HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES June 20, 1984 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Trigas and Brunn. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:10 p.m. Absent - Trustee Falkenstein. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Caroline Schindler, Serra Advisory Board Representative Elaine Lyttleton, President, Friends of the Library Board Member Elect Richard Martin Council Liaison Lewis APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the May 9, 1984, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; c. Personnel Trustee Brunn reported this would be taken up later in the meeting. d. Youth Trustee Trigas handed out the July - August Events Calendar and reported on the children activities at the library. Mrs. Trigas reported staff had relabeled the juvenile non-fiction books to make them easier to find. OLD BUSINESS; a. Assistant Library Director - update Director Cliff Lange reported there had been 38 applicants for the position, and the application review committee reduced that to eight for interviews. The Interview Committee and Director Lange had agreed on the number one and two positions for further interviewing and checking of references. b. 1984-85 Budget Update Director Lange reported no change in the budget. He did request the Saturday hours to be restored. The budget will be adopted on June 26 by the City Council. Schramm Brunn Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES June 20, 1984 Page 2 TRUSTEES c. Review of 1983-84 Library Goals and Objectives Director Lange called attention to the copy of the report in the packet and stated he would be happy to answer questions. NEW BUSINESS: a. Serra Cooperative Library System Slide Presentation The slide presentation was given at this time. b. 1984-85 Library Goals and Objectives - distributed at meeting Director Lange gave copies of the draft of Goals and Objectives to the Trustees. He stated he would appreciate any response the Trustees might have on these goals. c. Library fees for reserves and interlibrary loans Director Lange referred to the memorandum in the packet and stated he would answer any questions. The Board of Trustees accepted the fees as suggested by Director Lange. d. Insurance fee for A-V equipment Director Lange stated he would like to place this item in abeyance for the time being. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT The drop in circulation was discussed. Possible causes discussed were: Difference in the way the statistics were tabulated for paperbacks; the parking problem; the circulation period on fiction was changed from one week to three weeks. Copies of a three-month comparison report for the branch library were distributed to the Trustees. The need for more space at the branch was discussed, with mention made about the 1,400 square feet available next door to the branch. Director Lange distributed copies of a memorandum asking for letters to be mailed to the Governor in support of the Public Library Foundation Program and for funding of the California Literacy Campaign. The Wilson project was discussed, and Director Lange stated it had been extended until September 30. Schramm Brunn Trigas Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 20, 1984 Page 3 TRUSTEES FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Elaine Lyttleton, President, gave a report on the book fair, with a total of over $9,000 being made on the fair. She reported the new officers had been elected. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Caroline Schindler comnented on the slide presentation and how it explains the Serra system. She stated this is available as a ten-minute program for groups. Awards and Refreshments The meeting recessed at 3:45 p.m. for presentation of Certificates to: Elaine Lyttleton for her service on the Library Board; Caroline Schindler for her service on the Board, and to Walter Brunn as a Trustee on the Library Board. Director Lange presented all three members with a vase and a red rose from the Library Staff. Council Member Lewis presented Trustee Brunn with a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Carlsbad. Trustee Brunn expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve the City. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP; The Library Board Workshop convened at 4:08 p.m. President Schramm gave a summary of the present library space, with projected needs by the year 2,000, stating there are 25,000 square feet in the main library and 3,000 square feet in the branch at the present time. She stated the choices to consider are: add 20,000 square feet to the main library to meet administrative and public needs— (and it would be cost effective to do this at the time City Hall is expanded.) and 20,000 square foot branch in south Carlsbad—meeting the 40,000 square foot additional space required; a library in south Carlsbad of 40,000 square feet to become the main library and the main library would become the branch, and that would house administration; the third choice would be a 65,000 square foot library with no branches. Director Lange used the flip charts to explain the action recomnended in the CIP: 1) Build 20,000 square foot addition and 20,000 square feet in La Costa. Alternative: Retain this as the branch and construct 40,000 square feet in La Costa and then build a 65,000 square foot main library at another location in the City. He stated the advantage of adding on here is the location and accessibility—particularly when Elm is put through to the east, and the advantage of a 20,000 square foot branch would be the small amount of space needed for offices. Director Lange stated both projects were needed—the branch and the addition to the main library, with the timing as the problem. MINUTES LIBRAE* BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 20, 1984 Page 4 TRUSTEES Council Member Lewis stated that unless the Board wanted Council to make the decision between the two projects, they should indicate a preference. He stated most people feel the branch should be first and the expansion of the main library second. If the Board wants this expansion first, the public needs to be educated to that need. Director Lange stated the next alternative would be to retain the present library and construct another 40,000 square foot library in the La Costa area. Council Member Lewis commented Director Lange should give a breakdown on the Saturday hours for Council. President Schrannt suggested perhaps 10,000 square feet now as a branch, with the potential to grow. Trustee Trigas stated she thought the public wants a branch—since the only City building in La Costa is a rental library. There was a discussion about Alga Norte Park serving the southeast and the middle area. President Schramm reiterated her statement that if City Hall builds an expansion, then the library should try for 20,000 square feet expansion. If the City does not expand the building, then perhaps the library should try for 10,000 square feet to be added to the main library. Also, there could be a plan for 20,000 square feet at the branch library, with 10,000 square feet being built first. She felt there should be alternatives given to the Council and the City. Council Member Lewis stated if Council decided to ask for a priority, this would come back to the Board for that decision. Director Lange stated the branch at La Costa is already too small, and it was noted that the City is supplying the salaries for two full-time employees. The suggestion was made to request the City to lease the additional space at La Costa as soon as feasible, problem. In discussion, the Trustees felt the Saturday hours should be requested first, and then request Council to lease the additional space for the La Costa branch. ADJOURtMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, arriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS May 1984 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Fi Im and video tapes Audio Visual equipment * Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment * Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section ChiIdren's Section AV information Bookmobile ** Total MAIN LIBRARY "- Total BRANCH LIBRARY ** TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS Current Year 33,904 5,547 52 39,503 5,218 101 5,319 44,822 >V ft 3,830 945 2,056 6,831 312 Previous Year 38,569 3,308 99 41,976 '--- 41,976 4,031 953- 1,229 363 6,576 Increase (Decrease) ( 4,665 ) 2,239 ( 47 ) ( 2,473 ) 5,218 101 5,319 2,846 ( 201 ) ( 8 ) 827 ( 363 ) 255 312 7,143 6,576 567 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn *** net books AV materials added wi thdrawn **** net AV BRANCH LIBRARY *** Books added **** AV materials added *** TOTAL BOOKS **** TOTAL AV MATERIALS 410 418) 8) 61 ( 13) 368 3 360 10 482 ( 287) 195 42 ( 42) 0 0 195 0 ( 72 ) ( 131 ) ( 203 ) 19 ( 32 ) ( 13) 368 3 165 10 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch ( 6) (33) ( 6) 219 1,683 345