HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 p.m. May Z1, 1986 Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by President Schramm at 3:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Schramm, Trustees Martin and Trigas. Absent - Trustee-Falkenstein and Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Oohn Cahlll, Library Administrative Assistant Barbara Otwell, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Ayars, Alternate, Serra Advisory Board Lynda Stinson, Coordinator of Adult Learning Program APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the April 16, 1986, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported work was progressing on the additional handicapped parking space. 3ohn Cahlll added the third spot will be east of the two existing handicapped parking spaces and the curb will be repainted green to designate four temporary, 10-minute parking spots. When the project is finished, there will be three handicapped parking spaces and four temporary parking spaces. b. Budget Trustee Martin reported Council is studying the Budget at this time. c. PersonneJ. Director Lange reported the position in Technical Services is being readvertised, and will close at the end of the month. He announced Oohn Cahlll will be leaving his position as Library Administrative Assistant at the end of May. However he is not leaving the City, but will be located at the Las Palmas Drive facility. Director Lange stated there is a replacement for 3ohn Cahlll, and he may start next Tuesday. d. Youth Geoff Armour reported the Story Hours have been resumed and do have an impact on business at the Library. There were 1,500 parents and children who attended during April. Schramm Martin Trigas MINUTES May 21, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES COMMITTEE REPORTS; (continued) Mr. Armour reported "Carlsbad Loves Kids Day" attracted approximately 10,000 people, with a lot a community participation. An article appeared in the San Diego Union regarding children's activities at the Carlsbad Library, and a special story hour segment was taped by Channel 8 San Diego at Large program. OLD BUSINESS; a. Security System Director Lange stated the Agenda Bill has been approved authorizing the purchase of the security system. The purchase order is finished, and Director Lange asked Geoff Armour to brief the Board on the security system. Geoff Armour stated the software should arrive sometime in the next few weeks. This will Include 200,000 date due sensors, 20,000 bar codes to be inserted into the non- circulating material and 750,000 detuners. He urged the recruiting of volunteers to tag all the materials. He has formed a committee to approach the task of accomplishing this work. If one person did this work it would take 700 hours.' Several suggestions have been made but no final plan has been formulated. Four other categories will be done separately by staff. These are the children's audio/visual materials, adult audio/visual, geneology and the Branch Library. The suggestion has been made that materials can be tagged as they are checked out. b. Adult Learning Program "Reading Reach-Out" Lynda Stinson reported on the Adult Learning Program and referred to the flyers Included in the packet. She stated the purpose was to raise public awareness of the program. The five key words are "Adults, Learn, Read, Library, Free". Ms. Stinson reported on the door to door campaign in the northwest area of Carlsbad. This door to door campaign was carried out by 38 volunteers, only 24 of those having had previous contact with the program. Friends of the Library provided the breakfast. This target area was 74% apartments and a tally was kept of the contacts made. There was a total of 84-2 people who heard the message as a result of this campaign. NEW BUSINESS; a. John Cotton Dana Award Director Lange announced the Library had won the John Cotton Dana Award for the graphics developed for the 1985 summer reading program. He stated he had asked Pat Hansen and Oanell Cannon to be here to show slides of the scrap book submitted. The scrap book itself will not be returned for two or three years as it will be available for other libraries to borrow. Director Lange read the citation and stated there had been over 130 entries submitted. He added Pat and Oanell will be going to New York to pick up the award thanks to the Friends of the Library, who are paying their way. MINUTES May 21, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS; (continued) b. Quarterly Report Director Lange called attention to the quarterly report as contained In the packet. c. CLSI Computer System Re-evaluation - Discussion Director Lange reported the Library staff has been working with Oceanslde to upgrade the online catalog. He added he was concerned about the Inability to control our own destiny when all of the equipment is not at our library. He added he intended to Investigate this more thoroughly before a final committment is made. He was not certain the Library would want to continue to tie Itself to the Oceanside Library and not have control of the computer itself. He stated at the present time it looks positive for the Carlsbad Library to operate its own computer. The problem could be finding space to house the computer in the computer room at City Hall. Lee Rautenkranz is analyzing space needs for the computer room. He stated he would report further on this at the next meeting. d. American Library Trustees Association Membership Director Lange referred to a letter in the packet and urged the Board of Trustees to agree to joining. He stated it was a reasonable amount of money at $50 a year for the entire Board. Library Board of Trustees voted to join the American Library Trustees Association. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange reported on Legislative Day, last Wednesday, in Sacramento. Over 200 librarians, Friends of the Library, etc., had a briefing in the State Library and Senator Keene of Senate Bill No. 2*93 gave a speech that morning. They attended a debriefing session in the afternoon and everyone felt it was a very successful day. He stated everyone wore buttons stating "Support Your Library". Director Lange stated the librarians made their presence felt in the capitol building. He referred to the amended copies of the bill, copies of which were given to the Board Members. He stated they still hoped to get this bill on the November ballot. Director Lange reported on a Third Level Reference meeting held on the same day as the previous meeting. On 3une 3, Council will consider the Agenda Bill for Increasing fines and fees as approved by the Board, along with Senate Bill No. 2493. Director Lange reported there is $795,000 included in the CIP Program for 1987-88 for design of a new library building. Schrarm Martin Trigas MINUTES May 21, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (continued) Geoff Armour reported on a security system for the Branch Library. This is not book security, this is a building and staff security system. Chris Holt has expressed concern about the small staff on duty at night at the Branch Library. There have been some disturbing incidents, and the Police Department recommended installing a security system. The security system will protect every door and window and there will be a panic button. Geoff Armour stated the Branch Library has been checking out the video tapes, using a computer, but the Main Library has not done this. At the present time they are now gearing up to Install this same procedure at the Main Library. 3ohn Cahlll reported on the automatic doors to be installed at the Main Library. Director Lange reported Quigley Associates, one of the leading building consultant firms, will create a master plan for the development of the Carlsbad Library system. The other half of their task will be to evaluate the current and projected needs at Carlsbad City Hall. Dune 18, the plan will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for the Library portion of the Consultant's report. Director Lange stated he would supply copies of the report to the Board Members before the meeting to give them an opportunity to study this and provide a workshop for the Board to review the Master Plan for the Library and Incorporate their recommendations. It is the intent to go to Council on or before 3uly 1 with a complete package. He stated he did want the Board to review the Consultant's findings and ask guestlons. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Barbara Otwell, reported on the Book Fair stating there was good cooperation, many gifts provided for the raffle, and should net over $8,000. She also reported on the new officers as listed by the Nominating Committee. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Carolyn Ayars, Alternate, reported on the new officers of the Advisory Board to take office as of Dune 1. She stated Alex Sommers will be the new chairman and Margaret Brownley will be the vice-chairman. She called attention to the last page of the letter on the Oohn Cotton Dana Award, stating the Consortla Category included the Serra Cooperative Library System at San Diego. President Schramm asked the Members to be thinking about their schedules for the summer, particularly with regard to the 3uly meeting. Council will have an Agenda Bill on June 3, to make two new appointments to the Library Board. The June meeting will be President Schramm's last meeting, as she has been appointed to the Planning Commission.. MINUTES May 21, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 TRUSTEES ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of May 21, 1986, was adjourned at *:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB:tc CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS April 1986 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION Current Year Previous Year Increase (Decrease) ation 8,259 998 9,257 56,313 7,835 464 8,299 55,274 + 5 +115 + 12 + 2 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 4,958 1,818 15 6,791 712 4,817 1,805 6,622 705 + 3 + 3 + 1 7,503 7,327 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 762 267 495 26 14 12 600 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 222 1,178 1,062 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS APRIL 1986 Requests by Carlsbad 100 Received by Carlsbad 113 Requests of Carlsbad 47 Filled by Carlsbad 14 FILMS Borrowed from other 48 Serra libraries Loaned to other 67 Serra libraries