HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-02-26; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY HOARD- OF TRUSTEES 3:30 p.m. February 26, 1986 Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; The Meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:33 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Falkensteln, Martin and Trlgas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director 3ohn Cahlll, Library Administrative Assistant Barbara Otwell, President, Friends of the Library Bee McWilllams, Representative, Genealogical Society Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the January 15, 1986, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas deferred to 3ohn Cahlll, who reported the concrete should be poured this Thursday or Friday for the new parking lot. b. Budget This Item was postponed until later In this meeting. c. Personnel Director Lange introduced Connie fleardsley, Manager of Cultural Arts Program, who started her employment on January 27, 1986. Ms. Beardsley gave a brief summary of the work to be accomplished by the Cultural Arts Commission and the Cultural Arts Program. She stated her office Is located in the Colonial Mall. Trustee Falkensteln reported the Library was advertising for a Librarian III to be the Head of the Tech Services. Gerry Spangler, will be Acting Head of the Tech Services, beginning next Monday,and remain on the Job until the permanent employee Is hired. Geoff Armour introduced Callle Ahrens, Librarian I, who is the new Reference Librarian. Schramm Falkensteln Martin Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Febrary 26, 1986 Page 2 TRUSTEES d. Youth Geoff Armour gave the report, stating the collection for the story hour has been thoroughly weeded and relabeled during the time off for the story hour. He said the next "Carlsbad Loves Kids Day" Is being planned at the present time, with the date to be April 19. There will be a fund raiser held at that Pizza Place on March 12. Mr. Armour further reported library skills workshops are being held at the Library for grades one through six. OLD BUSINESS; a. Parking Lot - Status Report John Cahlll reported this was a temporary Inconvenience, and the work on the parking lot should be concluding In a week or two. b. Security System-- Status Report Director Lange stated after meeting with the Purchasing Officer, the decision was reached to reject all the bids for a security system and start over. On the first bid, the Library used technical specifications, which made it difficult to evaluate the bids. They are now going to take a different approach and describe what the Library wants and needs In non-technical terms. NEW BUSINESS; a. Second Quarter Report John Cahlll referred to the Report contained In the packet. Director Lange commented the statistics for the Branch Library showed January circulation exceeded 10,000 for the first time since the Branch opened. b. 1986-87 Budget Review Trustee Martin reviewed the entire budget, explaining any changes. The budget is to be approved by the Board and sent to the City by March 2. The total budget for the Library exceeds two million dollars, Including all sources. This represents a 15% Increase over last year. John Cahlll called attention to the additional sheet listing the three projects requested of Parks & Recreation Department's Maintenance Division. Director Lange called attention to the CIP Project detail and stated 55,000 additional square feet of Library space is needed. Library Board of Trustees accepted the 1986-87 Budget as presented. Library Board of Trustees accepted the CIP Project as printed. Schramm Falkenstein Martin Trlgas Schramm Falkenstein Martin Trlgas f MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Febrary 26, 1986 Page 3 TRUSTEES LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange reported SB 1220 is still alive, although it was tabled on February 14, 1986. The issue is when this bill will get on the ballot. The funds have been cut to $150,000,000. If this bill does not make the 3une ballot, the alternative is the November ballot. He stated there is another initiative on the ballot to restore bonding power to local Government. There was a meeting of the Third Level Reference Committee. A consultant has heen hired and will travel around the State. Director Lange reported Serra Library System will hold a retreat at dullan, March 20 and 21 for System Library Directors. Director Lange stated an architect will be chosen to study the entire Civic Center Complex, including the Library. Oohn Cahill added to the report, stating this study Is critical to the entire City Hall complex, as well as the Library. It is anticipated a report for action will be brought to Council In three or four months. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Barbara Otwell reported the Friends had donated $500 to the Library to add to the large print collection. She stated the plans for the Book Fair are progressing. People have come forward to volunteer their help with the Fair. The only problem was no one wished to volunteer for the Chairmanship. Mrs. Otwell announced the Friends would present a program on March 20. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Bee McWllllams reported the Society had a full house at their English Seminar, with a profit of $320.00. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Margaret Brownley reported fifteen Advisory Boards throughout the State had answered the survey regarding activities of the Boards. She took that data and organized It and analyzed the data to determine what the Boards had been doing to carry out their areas of responsibility. Mrs. Brownley gave her report last Saturday at the CALTAC Board Meeting, and the recommendation was made to use this data in the handbook for Advisory Board Members in the next revision. Only two or three Boards are doing anything about the mandated responsibilities. Mrs. Brownley stated two things were outstanding: one, a good working relationship must be developed with the Administrative Council, and two, the Advisory Board Members, who were carrying out their responsibilities, were participating actively In the Administrative Council Committee. She had Inserted the sentence that the Advisory Boards should advise on all policy Issues and other matters referred by the Administrative Council. She felt this would give some direction to both the Council and the Boards. