HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-30; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Date of Meetinq: January 30, 1985 Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Place of Meeting: Branch Meeting Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Trigas, Falkenstein, Martin and Grosse. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representat ive Carolyn Ayars, President, Friends of the Library Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Tybie Stone, Leaque of Women Voters Representat ive Bobbie Hoder, AAII Council Liaison Lewis arrived at 4:07 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the December 19, 1984, meeting were approved as amended to show the correct spelling of Carolyn Ayars on page 2. CCMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported this item would be deferred to the workshop. b. Budget Trustee Martin asked to defer this to Item 5 c. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported the following changes: Zeph Phillips left January 3, 1985; Betty Maerkle's position will be filled as of February 4; a request will be made for Karen Webber's position to be upgraded to Library Assistant I, and Charlotte Egea's position to Library Assistant II, Fred Horn's to be upgraded to Librarian III. Joe Skymba's position description will be re-written to reflect his duties. The Graphic Artist position is currently 3/4 time; next year's budget requests full time. The City has asked for the loan of Bobbie Hodie part-time to assist the Land Use Review Committee for six months. d. Youth Trustee Grosse reported on children activities at the library for the past month. Schramm Trigas Falkenstein Martin Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 30, 1985 Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS! a. Library staffing changes - Discussion Director Lanqe discussed these changes and emphasized that Joe Skymba's position description now more accurately describes what he does. The Library Assistant I in A-V will become a Librarian III if the request for upgrade is approved. This Librarian III will be in charge of Audio- Visual Services. b. Serra Cooperative Library System Planning Retreat and System Advisory Board Orientation Director Lange called attention to the information in the packet and stated he would like to spend time at the next meeting discussing this. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Mrs. Margaret Brownley reported further on the Serra orientation and the feelings of the Advisory Board with regard to determining their function. NEW BUSINESS; a. Public Facilities Management System Report, December 1984 Research and Analysis Group. Director Lange referred to the information in the packet, stating one important factor was the mentioning for the first time that the Library could become inadequate, the second factor, was the use of a significantly lower population growth projection than SANDAG. He added the Library uses the SANDAG projection figures. b. Public Library Fund 1984-85 Allocations (S.B. 358) Director Lange stated the Public Library Fund Allocation of $20,821 was received last week, but did not represent $1.20 per capita, as it was not fully funded by the State. c. 1985-86 Budget Review Trustee Martin presented the budget for 1985-86, going over each area in detail. Director Lange stated the final draft would be presented at the next Board Meeting, and would go to the City February 25, 1985. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange added to his written report, stating he had met with the Library Task Force at the high school— and Council Member Lewis is on that Task Force. This group has developed a five-year plan for improving the school libraries. He added the Task Force had been assured of the Library's cooperation and support. Council Member Lewis added that the school libraries have been a dismal operation, and he hoped there would be funds to make the improvements planned. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 30, 1985 Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated a letter had been received regarding a $25,000 bequest to the Library, and there will be a hearing on February 25, 1985, regarding that. The money is to be used for purchasing Genealogical books. Director Lange reported the physical re-organization of the Library has been dropped for the time being, with the AV area to be remodeled to relieve the cramped situation. In conjunction with that, Director Lange said he had talked with Joe Skymba about the film collection. The bulk of the collection could be put on deposit with another Library or with the Serra System. The use of the film collection has decreased the last few years with the increase in use of the video tapes. Since the primary users of the films are teachers, it was felt they could arrange to use the films in advance and not be inconvenienced. Director Lange will explore the possibilities'for storing the film collection. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Miss Carolyn Ayars reported on the future activities of the Friends of the Library and added the Friends had voted to extend the art rental program to the Branch Library. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Mr. Dale Smathers reported on the fund-raising activities planned for the coming year by the Genealogical Society. OTHER; President Schramm reported on the California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners meeting she attended and invited the Board Members to use her notes to review the topics included in the meeeting. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP Director Lange distributed copies of the Agenda from last night's Council Meeting and copies of the Agenda Bill regarding a study of the expansion of City Hall and the Library, which he heartily endorsed. Director Lange added that the parking situation for the Library would have to be lived with for at least another year. Lack of parking is the most frequent complaint the Library receives. Director Lange distributed draft copies of a master plan to the Trustees with the request that they read this over and come back with thoughts and suggestions on the need for Library expansion. ADJOURmENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of January 30, 1985, was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. The next meeting will be February 20, 1985, 3:00 p.m., at the Main Library. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY JANUARY 1985 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1984 La Costa Branch Since opening in March 1984 with about 7,500 volumes, the branch at year end grew to a collection of some 12,000 vol- umes. Use of the branch by the community, and especially by children, continues to be quite heavy. As a result of this growth and the need for meeting and program space, the city council approved the library's request to add an adjacent room. The addition will increase the size of the branch from 3,000 to about 4,500 square feet. Half of this area will be used for a conference room and the other half will be used for expanded collections and for seating. By the end of the quarter walls had been opened up, carpeting laid, and other finishing touches applied. Furniture and shelving should be in place by early 1985. The branch has also initiated, under the auspices of the Friends of the Library, a sale of gift magazines. Sales have brought in over $150 since October. The branch has been averaging about 3,100 users and over 5,400 items checked out each month. The circulation of all materials, both from the branch and from the main library, shows a dramatic rise from the last fiscal year: CIRCULATION OF ALL MATERIALS 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2nd Q 1984 112,983 107,195 131,756 Audiovisual Services In addition to further development of the collections, espe- cially cassettes and videotapes, the browsers for records and tapes were rearranged to make the area more attractive and more accessible. The Audiovisual Specialist devoted a major block of time to a slide-tape program documenting beach erosion. The program has been shown to the city council and will be used to document the erosion problem in future discussions by other county and state agencies. Other programs produced by the Audiovisual Specialist this quarter included: 1. Videotaped training sessions for the Fire Department. 