HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.ra, Date of Meeting: March 19, 1986 Place of Meeting: Library Conference Room i-TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Schramm called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Falkenstein, Martin and Trigas. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:07 p.m. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director John Cahill, Library Administrative Assistant Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Bonnie Sadiasa (for Council Member Lewis) Barbara Otwell, President, Friends of the Library Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 26, 1986, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported the Agenda Bill for the architect was approved by Council last night. John Cahill reported the parking lot will be paved the latter part of next week. Trustee Martin reported there have been some budget revisions as presented in the packet. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein stated he had no report at this time. d. Youth Geoff Armour reported copies of the Calendar had been distributed. The story hour has not resumed due to the building of the parking lot. Mr. Armour stated the fund raiser at That Pizza Place netted over eight hundred dollars for "Carlsbad Loves Kids" Day. A dance-a-thon fund raiser will be held at Rockwell's, March 29, for junior high and high school students. Schramm Falkenstein Martin Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 19, 1986 Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: a. Parking Lot - Status Report John Cahill reiterated his report on the parking lot. b. 1986-87 Budget Revisions Trustee Martin stated the revisions are in the packets and he reviewed the changes made. NEW BUSINESS: a. Mike Holzmiller - Growth Management Report ' Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, explained the Growth Management Program planned by staff to implement the changes Council has designated. The growth rate in Carlsbad was the highest in San Diego County last year, and tenth in the State. Council passed a moratorium until the new programs can be put into effect. Mr. Holzmiller distributed copies of the tasks being accomplished by the Planning Department and the Land Use changes—both made and pending Council consideration. The Citizens Committee made recommendations which are being implemented by Council, and new developments will be reviewed in the light of those recommendations. Mr. Holzmiller stated the revised population estimate and developmental and community facilities management program affect the Library the most. The new population estimate for buildout is 137,000, but Mr. Holzmiller thinks it will be closer to 130,000. The better management of growth will insure public facilities services, libraries, fire stations, etc., keep pace with the growth. In order to keep watch on the facilities needed, the City was divided into 25 zones. Each zone will be required to have a management plan. If a certain zone falls below standard, Council can stop development in that zone until the deficiency is remedied. In answer to a question, Mr. Holzmiller stated when the City reaches a point at which it does not have .8 square feet per capita of library space, something must be done within five years or development will stop. This will force decisions to be made earlier and people to plan ahead for construction of facilities. Trustee Trigas commented she did not want leased space to count as permanent library space. Director Lange added the Library will recommend 55,000 square feet of additional library space in Carlsbad. With two major libraries in the City, the suggestion was made to have two Library Districts/Zones in the City. Mike Holzmiller announced two public meetings to be held during the comment period for the growth management program. One meeting will be at City Hall, March 31, at 7:00 p.m., and one at La Costa Branch Library at 7:00 p.m., April 2. Mr. Holzmiller showed a map of the City indicating the status of all development, residential, commercial and industrial. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 19, 1986 Page 3 TRUSTEES Trustee Trigas asked for comments from the Board to help formulate a formula for library space needs. She did not want the leased space to count as permanent space. Mrs. Trigas also felt the north and south zones should be considered in calculating the need for a second Library. President Schramm commented the City should be considered as a whole as far as library needs are concerned. Director Lange added the 55,000 square feet of library space projected for south Carlsbad has nothing to do with the population there now. This was based on the total City population of 100,000 which is projected to be reached in 20 years. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen suggested the best way to approach the problem of Libraries would be through the Library Master Plan. This would be the fastest way to get funds for the additional footage needed. It is the City's responsibility to build such facilities, and this is done according to priorities. This is a policy judgment of Council. The Public Safety Center has been the number one priority; Parks next, with arterial streets as number three. The Library Board should try to get their additional library space need moved into the next spot. Mr. Mannen continued, stating the Public Safety Center has been started and Parks have peaked. The next priority will be the streets. He suggested the Library seek a high spot on that priority list. If the City has the land dedicated for a Library, actual building could be done with modulars at 10,000 square feet at a time. Trustee Falkenstein stated the main consideration should be flexibility and addressing allocable needs of specific localities, in permanent buildings, as opposed to leased space. Director Lange agreed and added the Library space should be considered as a very high priority Item. The need for additional library space was recognized, resulting in the leasing of the Branch space in La Costa. That leased space should not count as permanent library space in determining the needed library space. Library Board of Trustees approved .8 square feet per person as the formula to be used in determining permanent library space needed in Carlsbad. Library