HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 P.M. Aprii 16, 1986 Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Falkenstein, Grosse, Martin and Trigas. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director 3ohn Cahill, Library Administrative Assistant Bonnie Sadiasa, (for Council Member Lewis) Barbara Otwell, President, Friends of the Library Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board Lynda Stinson, Coordinator of Adult Learning Program APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the March 19, 1986, Meeting were approved as presented; COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new parking lot was held and the lot is now in service. Director Lange stated an additional handicapped parking space would be added. This would cause a loss of two parking spaces, inasmuch as the handicapped parking space is 12 feet wide instead of 9 feet. b. Budget Trustee Martin stated this item will be held until 4a. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported all candidates for Librarian III have been rejected and the position has been re- advertised. New interviews will be conducted. d. Youth Trustee Grosse stated the story hour has been resumed again. The Children's Calendar was distributed and Trustee Grosse reported on activities planned for the children. Schra Falkenstein Grosse Martin Trigas MINUTES April 16, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS; a. 1986-87 Budget Update - Discussion Director Lange reported copies of the budget reductions had been distributed and this,represented the cuts requested. Trustee Martin reported on the budget cuts, stating they total approximately 5%. «». Director Lange explained the CLSA money had been lummped into one account. This money was used to retain the items listed on the memorandum to Frank Mannen that were marked to remain in the budget. b. Security System Bids - Discussion Geoff Armour stated the second round of bids had been received and were opened a week ago. After evaluation, Check Point Security Systems was selected as the best to meet the Library's needs. There were two bids, one from Check Point and one from 3M. Mr. Armour explained the two charts given to the Board Members comparing Check Point with 3M. Copies of the book tags were distributed and Mr. Armour explained the process to be used involving the tags. He stated they would like to get the program in place as soon as possible and get started installing the tags in the materials. Library Board of Trustees approved staff's selection of Check Point to install the security system for the Library. NEW BUSINESS; a. San Diego Association of Governments Report; Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program Survey of Participants -- Lynda Stinson. Lynda Stinson, Coordinator of Adult Learning Program, discussed the results of the Survey of Participants, copies of which were distributed to Board Members. She pointed out that the Survey covered both tutors and learners and that the primary purpose of the survey was to determine the impact of the program. In addition, it was hoped that the results would assist staff in structuring the program to best meet the needs of area residents. Schra Falkenstein Crosse Martin Trigas MINUTES April 16, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES b. . Fair Labor Standards Act; Procedure? Implementation and Director Lange stated he had included in the packet a copy of the draft Administrative Order from the City Manager to all Departments setting out the Fair Labor Standards Act to be applied to the City of Carlsbad employees as of April 15, 1986. He stated the primary impact is overtime. In the past comp time .has been given for work done, but now the employee''has the option to demand cash payment instead of comp time. Director Lange added there would be no overtime allowed without his approval or approval by Geoff Armour. c. Proposed User Policy for 35mm Slide Collection Director Lange referred to the report contained in the packet setting out the user policy for 35mm slides for the Carlsbad City Library. This policy was developed in response to public need to use the slides. Library Board of Trustees approved the User Policy for 35mm Slide Collection as presented. Director Lange added there will be an Agenda Bill with this Policy and the Fines and Fees Policy presented to Council. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange stated the Healthy Employee Awards had been made by the City and one library employee had received a $100 check. That employee was Charlene Kennedy. Director Lange reported the Arts Commission was selected by the City Council and had held their first meeting. He stated he was impressed with their activities and their discussion. He felt this would be an active program. Director Lange stated he was in Sacramento week before last, and all bills relating to Libraries had been reviewed at that time. Senate Bill 1220 did not make the Oune ballot, but it is hoped it will be on the November ballot. Director Lange reported on other bills relating to literacy which are pending before legislature at this time. He stated the Annual Legislative Day in Sacramento would be May H, and he would attend. Director Lange reported on the Third Level Reference Committee stating they are holding regional meetings. He reported on the meeting held yesterday in Orange County, which lasted almost all day. He felt the final result of the study would be options and alternatives for dealing with the delivery of Third Level Reference Service. Schramm Falkensteln Grosse Martin Trigas MINUTES April 16, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES The .two existing reference centers, one