2. Documentary still photographs for various city award ceremonies and official events. 3. Copies of historic photos and memorabilia loaned by private parties. 4. Slides for Land Use Planning to document growth, explain density zones, and show how the Land Use Planning Depart- ment operates. Trends over the past three years in the use of audiovisual materials are shown in the tables below: USE OF AV EQUIPMENT 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2nd Q 1984 307 190 265 ADULT FILM BOOKINGS 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2nd Q 1984 1,627 987 674 VIDEOTAPE BOOKINGS 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2nd Q 1984 6,145 9,625 16,616 Adult Literacy Project The Tri-City Literacy Coalition has now been refunded by the California Library Services Act through June 1985. Future literacy operations will focus more on community outreach, with a special staff position now allocated for this purpose. Statistics compiled by Coalition staff since the program began in January 1984 indicate the following accomplishments: 112 students enrolled in classes. 105 students referred to other programs. 77 tutors trained. 32 tutors referred to other training programs. 320 contacts made through the media, institutions, social service agencies, churches and schools. Programs As a major community resource for culture and the arts, the library continued to provide exhibit space for local - 2 - artists as well as to sponsor live programs of music and lectures. The main library mounted 15 displays and the La Costa Branch put on seven exhibits of its own. Lectures this quarter, in addition to the monthly Armchair Travel shows, included a talk by a recently published local author; a program on the Huichol Indians; a discussion of the history of the San Diego Zoo; and a presentation on home design and construction. Music programs included classical guitars and piano; a jazz concert; a classical quartet; and a Christmas concert in the Cultural Arts Center. Among the special exhibits mounted this quarter were eight different showings of paintings and photographs and such collectibles and crafts as stained glass; shells; gourd art; jewelry; dolls; porcelain miniatures; and antique toys. The audience for all programs has increased steadily over the past three years: AUDIENCE FOR ALL PROGRAMS 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2nd Q 1984 6,254 6,606 7,257 Reference and Information Services Reference staff began attending training sessions in the new DIALOG online information retrieval system. Staff will be using an IBM PC to handle all transactions. Due to the complexity of the system and the time involved in searching, all requests for research will be handled in person and by appointment. Walk-ins and phone inquiries will not be accepted. To accommodate staff and the new computer operation, the reference area was reorganized. A closed area behind the reference desk has now been partitioned to form staff work space and a small interview area for the computer, printer, manuals, and other materials that go with the DIALOG operation, At the same time, work on weeding and updating the reference collection was begun by staff. All the business materials were pulled out from behind the reference desk and placed on an open index table to give the public direct access. The process of weeding and updating the collection will take several months. The possibility of establishing a business branch in the Palomar Industrial Park was explored during the quarter. In conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, over 40 question- naires were completed by a sample of people who attended the joint library-Chamber business workshops. Responses to the questionnaire indicated overwhelming interest in a business library, but the majority also preferred the main library on Elm as the site, rather than the industrial park. - 3 - Two additional business workshops were sponsored by the reference division in cooperation with the Chamber. The program in October was on information management for small businesses and the November workshop was on word processors. Total reference and information questions handled during the quarter showed a sharp increase from the previous year: REFERENCE/INFORMATION QUESTIONS 2nd Q 1982 2nd Q 1983 2nd Q 1984 20,118 17,312 23,543 It should be noted that the 1984 quarter included 1,474 reference questions handled at the branch. Children's Services Weekly programs produced by staff of Children's Services included storyhours, movies and calligraphy classes. There were also frequent tours conducted for visiting classes and groups of children. During the past quarter there were 51 of these class visits, bringing a total of 992 children into the library for tours, instruction and films. Special programs sponsored by Children's Services this quarter included a Halloween costume party; an air band concert; a program on car seat safety by the County Public Health Department; a new Spanish language storyhour; and a Christmas tree trimming program. There was also a special program conducted by staff of the Earthcraft Halloween Shop on make-up techniques and materials. Over 150 kids auditioned for parts in Carlsbad Youth Theater's production of "Hansel and Gretel". The library's Drama Club, formerly run entirely by library staff, has now expanded to become a community children's theater, with parents and other volunteers working with library staff on such things as scripts, casting, costuming, and set design. The CYT production of "Hansel and Gretel" had two performances at the Cultural Arts Center, with over 600 people attending. A Book Faire, held in celebration of National Children's Book Week, sold over $1,000 worth of books. Twenty-five percent of the proceeds went to the Friends of the Library. Working with the Audiovisual Specialist, children's staff have been videotaping puppet shows. These tapes are being added to the children's collection and are available for loan. Children's staff have also been working on a library skills instructional program for 6th graders from local elementary schools. School-library cooperation has also been investi- gated by the Library Director in meetings with the Carlsbad School District. The District has hired a consultant to recommend ways to improve school library services. Due to the major impact students have on the city library, there is a need for school faculty and library staff to coordinate activities and to investigate future resource sharing. - 4 - CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS December 1984 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION Current Year 30,208 5,663 64 35,935 4,114 271 47385 40,320 Prev ious Year 31,214 4,262 51 35,527 NA NA NA 35,527 Increase (Decrease) ( 1,006) 1,401 13 408 4,114 271 4,385 4,793 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section ChiIdren's Section AV information Bookmobile Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,216 1,490 2,128 14 6,848 559 3,562 788 1,556 120 6,026 NA ( 346) 702 572 ( 106) ~822~ 559 7,407 6,026 1,381 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added wi thdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 550 291 259 147 42 105 363 3 360 28 1 27 619 132 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult ( 1) Children's (16) Branch ( 9) 325 973 430