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Febrary 26, 1986 Page <f TRUSTEES Mrs. Brownley stated she would serve as Vice-Chairman for the coming year. She said Director Lange's recommendation to revise the folder for Serra Advisory System was being carried out, and the content would be recommended. Also, the content for the bookmark for books In the InterLlbrary Loan Program would be forthcoming. ADJOURNMENT! By proper motion, the Meeting of February 26, 1986, was adjourned at <t-:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk If- CARLSEAD CITY. LIBRARY FEBRUARY 1986 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1985 HIGHLIGHTS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS Several major projects initiated in the previous quarter were either completed this quarter or were still being carried out. Expansion of the library parking lot, after a series of unexpected delays, finally went out to bid. Construction of the lot will be completed in the next quarter and will nearly double the library's available parking space. City carpenters completed remodeling the leased space in the Colonial Mall for the AV Specialist. The new Media Services Center includes a small recording studio, a glass-enclosed projection booth, office space, storage, and a work area for slide sorting and other multi-media production activities. The AV Specialist moved into the new facility this quarter and has already begun several projects for a number of city departments. A second office was also leased in the Colonial Mall to house the city's Public Information Officer, the new Manager of the Cultural Arts Program, and a secretary. The latter two positions are administratively under the library. These two new leased offices are considered interim measures until a reorganization and move of other city departments creates space in the city hall complex. The new shelving, paid for by the Friends of the Library, was installed in the genealogy area this quarter. The old wooden shelving was removed and is now being used to house the videotape collection. Bids on the library's security system were let in. Information from the two vendors was being evaluated at the end of the quarter and a final decision will be made next quarter. It is estimated that the process of tagging the collections to be protected, the installation of hardware, and the necessary staff training will take at least two months to complete. A major improvement in transportation came about this quarter with the acquisition of two new vehicles to replace the aging and untrustworthy sedan which had been shared by library and finance department staff for years. Pay schedules for the library's professional and clerical part-time staff were adjusted upwards. It is expected that the library will be able to recruit and retain more qualified and capable part-time staff, especially professionals, with the more competitive pay rates. This is of great importance since about two-thirds of all those who work for the library are part-time employees. Two Teleguide Video Display Systems were installed in the library/ with a third one going to the branch. These terminals have proved to be quite popular with the public. A wide variety of up-to-date information on entertainment, cultural and sporting events, restaurants, government affairs, and libraries in a number of U.S. cities is presented, with special graphics and other visual effects. Use of the terminals and the information provided is free to the library and to the public. A team from the library and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association established a new plan of service to older adults. The plan includes a series of programs on such topics as social security, skin cancer, vision screening, retirement planning, crime prevention, and long-term care for the physically dis- abled. Each program is presented by a professional resource specialist and will be repeated at different locations through- out the year. The new plan also has involved recruiting seniors and others to assist with a variety of programs. Twenty-six volunteers have been recruited so far to work with the current shut-in and literacy projects, as well as programs being planned for tax assistance, discussion groups, recording local news and oral history, and tutoring in a number of subjects. DIVISION REPORTS La Costa Branch The branch continues to be a major success story. With less than a tenth of the resources of the main library, branch circulation is now approaching a quarter of overall library activity. Program attendance at the branch, both adult and juvenile, is going up at a rapid rate, averaging over 100% increases the last fiscal year. Most of these increases are due to the heavy use of the branch's conference room. A new stereo system was purchased with funds donated by Pat O'Day and Associates. Another gift from La Costa residents enabled the branch the acquire an overhead projector, table, and screen. These gifts came on top of an earlier gift of an Eagle computer. The branch has clearly been adopted with open arms by the community. Major statistics for the branch this quarter are as follows: CIRCULATION 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 15,661 22,134 + 41 BRANCH QUESTIONS 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 1,529 1,448 - 1 - 2 - PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 1,485 2,381 + 60 Circulation Overall library circulation increased 15% this quarter over the same quarter in 1984. Circulation for the first two quarters of the fiscal year totaled 323,147. TOTAL LIBRARY CIRCULATION 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 131,756 152,154 + 15 Audiovisual Services AV Services was, in effect, split into two separate operations this quarter. The production of documentaries, slide-tape shows, and other multi-media programs was taken over entirely by the Audiovisual Specialist and the Media Services office, located outside the library (see HIGHLIGHTS above.) The library's Audiovisual Services Division, which has a new head, now con- centrates on collection development and the circulation of videotapes, films, and