Board of Trustees voted to support the .8 square feet per person formula for determining library space needs, with the additional stipulation that leased space should not be included in considering permanent space needs. b. Library Fines and Fees Proposal Director Lange referred to the memorandum which proposes a $.50 fee for reserves and interlibrary loans, and fines on children's overdue materials of $.05 per day. This new schedule will become effective July 1, 1986, if approved by Council. Library Board of Trustees approved the fees and fines changes as recommended by staff. Schramm Falkenstein Martin Trigas Grosse Schramm Falkenstein Martin Trigas Grosse Schramm Falkenstein Martin Trigas Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 19, 1986 Page 4 TRUSTEES LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange announced there would be a grand opening for the new parking lot on Monday, April 7, at 8:30 a.m. The first one hundred people will get a button saying "I found a place to park at the Library". There will be refreshments served. Mrs. Otwell volunteered to have the Friends of the Library furnish those refreshments. Director Lange reported Senate Bill 1220 will not be on the June ballot. Director Lange stated Council authorized a rejection of the bids for the security system and the bids will be sent out again. The senior citizen volunteer handing out tax forms has countet the daily adult use of the Library, and found the average to be one adult every one and a half minutes. The sample period was from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. John Cahill reported the Library has instituted a financing procedure to help eliminate the large number of warrants to the Finance Department for small purchases. The Library has its own checking account as of today, to be used for books anc publications whose aggregate price is less than $25.00. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Barbara Otwell announced the Friends will sponsor a cono°i-t tomorrow. The Book Fair is progressing and there definitely will be a Fair. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley stated she will be working with the new Chairman-elect. The Board will be looking at this new information at the next meeting and advising the Administrative Council. WORKSHOP; Director Lange referred to the report given to each Board Member, explaining the roles of the architects for the Space Needs Study & Site Evaluation of the Existing Carlsbad City Hall & Libraries. John Cahill stated Item #4 is the important one for the Library. This study is not a site selection, but an adequacy study. The final report should go before Council around July 1. Director Lange said he would invite the Consultants, Rob Quigley, Richard Waters and Michael Feerer to the June or July Board Meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of March 19, 1986, was adjourne at 5:01 p.m. Respectfully submitt Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD ClIY LIBRARYsr/uisrics February 1986 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LI BRAKY Materials checked out at circulation Film nnd video l.i|>i'S Audio Visual ei|u i pmun t Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at ciiculation F i lin and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION * * REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adu 1 1 Sect i on Chi Idren's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY Current Year 35,152 5,923 120 41,195 8,869 857 9,726 50,920 * * * 4,331 1,775 9 6,115 689 Prev i oils Year 34,471 4,476 56 39,003 6,465 407 6,872 45,875 3,927 1,490 5,417 738 Increase (uucrc'.isc + 2 + 32 + 114 + 6 + 37 + 110 + 42 + 11 + 10 + 16 + 13 - 7 TOIAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 6,804 6,155 + 10 MATERIALS AUDEU MAIN LIBRARY Cooks added wi thdrawn net books AV materials added wi thdrown net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added wi thdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 235 342 871 651 400 251 39 33 306 306 557 6* * INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS FEE 1986 Requests by Carlsbad 92 Received by Carlsbad 100 Requests of Carlsbad 51 Filled by Carlsbad 28 FILMS Borrowed from other 59 Serra libraries Loaned to other 53 Serra libraries 4!44 PM 1-19-86 PROJECT REQUEST FORM PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE CITY OF CARLSBAD •. CIP PROJECT DETAIL - 1986-87 TO 1990-91 Page 1985-36 1986-87 193?-S8 : 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS LAND ENGINEERING 8: DESIGN - - $695,000 '' CONSTRUCTION - '$4,9507000 _ - - OTHER COSTS - - 100,238 1,2377500 _' " TOTAL COSTS -^ ^ ^ 579^238_ _^_$6^1877j>00_ - _ =__==__==~_= ===__I SOURCE OF FUNDS GEN CAPITAL CONST PUBLIC FAC FEE - - $795,238 .$6,187r500 - PARK IN-LIEU - - - - PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE - - - GAS TAX _____-- REVENUE SHARING ------- SEUER CONSTRUCTION - - - GRANTS - - - WATER ENTERPRISE - - - DEVELOPER COHTRI6 - - - ." - BONDS - - - ' OTHER .^__- —__ — -._ _ ._ _ ______„._„____ _____ —^_.»___ __ — ^_________ _____..__nv.> — — —— — _ _•._»• — _ _ ___«._•_ — ___ TOTAL 90URCE OF FUNDS - - $795,2*8 '$6,187,500 _ _ - =i=: = =s===ES====r =t==±=;ss;:ssrs=:== == = s = =rs = = = = = 2== = ===:===;^==: = = = =t = =:= = =:=!a5=! = = = = = 3: = = s;ss = = =sa:ss = = S!B = = OPERATING COSTS - - - - $1,50*0,000 OPERATING REVENUE - - _ • _ 10*0,000 $1,400,000 OPERATING COST (REVENUE;... - - - PROJECT DESCRIPTION End of BLANK The June 1985 PFMS Monitoring Report projects an'INADEQUATE status for library space by 1990. Based upon the recommended design standard of .8 square feet per capita, the city needs an additional 55,000 square feet of library space to meet the needs of its citizens over the next 20 years. Design of the facility is scheduled for 1987-88, construction for 1988-89. This timing is recommended to coincide with the expiration of the 5-year lease of the La Costa Branch in February of 1989. Access to the proposed building site is also a significant factor in scheduling the project. An important element which-could require acceleration of the proposed schedule is SB1220, the Public Library Construction•Bond Issue which may appear on the June 1986 or November 1986 ballot. This legislation provides' for 75% state funding of public libraries with 25% local matching funds.