HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 15, 1984 3:00 p.m. La Costa Branch Library TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:11 p.m., following refreshments of lemonade and cookies. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Trigas, Martin, and Falkenstein. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative Carolyn Ayars, President, Friends of the Library Council Liaison Lewis Zeph Phillips, Assistant Library Director Pant Batho, Secretary Chris Holt, Library Assistant II Trustee Falkenstein announced several additions to the Library staff, including Zeph Phillips as Assistant Library Director and Pam Batho, Secretary. He stated there were several new ladies at the check-out desk who are in training to be available as substitutes when needed by the Library. President Schramm welcomed Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Batho and Director Lange then officially introduced them to the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the July approved as presented. 18, 1984, meeting were COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Buildings & Grounds No report. b. Budget Trustee Martin referred to the copy of the budget in the black book. He stated the City Manager commended Director Lange for the fine budget. c. Personnel New staff already introduced to the Board. d. Youth Director Lange reported the very successful summer reading program will end this coining week and the partyis scheduled for August 25 at the Harding Street Center. Schramm Martin Trigas Falkenstein MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 15, 1984 Page 2 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated the shelves of the children's area are being re-arranged to allow for better supervision. OLD BUSINESS; a. Assistant Library Director Zeph Phillips, Assistant Library Director, expressed his pleasure with his position with the Library and the support the citizens of the oonnunity give to the Library. b. Departmental Secretary Pan Batho, Secretary, stated she was not a new employee of the City, having been here nearly six years, but that she was looking forward to her position at the Library. c. 1984-85 Goals and Objectives Director Lange stated he would be putting the goals and objectives together, incorporating all the old lists plus new suggestions. NEW BUSINESS; a. Literacy Funding Update Director Lange stated he would attend a meeting tomorrow of the California Library Services Board and would know the mechanics of how to apply for this funding after that meeting. The legislature appropriated two and a half million dollars to continue the literacy program, and he felt certain Carlsbad would be eligible for some of that money. b. California Library Services Board Meeting Director Lange reported he would be attending this meeting tomorrow and would have a report at the next meeting. c. Council/Library Board Joint Workshop President Schranm called attention to the sheet in the packet regarding the joint workshop. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange gave an update on the remodeling of the offices, stating it should be finished by Friday of this Director Lange stated he had requested restoration of the money for Saturday hours into the budget and over the next two weeks he will prepare reconmendations to the City Manager to present to the Council. This would be an additional $23,000, plus $3,000 for the branch. He felt the Saturday afternoon hours were very necessary and planned to strongly reconmend this be reinstated into the budget. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 15, 1984 Page 3 TRUSTEES Council Member Lewis stated the Library needs should be brought before the Council while the present Council is still in office, rather than have the new Council consider those needs. The suggestion was made to include the request for roving into the adjacent space at the branch library, and Council Member Lewis commented they could ask, but requests should really be for items that had been in the budget and were deleted. This expansion was not in the budget. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Mrs. Ayars had no report. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Dale Smathers reported on the yard sale last weekend, with $1,267.00 being earned. He added that other items will be raffled off later and that money added to the funds. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Mrs. Brownley reported on the Serra Advisory Board meeting and asked for suggestions from the Board of Trustees as to what they would like her to bring to them. Trustee Falkenstein suggested a listing of resources available through the Serra System. Director Lange handed out statistics sheets and information sheets to the Board members for their perusal. RECESS; President Schramm declared a recess at 3:54 p.m. and the Library Board re-convened at 4:03 p.m., with four members present. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP; Director Lange pointed out the Branch Library would like to expand into the room where this meeting is being held. This would add 1,500 square feet to the existing 3,000 square feet, and would serve the public adequately for four or five years. Chris Holt presented a layout of the plans for this expansion and how the space would be used. Director Lange spoke about the plan for this expansion; stating he will meet with the landlord's agent and develop a proposal as far as rent is concerned. He mentioned the $7,295.00 that would be allowed by the owner to remodel the area, and felt that would be sufficient to cover the expenses. The Library would need to budget for rent, and the owner may be willing to allow the Library to defer paying rent until February. Council Member Lewis suggested a visual presentation of this proposed expansion, showing what would occur, the costs, and the advantages to the comnunity. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES August 15, 1984 Page 4 TRUSTEES President Schranm thanked Chris Holt for the refreshments provided today. CIP President Schranra referred to the nap of Alga Norte Park and the library location. Council Member Lewis stated that the City could conceivably change the schedule of the planned development and the library in Alga Norte Park could be built bfore the park is developed. Director Lange stated there is flexibility in the plan the Library Board has formulated, in that the branch could be built in nodular sections, allowing for expansion. The Board agreed to present the Library needs as a unit in November and to formulate their plans in advance of that meeting. ADJOURtMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of August 15, 1984, was adjourned at 4:31 p.m. 'Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk CIRCULATION STATISTICS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS July 1984 Current Year Previous Year Increase (Decrease) MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment - Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment * Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION 36,180 5,845 37_ 42,062 5,271 157 5,428 47,490 39,529 3,381 73_ 42,983 NA NA NA .NA 42,983 ( 3,349 ) 2,464 ( 36 ) ( 921 ) 5,271 157 5,428 4,507 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section AV information Bookmobile Total MAIN LIBRARY -'•-- Total BRANCH LIBRARY ** TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,076 985 2,088 12 6,161 321 6,482 3,334 747 1,122 391 5,594 NA 5,594 258 ) 238 966 379 ) 567 321 888 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added wi thdrawn *** net books AV materials added wi thdrawn **** net AV BRANCH LIBRARY *** Books added **** AV materials added *** TOTAL BOOKS **** TOTAL AV MATERIALS 840 282) 55F 79 362) 283) 339 15 897 ( 268) 403 (1,157) ( 754) 276 ( 60) 216 770 16 216 437 ( 875 ) ( 1,312 ) ( 197 ) ( 302 ) ( 499 ) 431 ) 15 881 484 ) ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult ( 3) Children's ('9) Branch ( 7) 147 1,045 342