HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-09-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: September 17, 1986 Place of Meeting: Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; Secretary Groase called the Meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Secretary Grosse, Trustees Falkenstein and Trigas. Trustee Cooper arrived at 4:00 p.m. Absent - Trustee Martin. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Barbara Otwell, representing Friends of the Library Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board Bee McWilliams, Representative, Genealogical Society Council Member Lewis APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the May 21, 1986, meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported the automatic doors are going to be re-bid. She stated the remainder of the Building and Grounds report would be deferred until later in the meeting. Director Lange added the doors have been redesigned and will not be sliding doors. b. Budget Director Lange stated the Budget was included in the packet in its final form and is the same as reviewed. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported Mary Sasso was the new Reference Librarian I and Michelle Sagnimeni, a long-time part-time employee, was given a provisional appointment. Ardis Doemner became a Secretary in the Cultural Arts Program. Director Lange introduced Chris Pickavet, Tech Services, Mary Sasso, Reference Librarian I and Michelle Sagnimeni, the part-time employee who was given a provisional appointment. Grosse Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES September 17, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES d. Youth Trustee Grosse referred to a copy of an article in the newspaper on August 27, 1986, pointing up the Summer Program at the Library. She called attention to one statement regarding the Easy Reader Books. There are only about 10,000 copies in the Library, and the circulation was 7,188. Trustee Grosse distributed copies of the Children's Department Calendars for September and October. OLD BUSINESS; a. 1986-87 Budget for Library Service Director Lange stated the copy of the Budget was included in the packet and he would answer any questions. b. CLSI Computer Evaluation - Discussion Director Lange stated a consultant had been hired to help make this decision. He stated they wanted the right decision, and it had become clear there were technical issues that required the expertise of a consultant. He stated there will be a meeting with the consultant next Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. Director Lange stated the next stage of development, the online catalog, would tie Carlsbad into Oceanside more firmly. Before this money was spent, he felt the entire situation should be reviewed. He stated it has been an advantage since 1978, economically, to share the computer system. However, now that this would involve a shared online catalog, his concern was appropriate and timely control of that operation. c. Reference Referral- and Super Reference Study Director Lange referred to the reproduction of the summary. Five people worked with the consultant to develop this study. The procedure previously has been if a reference question cannot be answered, it is sent to the second level, the Serra System Reference Center. IF they cannot answer the question, it is then sent to the third level, which has been the Southern California Answering Network. The Northern System was BARC (Bay Area Reference Center), and the funding for both the Northern and Southern Reference Services has been Federal money. Since this money will no longer be available and there is currently no State funding, alternatives need to be found. The entire reference referral process was studied and alternatives suggested. The report has been issued, and part one of the two-year phasing process will be to address this issue. The State Librarian has asked for recommendations. That will be due by the end of this year. The second phase, in the next 18 months, will be to build a structure to replace the existing reference referral system. Director Lange stated SCAN, the Southern California Answering Network, may remain, because it is one of the options recommended in the study. MINUTES September 17, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS; a. Election of Officers This item was deferred until the October Meeting. b. Library Annual Report, 1985-86 Director Lange referred to a copy of the report contained in the packet. He distributed copies of a sheet headed: "Last Year the Library Saved You $17,594,942". He felt the statistics shown on this sheet were of interest. He added the average cost of a book is now $26.49. c. Potential Library Sites and Review of Previous Site Study Director Lange stated he has been instructed to return to the City Council by January with a site analysis and recommendations for a library site. He stated he was putting together a Site Selection Committee and he would like two Members from this Board. The Committee will consist of Mike Holzmiller, John Cahill, Sharon Schramm, Geoff Armour and Director Cliff Lange. Trustees Grosse and Trigas volunteered to serve on the Committee. Director Lange stated he also intended to ask Dick Waters, the Library Consultant, to be involved with this Committee. He hopes to have a meeting scheduled for the first part of October. Trustee Trigas commented the library space deficiency is now including the leased space. If the deficiencies are not met, the developers will not be allowed to build. Trustee Trigas stated she felt the Library was in a very good position at this time. It had been discussed by Council to put the Library in the CIP now or in January. Council Member Lewis stated he felt the Library building should be put in the CIP. He also commented he felt a Council person should be with the Committee on their site Selection Committee, and suggested Council Member Kulchin be invited to go with them as a non-voting Member. Director Lange referred to the several pages he distributed to the Board Members, containing the Library portion of the Growth Management Program. These pages were reproduced from the document itself. He referred to the last page showing the population and the square footage needed at each stage. However, he noted you can not build a library that way. A building should be built to last 20 years. He stated this Library building was a good example of that. Director Lange further stated he would rather avoid a second story as far as the building is concerned, except for offices. Trustee Falkenstein commented the Library should be built with modular construction. MINUTES September 17, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 TRUSTEES e. Adult Learning Program CLSA Grant 1986-87 Director Lange said the increase in the grant amount was in the September packet and the Budget will be amended. This will be sent to the City Council for approval. More money was received in the grant than had been anticipated. f. Serra User Survey Director Lange referred to the survey in the packet, stating he felt the Board Members would find this interesting. