HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 21, 1984 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:01 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Trustees Schramm, Trigas, Falkenstein and Brunn. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:05 p.m. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representat ive Linda Roth, Library Staff Member Council Liaison Lewis Tybie Stone, League of Women Voters Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the February 15, 1984, Meeting were approved as presented. COMMl'I'Ititi REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds No report. b. Budget The budget will be taken up later in the meeting. c. Personnel Director Lange introduced Linda Roth, Library Assistant I, Children's Department. Mrs. Roth gave a brief summary of her background, education and training. President Schramm introduced all those present at the meeting to Mrs. Roth. d. Youth Trustee Trigas distributred copies of the Calendar and gave a report on recent activities. Trustee Trigas stated there were two issues that perhaps the Board should consider; the first, private schools from other cities have been using the library en a regular basis, which consumes the time of staff members; second, the Carlsbad schools use the library on a regular basis, and this again takes staff time. Schramm Trigas Brunn Falkenstein MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES March 21, 1984 Page 2 TRUSTEES The Library Board referred the natter of private schools from other cities and schools from Carlsbad using the public library on a regular basis over a long term to Director Lange for his study. He will come back next month with a report for the Board's discussion. CORRESPONDENCE: President Schramm read a letter from the Village Merchants thanking the Board for the invitation to the Branch Library Opening. Caltac Reservations - Newport Beach President Schramm announced the meeting would be April 7, 1984, from 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. All Members had received copies of the brochure. Director Lange, President Schramm and Trustee Grosse plan to attend the meeting. A letter had been received from Julie Almack thanking the Board for the Resolution. President Schramm welcomed all the Members back from various illnesses and vacations. Trustee Grosse shared photographs taken in Fiji, including one of the Library. b. Budget Copies of the Agenda Bill from the Council Meeting last night were passed out to all Board Members for their perusal, with a discussion to be held on this at the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS; a. Assistant Director - Position Description Director Lange called attention to the Revised Job Description in the packet and stated he hoped to have the position filled by the middle of summer. Trustee Brunn stated the person hired needs to be able to think in concepts; communicate; have the ability to achieve through others and the ability to help others achieve. b. Branch Library Newsletter and Update Director Lange called attention to Attachment 4b — a change in the square footage for the Branch Library. The difference owed to the Library was deducted from the March rent. Director Lange gave the statistics for the first three weeks of the new Branch Library, with 2,387 people using the Library; 4,082 items checked out; and 272 applications for new Library Cards. Schraitm Brunn Falkenstein Trigas Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 21, 1984 Page 3 Director Lange reported there is a great atmosphere in the new library. He stated the tables have arrived and the library will be fully functioning as of tomorrow. NEW BUSINESS: a. System Advisory Board Appointment - Discussion Director Lange reported Caroline Schindler had remarked her term was expiring at the end of June, and the by- laws limit the representative to two terms on that body. The City Council will make a new appointment to the System Advisory Board, and this Board should advise the Council. Director Lange asked the Board Members to give thought to names to recommend to the Mayor. This will be done in a letter from President Schramm. Director Lange stated there was nothing in writing limiting the Library Board terms—just tradition. Council Member Lewis stated that there is nothing written regarding any limitation on Board terms. It is now a three-year term and the individual may apply for reappointment. b. Meeting Room Policy Change - Discussion Director Lange referred to the attachment in the packet, in which he recommended a change from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for closing the library conference room at night. He stated he wanted this change, since he felt the responsibility was ultimately his, and with different groups responsible for closing the Library, it was not always done properly. This change would become effective July 1, which would coincide with the re- issuing of meeting room applications, making no sudden inconvenience to any groups. The Library Board of Trustees changed the Library Conference Room closing policy to read that all members of an organization and the audience must leave by 9:00 p.m. 6. OTHER; The April Sundowner will be held at the new Branch Library in La Costa. The Board decided to move the next regular meeting to April 11, at 3:00 p.m., in the Library Conference Room to discuss the budget. 7. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange made the following additions to the written report: The Library will be painted beginning April 2, and will take about a week for the interior and a second week for the exterior at a cost of $10,550. This is in the City Maintenance budget. Schramm Brunn Falkenstein Trigas Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES March 21, 1984 Page 4 Director Lange referred to a copy of Business Information Sources in the Carlsbad City Library, stating this list was made for a workshop to be held this month. There will be copies available at the Chamber of Commerce office. Director Lange stated there is a need to re-educate the businesses as to what is available at the Library, and the Chamber of Commerce is a good source for helping to accomplish this. The H. w. Wilson data base is in operation, and since the Library is a test site, the use is monitored. There will be a review in April regarding data use. Director Lange stated the ifriate on Senate Bill 358 is that the Assembly Sub-Committee had postponed any action. It is hoped the Assembly will follow the action of the Senate and double what the Governor put in the budget—$27.9 million. The money received by Carlsbad would be ear-marked for the on-line catalog to replace the card catalog. He stated there would be microfiche as a backup to this system. Director Lange reported the library will be the site for an experiment with tele-communications between libraries—slow-scan television operation. This will be held in the Conference Room April 24. In automating the acquisition procedures, Director Lange reported the Bataphone has been ordered. Every book has an ISBN number, and with the Bataphone the orders can be placed with Baker and Taylor using this number. All typing of orders would be eliminated. The Bataphone is leased for $275, plus $50 for order forms, and should arrive within two or three weeks. A poster advertising tutor training for the Literacy Program was shown to the Board by Director Lange. The paintings on the Conference Room walls are the Carlsbad/Oceanside Art League Annual Spring Membership Show. 8. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: President Elaine Lyttleton gave a report on the activities of the Friends and read the last agenda detailing all planned events. 9. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Dale Smathers reported on the election of new officers and stated he would repeat as the Society's Representative. 10. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; No report. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 21, 1984 Page 5 TRUSTEES 11. COUNCIL; Council Liaison Lewis reported the Board should make its recommendation to Council regarding the CIP as soon as possible. President Schramm announced that would be on the agenda when the Board discusses the budget. ADJOURIMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:17 p.m. Respectfully^ submitted, j Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS February 1984 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Current Year Previous Year Increase (Decrease) MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment * Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Fi1m and video tapes Audio Visual equipment * Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION 34,188 4,123 76_ 38,387 871 87T 39,258 34,029 2,517 78_ 36,624 NA NA NA NA 36,624 159 1,606 02 ) 1,763 871 87T" 2,634 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section AV information ** Total MAIN LIBRARY ** Total BRANCH LIBRARY ** TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 4,141 830 1,501 6,472 179 6,651 4,154 896 959 6,009 NA 6,009 13 )66 ) 542 179 642 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn *** net books AV materials added withdrawn **** net AV BRANCH LIBRARY *** Books added **** AV materials added *** TOTAL BOOKS **** TOTAL AV MATERIALS 411 401 10 181 11 170 577 152 587 322 418 737 ) 319) 130 5 ) 125 NA NA 319 ) 125 ( 7 ) 336 1325") 51 ( 6 ) 4T~ 577 152 248 197 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's BranchBookmobile ( 5) (21) ( 1) ( 3) 412 1,658 120 137