equipment. Projects handled by the AV Specialist this past quarter included work on slide shows for the City Manager; documentary photo- graphs for various Parks and Recreation programs; staff por- traits; progress photos for redevelopment projects, the safety center, and the Carlsbad Boulevard bridge. The new head of AV Services devoted much of his time to a renovation of the workroom. Additional shelving was installed to house the growing videotape collection, now numbering over 1,000 items. The entire workspace was cleaned up and reorganized to make the area more efficient and more accessible to staff. In time, AV Services will get more involved with cable broad- casts and such in-house programming as film festivals. Armchair Travel has already been taken over by this division. Videotape use continues to be far and away the most popular service, with film and equipment use falling off somewhat this quarter. USE OF AV EQUIPMENT 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 250 186 - 25 FILM BOOKINGS 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 1,320 1,175 - 12 VIDEOTAPE BOOKINGS 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 15,312 22,685 + 48 Children's Services Children's staff produced or sponsored 68 programs this quarter, for a total audience of 4,533 parents and children. Staff also conducted 22 class visits and tours for 394 students. Special programs this quarter included crafts for Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving; a chess and checkers tournament; origami paper craft instruction put on by the San Diego Japanese Cultural Center; and a safety and magic show sponsored by McDonald1s. Children's staff assisted with Carlsbad Youth Theater's presenta- tion of "Alice in Wonderland." The play was presented twice at the Cultural Arts Center for over 300 and was taped by Carlsbad Cablevision for broadcast. The library began publishing a second version of its monthly children's newsletter in Spanish for distribution to the schools. Plans were also being made to provide a regular Spanish story- hour. Staff also began planning for the second Carlsbad Loves Kids Day in Holiday Park. A committee of community volunteers and representatives from the schools, the Boys and Girls Clubs, the fire department, Civitan, Junior Women, the Board of Realtors, Parks and Recreation, and the Friends of the Library is now meeting regularly to plan entertainment, fund raising, food, and a variety of exhibits and contests. Adult Learning Program A major public relations effort was initiated this quarter to increase the visibility of the program and to help recruit new tutors and learners. A bulletin board with information about the program was installed in the library; letters to the editors of area newspapers were sent to clarify the aims of the program; stories of adult learners were published; and flyers were distributed to downtown businesses. Staff held a major open house for all city employees which was designed to let people know where the program is located and how it operates. Increased visibility and contacts with city staff have given the program greater credibility and acceptance in recent months. A Sharing Roundtable was organized for all literacy and basic education providers in the area. This session brought together ten service organizations whose representatives compiled resource booklets on their operations and shared information on subjects of mutual interest. The roundtable is being planned as a regular event. - 4 - During the quarter, 19 new tutors were trained, bringing to 26 the number trained so far this fiscal year. Instruction was provided for 38 learners with 12 more referred to other programs. The cumulative total for adult learners who have received instruction this fiscal year is 47, with 44 more referred to other programs. Programs and Exhibits Displays this quarter included weavings by the Palomar Weaver's Guild; a prehistoric rhino skull; stained glass presented by the North County Stained Glass Guild; a large cabbage patch doll collection; clay sculptures, and carnival glass. Local artists also provided several exhibits of paintings and photo- graphs. During the quarter, the library mounted ten exhibits with another six at the branch. The library sponsored 12 programs for adults this quarter. Special programs included online searching for business informa- tion; how to deal with depression; travel through the Anza-Borrego Desert; a program on the California condor; a workshop on time management; a Friends of the Library sponsored autograph party and book sale for local authors; and several concerts featuring vocals, piano, classical guitar, and Christmas music. Audience for all programs this quarter, both adult and juvenile, was as follows: AUDIENCE FOR ALL PROGRAMS 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 7,258 7,637 + 1 Reference and Information Services Reference staff continued to improve their online searching skills this quarter by attending DIALOG'S Advanced User Training Seminar for business databases as well as a workshop on software for smaller bibliographic files. Online searches this quarter totaled 162. Of these, 17 were special searches billed to the patron. A major project this quarter was the weeding and updating of the periodical backfiles and record keeping systems. This project will take several months to complete and the net result is expected to be more space, more accurate records, and up-to- date printouts of holdings. Staff also investigated online periodical replacement and subscription services and microcomputer- based serials control systems. The Reference Division and the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce co-sponsored two workshops on business subjects. Staff presented a session on online computer searching for business information and wrote monthly reviews for the Business Bookshelf section of the CARLSBAD BUSINESS JOURNAL. - 5 - Key reference statistics for the quarter were as follows: REFERENCE AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 17,572 18,785 + 7 INTERLIBRARY LOANS SENT BY CARLSBAD 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 194 405 + 109 INTERLIBRARY LOANS RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD 2nd Q 1984 2nd Q 1985 % Change 428 607 + 42 - 6 - ,/ t