at San Francisco (BARC) and one In Los Angeles (SCAN), have been funded by Federal money the last twenty years. There Is a need to change this, inasmuch as the funding for Third Level Reference is uncertain at the present time. The Committee wants to have a program that will be workable and acceptable to the Library Community of the State. Director Lange stated staff had been looking for alterntives to the Alga Norte park site for a library in the southern section of the City. They have looked at some parcels on the future site of Poinsettia Lane and stated they would also look at other areas. Director Lange stated of the three projects requested in the building maintenance budget, and subsequently cut, he felt the Installation of the electronic doors could be purchased from this year's funds. This would coincide with the installation of the security system and could be done at about the same time. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Barbara.Otwell reported on the opening of the parking lot and the refreshments furnished by the Friends of the Library. She stated they are working on the Book Fair and there will be prizes to be awarded. She had tickets to be sold and urged everyone to help in this endeavor. The Book Fair will be held May 18, 1986. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley reported there will be a meeting tomnorrow morning at Calexico. Mrs. Brownley stated she had attended the Administrative Council Executive Committee meeting and felt it was important for the Advisory Board Members to participate. Mrs. Brownley reported three more alternates had been selected, one for Oceanside, Imperial County and National City. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Director Lange reported the Genealogical Society had netted over $300 on a plant sale. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of April 16, 1986, was adjourned at 4>:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB:tc CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY APRIL 1986 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JANUARY-MARCH 1986 SPECIAL PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Parking Lot Expansion Most of the parking lot expansion work was completed this quarter, nearly doubling the available space. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is planned for April 7. Security System After a thorough analysis both of the bids submitted for a library materials security system were rejected. The use of complex technical specifications made it difficult to evaluate the bids accurately or fairly. In addition, several new technological innovations needed further analysis. A new Request for Proposal format was developed and sent out to the same two vendors. This new approach is expected to give the library greater flexibility in evaluating the systems and in-determining which will adapt best to the library's needs. The system selected will be installed during the next quarter. Processing each item in the collection could take a bit longer, depending on how many volunteers are recruited to help with the task. Older Adult Programs A full schedule of programs for older adults in Carlsbad was started this quarter. The five programs, arranged by library and Carlsbad Senior Center staff, are on eye care and vision testing; skin care and screening; financial planning for long-term care and disability; social security issues; and crime prevention. Each program is presented by a profes- sional resource specialist and each will be repeated in four locations in Carlsbad during the year. The sites selected, in addition to the main library, are the La Costa Branch, the Harding Street Center, and the Lutheran Health Facility. In addition to programs, a number of volunteers have been recruited to assist the library with several new and ongoing projects. Twenty-five volunteers have been recruited to date, many of them choosing such existing programs as the shutin service; tutoring young people in the library; and teaching adults to read as part of the Adult Learning Program. New programs developed for volunteers include opportunities to assist with children's activities; recording local news for the blind; and the distribution of tax forms. This latter project has been, and will continue to be through the tax season, of enormous benefit to the library and the hundreds of citizens seeking tax information. Seven volunteers have been putting in over 30 hours each week helping people get .the right tax forms, assisting with use of the Xerox machines, and generally taking a huge burden off the reference staff. Scampers Program At the request of the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club, the library has agreed to provide services for the School District's Scampers Program. This new program allows children of working parents to stay after school and to participate in supervised recreational and educational activities. Staff from the Children's Division and the La Costa Branch will present stories, songs, readings, and puppet shows for children at each of Carlsbad's four elementary schools, alternating schools each Friday. Cultural Arts Program Connie Beardsley, new Manager of the city's Cultural Arts Program, was hired this quarter. Along with a secretary, she has worked to set up an office in the Colonial Mall, has become familiar with arts activities and resources in this area, and has contacted key people in the community. Toward the end of the quarter, a seven-member Cultural Arts Commission was appointed by the Mayor. Circulation Overall library circulation was up 6% this quarter, with total circulation through the first three quarters of the fiscal year now at 487 ,-389. TOTAL LIBRARY CIRCULATION 3rd 0 1984 3rd 0 1985 % Change 154,601 164,242 + 6 DIVISION REPORTS La Costa Branch February 28 marked the second anniversary of the La Costa Branch. During the first two years, collections more than doubled, from about 7,000 to about 17,000 volumes. Interior space was expanded from 3,000 to 4,500 square feet with the addition.of a multipurpose room and a larger children's area. Weekly hours also increased from 40 to 44. As a result of the branch's popularity with the community and all the increased activity, overall circulation in the second year made a dramatic increase of 44% over the first year, from 68,032 to 97,654. Circulation during the quarter continued to be quite heavy and now accounts for almost a quarter of all library activity. Major statistics for the branch this quarter are as follows: CIRCULATION 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 23,071 30,159 + 31 -2- BRANCH QUESTIONS 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 2,395- 2,198 - 8 BRANCH PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 1,933 2,198 + 28 Audiovisual Services A good deal of this quarter was spent organizing the AV work area, rearranging stacks and shelving for growing videotape and 16mm film collections. The library now holds some 1,100 videos and the film collection was recently expanded with 60 new titles received from the disbanded Serra Film Center. The AV Services Head has concentrated on organization and collection development. The major new trend in video collec- tion development has been to initiate a gradual shift into more cultural and informational subjects. AV Services has also assumed responsibility for the selection of popular and jazz cassettes and has worked with Technical Services to make the cassette collection more accessible to the public. Accession numbers corresponding to numbers on catalog cards are being added to cassette boxes. The boxes will then be put in numerical sequence within subjects for ease of location. New technologies are also being investigated by AV staff, with particular attention being given to compact discs. A small collection of books and other guides is now being devel- oped to assist with AV reference and acquisitions. After a long period of rapid growth in videotape circulation, there was a more modest increase this quarter, possibly tied to the cancellation of story hours during parking lot construc- tion. AV use statistics for the quarter were as follows: USE OF AV EQUIPMENT 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 177 279 + 58 FILM BOOKINGS 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 1,128 888 - 21 VIDEO BOOKINGS 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 15,705 17,354 + 10 -3- Media Services A new office for the Media Specialist was opened in January in the Colonial Mall. The office is now fully equipped with a separate portrait studio and projection booth; a slide sorting and programming area; and ample space for photographic and sound equipment and supplies. A number of special projects were completed this quarter for the following city departments: 1. Parks and Recreation - Photos of the noon swim program. - Photos of designs and drawings for new parks. - Photos of computer classes at Levante Park. - Photos of basketball and baseball activities for the department's catalog. - Slide show on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon safety patrol. 2. City Manager - Slide show on Carlsbad. - Slides of charts and graphs. - Videotape duping for the Public Information Officer. 3. Library - Photos of Adult Learning Program activities. - Inventory photos for all AV equipment. - Photos of new Arts Commissioners. 4. Fire Department - Documentary on recruiting firefighters. - Photos of ground breaking ceremony for Fire Station No. 4. 5. Engineering - Photos of street traffic lights. - Slide show on engineering inspectors at work. In addition to these projects, the Media Specialist served on the Carlsbad Cable Committee; set up a slide and video program for the Convention and Visitors' Bureau; and worked with a design committee on the renovation of council chambers. Adult Learning Program The public relations effort got a major boost this quarter with the help of Vons and Safeway. Both stores agreed to distribute over 5,000 flyers promoting the program. In addi- tion, the city arranged to have a message, aimed at those who might know prospective learners, printed on water bills. Another PR effort begun this quarter was the publication -4- of a newsletter which is being sent to tutors, learners, city staff, and community leaders. Major activities this quarter included tutor training workshops and special in-service tutor instruction. An informal sharing and support session for tutors, called "tutor-rap," was begun. New instructional sites were also added this quarter. Arrange- ments were made to use the Harding Street Community Center; Fire Station No. 1; the South Oceanside Methodist Church; the Rosicrucian Fellowship guest house; and the First Christian Church in Oceanside. The La Costa Branch is also involved in the program and has opened its own literacy collection for the general public. Another special activity has been the planning for a door-to-door walk in the northwestern part of town which will be used to publicize the program and to promote services offered. During this quarter 45 new learners were brought into the program to begin instruction. There are now 62 learners who have received instruction this fiscal year. In addition, there were 25 referrals of learners to other programs in the area. The program succeeded in recruiting and training 43 new tutors this quarter, bringing to 59 