stinson stated they are hunting for tutors and she distributed copies of the materials used by their program. She stated she was available to speak before any interested groups in order to recruit volunteers. She mentioned the groups of people the coalition is trying to reach and announced that tutor workshops are being held at the present time. She invited those present to visit their new offices at 1207 Elm Avenue, Suite O, Carlsbad, telephone 1729-3690. She concluded, stating a tutor does not need to speak the language the students speak. President Schramm suggested Cable TV as one means of reaching more people with information about this program. Mrs. Stinson stated the funds for the program will run out September 30, and they would be seeking additional funds before that time. In answer to query, Mrs. Stinson stated they are trying to teach English to those who want to learn and they are not trying to erase any basic customs. She stated that is not the problem they are dealing with at the present time. c. H. W. Wilson Project Update Director Lange announced the system is in and the training program started yesterday for staff. The target completion date is the end of May. NEW BUSINESS; a. Revised Organization Chart Director Lange explained the new chart, which includes part-time employees. He explained that an Assistant Director would relieve a lot of detail work for him. A Library Assistant III position has been requested for the Extension Services Head. There was a brief discussion about the ability to move up through the promotion system, with Director Lange assuring the Board this was being done. b. Quarterly Report Director Lange called attention to the report as contained in the packet. The new system for statistics has not been in effect one year, and he feels once it is, the numbers will reflect a truer picture for circulation data. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 15, 1984 Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated he would like to oount the people actually coming into the Library and then count the number of people using each department. He added this would take a large number of volunteer workers to do this count, but felt that libraries rely too heavily upon circulation numbers. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange called attention to the Grand Opening flyer for the Branch Library, with the addition made at the bottom. Copies were distributed to all those in attendance. Von's will be putting the flyers in grocery bags and will donate a sheet cake for the dedication. There will be a welcome sign displayed in the shopping center for the new Branch Library. Director Lange reported Mrs. Rost's agreement to spend the money donated in memory of Mr. Rost. The money will be used to purchase art books. Director Lange discussed the Public Library Foundation Funds (S.B. 358), and stated if fully funded, Carlsbad would receive approximately $45,000. The Carlsbad funds would be ear-marked for on-line catalog to replace the card catalog. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Caroline Schindler gave the report, stating over 100 boxes of books are already marked for the Book Fair, May 20. This year groups are responsible for different areas of the Fair. Mrs. Schindler announced the Friends will be providing refreshments for the Grand Opening of the Branch Library, in cooperation with Vons. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Dale Smathers reported the microfiche collection has been received, but it appears the next section will be purchased without the discount as they are unable to raise the necessary money by March. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Caroline Schindler reported her term of office ends July 1, and she is not eligible to serve again. She stated that two consecutive terms is the limit. There was a discussion about the basis for the established policies regarding the number of terms to be served on the Serra Advisory Board, and also the Library Board. There was a suggestion this be changed to a term of four years and allow two—four-year terms. Director Lange will check on this. COUNCIL REPORT; Council Liaison Lewis reported on the Council Committee on Goals and Objectives, and stated the Southern Branch is still part of the report. Copies of the report were distributed to the Board. Council Member Lewis felt it was crucial to get the money for the Library in the CIP. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 15, 1984 Page 4 TRUSTEES ADJOURtMENT! By proper notion, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, riett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS January 1984 Circulation Statistics Materials checked out through computer Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total circulation Current Year 37,873 3,953 57 41,883 Previous Year 40,023 2,998 106 43,127 Increase (Decrease) ( 2,150) 955 ( 49) ( 1,244) Reference Questions Answered Adult Section Children's Section AV information Bookmobile Total reference questions answered 4,353 794 1,451 262 • OSo" 4,142 803 1,143 325 211 9) 308 63) W Main Library Materials added Books added wi thdrawn Net books A-V materials added wi thdrawn Net A-V 344 ( 347) ( 3) 38 11 153 ( 32) 121 NA NA 191315 ( Tl?) 38 11 27 NA 27 Branch Library Books added A-V added 815 117 NA NA 815 117 Attendance at programs Adult ChiIdren's Bookmobile ( 3) (21)' ( 5) 213 1,498 330