HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19, 1984 3:00 p.m. Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:07 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Trigas and Grosse. Absent - Trustees Falkenstein and Martin. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative Carolyn Ayars, President, Friends of the Library Council Liaison Lewis APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the August 15, 1984, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Director Lange reported he was negotiating with the leasing agent to get the best price for the additional space at the La Costa branch. The Friends of the Library donated money to the Branch that can be used for furniture and equipment if the Branch is expanded. d. Youth Trustee Grosse distributed copies of the Calendar of Youth Activities and commented on some of the activities. Director Lange reported that two Library staff members, John Quartarone and Zeph Phillips, had attended a three-day meeting at Santa Barbara on children's services. Maureen Alexander, Director, Carlsbad Girls Club, also attended. The meeting was sponsored by the State Library. OLD BUSINESS; a. Literacy Funding Update Director Lange reported the Agenda Bill for extension of the literacy project was approved last night by Council. He added it will be known by September 25, whether or not the State Library has given its approval. He said he was pleased with the way the project has developed. There will be a nationwide media blitz in November on literacy. The local newspaper articles often failed to mention that this was a Library-sponsored project. Schramm Trigas Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES September 19, 1984 Page 2 TRUSTEES b. California Library Services Board Action Director Lange gave a recap of the action the Board took at San Juan Capistrano meeting; c. Memo to City Manager regarding Saturday Hours Director Lange stated Council will not address the budget add-backs until December or January. d. Memo to City Manager regarding Branch Expansion Director Lange reported this memo is not in the packet as the timing was changed. A memorandum will be sent later. NEW BUSINESS; a. October Board Meeting - discussion President Schramm announced there would be two meetings in October, October 10 and October 24; one will be a regular meeting and one a workshop. The October 10 meeting will be at 3:00 p.m., and be the regular meeting, with the October 24 meeting to be a workshop starting at 3:00 p.m.. The regular Board Meeting for November will be November 14. b. Annual Report to California State Library No discussion on this item. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange called attention to the sheets contained in the packet for information. Director Lange stated the offset press and the computer will be out to bid soon. He stated the Library has takenout a membership in DIALOG (a major date base vendor) and the Reference staff will attend a user training session at National University in San Diego in October. Director Lange commented on the video conference held yesterday, on Redevelopment of downtown areas of cities across the country. He commented that it was very well done. A business branch for the industrial park is still being explored according to Director Lange. Fifty firms will be sent a questionnaire with a cover letter. Director Lange stated he consulted with the City Attorney about the art exhibits and hobby exhibits held at the Library. There will be a form for people to sign absolving the Library and the City from liability for anything that happens while those exhibits are at the Library. He stated he would include a copy of this in the next Agenda. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 19, 1984 Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange reported on the recent meeting of Department Heads with the Council candidates. Major activities being undertaken in each department were listed. The Library sent two items—exploration of Branch expansion and the Library Master Plan. Director Lange announced the Serra Public Relations and Legislative Comnittee will have one-minute spot announcements on KPBS radio, including interesting reference questions and where the answers can be found. The Library will receive a donation of a refrigerator for the employees' lounge from Charlotte Egea, Head of Circulation. Brochures were distributed on the Trustees Workshop, sponsored by U. C. Irvine, and Director Lange stated the City has a budget for this type of training and would support two Members to attend. The workshop will be held Saturday, October 20, 1984. Director Lange distributed copies of the Library statistics, and conmented that the branch library has not fallen off in distribution since opening, and this is unusual. He also conmented on the out-of-town usage at the branch, which is about 13%, adding this is mostly from Leucadia and Encinitas. The August statistics were distributed by Director Lange. Director Lange discussed the legislation listed in the Clarion, a copy of which was in each packet. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Ms. Carolyn Ayars, President, reported on the September 16 meeting and stated there will be a dinner-dance at the Twin Inns, October 6. She reported on an upcoming rumnage sale October 14, and a paperback book sale at the Pall Faire on November 4. Ms. Ayars also reported Friends donated $502.50 for the closet and shelves needed by the Library. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Mrs. Margaret Brownley, Serra Representative, reported there is a meeting scheduled for next week. She also reported Director Lange and she had a report prepared on Serra Services, but requested this be postponed until the next meeting. The Library Workshop was postponed until a full Board could be present. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of September 19, 1984, was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk CIRCULATION STATISTICS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS AUGUST 1984 Current Year Previous Year Increase (Decrease) MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Fi1m and video tapes Audio Visual equipment - Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total BRANCH LIBRARY * TOTAL CIRCULATION 36,39^ 5,254 45 41,693 6,066 243 6,309 48,002 40,859 3,216 75 44,150 NA NA NA NA 44,150 ( 4,465 ) 2,038 ( 30 ) ( 2,457 ) 6,066 243 6,309 3,852 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section ChiIdren's Section AV information Bookmob i1e ** Total MAIN LIBRARY ** Total BRANCH LIBRARY ** TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,470 970 1,763 12 6,215 405 6,620 3,788 728 1,099 358 5,973 NA 5,973 318 ) 242 664 346 ) 242 405 647 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added wiIndrawn *** net books AV materials added wi thdrawn **** net AV BRANCH LIBRARY *** Books added **** AV materials added *** TOTAL BOOKS ft*** TOTAL AV MATERIALS 624 328 296 22 ( 1.169 ) ( 1,147 ) 557 853 ( 1,147 ) 414 :. 858 ) : 444 ) 89: 34 ) 210 ( 530 ) ( 740 ) ( 67 ) ( 1,135 ) 55 816 372 55 1,202 ( 259 ( 481 ) ( 1,202 ) ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Chi Idren1 s Branch ( 5) (19) ( 5) 452 1,441 420 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS AUGUST 1984 Current Year Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment * Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Fi1m and video tapes Audio Visual equipment * Total BRANCH LIBRARY * TOTAL CIRCULATION 36,394 5,254 41,693 6,066 243 6,309 48,002 Previous Year 40,859 3,216 75 44,150 NA NA NA NA 44,150 Increase (Decrease) ( 4,465 ) 2,038 ( 30 ) ( 2, 457 } 6,066 243 6,309 3,852 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section ChiIdren's Section AV information Bookmob i1e "- Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY ** TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,470 970 1,763 12 6,215 405 3,788 728 1,099 358 5,973 NA ( 318 242 664 ( 346 242 405 6,620 5,973 647 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added wi thdrawn *** net books AV materials added wi thdrawn ••'"•** net AV BRANCH LIBRARY *** Books added **** AV materials added *** TOTAL BOOKS ft*** TOTAL AV MATERIALS 624 ( 328 ) 296 22 ( 1.169 ) ( 1,147 ) 557 853 ( 1,147 ) 414 ( 858 ) ( 444 ) 89 ( 34 ) 55 816 372 55 210 ( 530 ) ( 740 ) ( 67 ) ( 1,135 ) ( 1,202 ) ( 259 ) ( 481 ) ( 1,202 ) ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Chi Idren' s Branch ( 5) (19) ( 5) 452 ,441 420 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LA COSTA BRANCH / BOOKMOBILE SIX MONTHS COMPARISON ***** CIRCULATION (including March April May June July August Tota 1 s VIDEO TAPE CIRCULATION March April May June July August Totals * Did not circulate REFERENCE March Apri I May June July August Totals STORYHOUR ATTENDANCE March Ap r i 1 May June July August Totals LIBRARY USERS March April May June July August Totals 1984 Branch video tapes) 5,404 5,163 5,319 5,104 5,428 6.066 32,484 104 79101 129 157 243mj video tapes from 104 420 312 230 321 405 -1,792 527 376 345 282 219 371 2,120 3,435 3,367 3,103 2,732 2,752 3,209 1S759F 1983 Bookmob i 1 e 2,263 2,470 2,636 2,155 2,512 2,414 14,450 * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bookmob i le 295 292 363 310 391 358 2,009 285 200 295 260 200 257 1,497 1,034 1,075 1,102 1,078 995 1,007 6,291 Increase (Decrease) 3,141 2,693 2,683 2,949 2,916 3.652 18,034 104 79 101 129 157 243 37T 191 128 51 80 70 JtL 217 T OUT OF TOWN USAGE NUMBER OF ITEMS CIRCULATED.(1984) ,fnS&'*<. W Cardiff Central San Diego Coastal-La JoI la Del Mar Encinitas Escondido Fallbrook Leucadia San Dieguito San Marcos Solana Beach Vista Totals ** Totals are included in Branch circulation figures. Out of town usage at the Branch for six full months of operation averages 13.1%. March 50 6 —13 359 — —204 13 28 —23 696 Ap r i 1 44 4 —23 290 1 —132 4 58 -- 1 557 May 36 —1 12 373 2 2 199 8 56 7 14 7TO June 81 11 -- 20 374 —__ 207 5 30 7 26 76T July 42 8 --13 412 --__ 128 12 . 16 8 15 654 August 58 14__ "' •' " 1 516 -_ «_ 206 9 63 8 21 896 Totals 311 43 1 82 2,324 3 2 1,076 51 251 30 100