the number trained since the beginning of the fiscal year. Children's Services Children's staff produced or sponsored 31 programs this quarter for a total audience of 994 parents and children. This level of activity was reduced considerably from the previous quarter because of the cancellation of story hours. Having story hours during construction of the parking lot was felt to be too great a safety hazard for young children. Without the story hours, staff concentrated on weeding and re-labeling the collection; planning for Carlsbad Loves Kids Day; and development of library skills workshops for 1st through 6th graders. Special programs presented this quarter included a Chinese New Year Celebration with a talk and a film on Chinese customs, dance, and food; a hobby poster contest; a beauty hour for teens, sponsored by Bullock's; and the taping of a story hour by Channel 8 and the San Diego at Large program. Another project begun this quarter was the development of a special reference workshop as part of the in-service training of part-time clerks. This training has enabled the clerks to provide a higher quality of assistance to parents and children in the absence of professional staff. Programs and Exhibits Displays this quarter included stoneware pottery; architec- tural designs; handmade guitars; weavings; stone lithographs; and porcelain figurines. There were also several exhibits of paintings and photographs provided by local artists. The main library mounted a total of nine displays this quarter and the branch had six of its own. -5- The library sponsored 15 special programs for adults this quarter. These were in addition to a series of weekly lectures delivered by library trustee Herbert Falkenstein, on the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. Programs during the quarter included a pre-retirement seminar; care and training of dogs; a silent film with live piano accompaniment; the history of Halley's Comet; and the psychology of weight control. Special programs for older adults included social security issues; skin cancer; eye care; and planning for long-term illness. Two armchair travel sessions this quarter were to East Germany and to the Canadian Rockies. Musical presenta- tions included jazz; a piano and violin recital; and a perfor- mance by the Allegro Trio. The audience for all programs, both adult and juvenile, was down considerably from last year because of the cancellation of children's story hours. AUDIENCE FOR ALL PROGRAMS 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 7,190 4,349 - 40 Reference and Information Services A complete inventory, weeding, and updating of our periodical - backfiles was completed this quarter. The project has resulted in a new Kardex, more dependable records, the disposal of unneeded titles, and a thorough reorganization, giving the collection more space. The objective now is to get all the periodical holdings on subject and title printouts that can be used by staff and the public, and can be updated at regular intervals. Staff continued to work on their computer searching skills by attending classes in Lotus; by receiving advanced Wilsonline training; and by attending a workshop on access to online government data bases. Staff also worked on a revision of the library's interlibrary loan policies and updated the standing order lists for reference titles. Special tours, reference instruction, and career development information were provided for classes from the Army and Navy Academy, Carlsbad High School, and Mira Costa College. Staff continued to write monthly reviews of new business publications for the Business Bookshelf section of the CARLSBAD BUSINESS JOURNAL. One major new resource was added to the reference area: the Research Institute of America's reports and indexes. The library will subscribe to this service for a one-year trial period and will make the indexes available to other city departments who might wish to order their own reports. A collection of the reports will be maintained in the adult reading room for checkout by the public. The key reference statistics this quarter all showed consider- able growth over last year: -6- REFERENCE AND INFORMATION QUESTIONS 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 19,209- 23,025 + 20 INTERLIBRARY LOANS SENT BY CARLSBAD 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 204 258 + 26 INTERLIBRARY LOANS RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD 3rd Q 1984 3rd Q 1985 % Change 402 502 + 25 -7-S CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS MARCH 1986 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film olid video topes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation FlIm and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION Current Year 39,248 6,626 82 45,956 8,981 1,100 10,081 56,037 Previous Year 39 5 44 8 9 53 ,031 ,536 67 ,634 ,674 610 ,284 ,918 Increase (Decrease) + 1 + 20 + 26 + 3 + 4 + 80 + 9 + 4 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section ChiIdren's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH T.IBRARY TOTAL,REFERENCE QUESTIONS 7,076 802 7,878 3,146 1,570 5,455 + 67 + 15 + 50 + 9 + 44 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added wi tjidraun net books AV materials added wi tlidr.iwn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 81 27 54 (21 304 52 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 398 319 853 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SEKRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS MARCH 1986 Requests by Carlsbad 111 Received by Carlsbad 148 Requests of Carlsbad 71 Filled by Carlsbad 23 FILMS Borrowed from other 55 Serra libraries Loaned to other 72 Serra libraries