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange stated the security system has been installed and he asked Geoff Armour to continue with the report. Geoff Armour stated the system was put into operation as of yesterday, but there are a few details not completed. He showed a sample of the flyer that has been distributed entitled Checkpoint. He stated the bank of doors leading to City Hall need to be secured. However, those doors get very little use. One of the banks of doors will be tied into the system. The other doors will not be locked, but there will be a sign on those doors indicating an emergency exit only. He told about the fake chains that have been installed, that could be easily broken away in case of an emergency. He stated so far they have found that anyone holding a security card would trigger the alarm. Yesterday one person did trigger the alarm. He stated they needed to publicize a description of the different items that might trigger the alarm. Mr. Armour continued, stating there is the other side of the coin—people who check books out and do not bring them back. The Library has decided to get tough with these people and he indicated a packet of papers representing $2,500 due the Library. Director Lange continued his Director's Report stating that, thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Library, three mircoform readers have been installed. These were purchased with money from the Book Fair. Director Lange stated Senate Bill 2493 is still alive, but just barely. The Republicans in control of the Assembly were against this bill, and it was caught up with other bills concerning bond issues. Now the process will have to begin over again next year. MINUTES September 17, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 TRUSTEES '.-'.* LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (continued) Director Lange referred to a copy of the new legislation about public records and the confidentiality of library records. He stated the records are not subject to inspection as to what people are reading without a court order. Director Lange commented the Samantha Smith oil painting was hanging in the Library today only. Geoff Armour reported there has always been a lot of criticism about the biographies not being in one single collection. He stated the Library decided long ago to classify them by subject. However, people do continue to ask for a Biography Section. The Library has now put a little tag on the spine of the biography books. That way they will be able to spot them more readily. In the new library, they will be identified and in one place. Director Lange called attention to the article in the packet on compact discs. He said the Library has started a compact disc collection, with approximately 50 discs. This is a very hot item. The Friends of the Library have budgeted $1,200 for special collections. This year, that will be spent on compact discs. He added the Library has virtually stopped buying phonograph records. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; Barbara Otwell stated she was substituting for Nancy Osberg, who was not able to attend today's meeting. The first general meeting of the Friends of the Librsry is to be held October 29, 1986, at the Library at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Otwell stated the Friends of the Library still have no one to direct the Book Fair. Nancy Osberg asked her to present this to the Board. This is a well-known event and raises a great deal of money. However, they do need someone to chair this event and to decide what to do with the books. ******»**» Trustee Cooper arrived at 4:00 p.m.*******»»* GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Bee McWilliams reported the Bar-B-Que held in July netted $857. The Genealogical Society is making plans for the plant sale October 4, 1986 which will be held on the Library lawn. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley reported she felt the local communities will be asked to finance the Serra System more in the future. She stated Director Lange had suggested the Serra folder be updated, and this has been done. She distributed copies of the updated brochure to everyone present. It was also felt important to have a bookmark for each book loaned from another library through the Serra System. Mrs. Brownley distributed copies of the bookmark that has been designed and printed. MINUTES September 17, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 6 TRUSTEES • The funding for these two projects was from money saved by members carpooling to go to Serra meetings and saving on the funds alloted for that purpose by the State. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of September 17, 1986, was adjourned at 4:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4ff4SsvUlffi~~ fatsV^biXZi Harriett Babbitt "1 <»£ Minutes Clerk </ HB:tb CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS June 1986 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION Current Year 7,669 936 8,605 52,587 Previous Year 34;073 5,779 67 39,919 5,605 627 Increase (Decrease) + 9 + 15 - 4 + 10 + 37 + 49 + 38 + 14 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,657 1,975 59 5,691 676 3,804 1,780 -- 5,584 484 - 4 + 11-- + 2 + 40 6,367 6,068 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS (42) 9 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 310 1,452 737 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SEREA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS JUKE 1986 Requests by Carlsbad H5 Received by Carlsbad 117 Requests of Carlsbad 50 Filled by Carlsbad 24 FILMS Borrowed from other 38 Serra libraries Loaned to other ' .CQ Serra libraries CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS July 1986 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION Current Year 45,991 7,730 87 53,808 Previous Year 45,692 7,220 90 53,002 Increase (Decrease) + 1 + 7 - 3 ation 9,121 1,040 10,161 63,969 8,000 699 8,699 61,701 + 14 + 49 +T7 + 4 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,537 2,110 41_ 5,688 700 6,388 3,668 1,855 59 5,582 483 6,065 - 4 + 14 - 31 + 2 + 45 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 687 407 280 298 15 283 0 1 563 19 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 209 1,529 812 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS AUGUST 1986 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION Current Year 40,586 8,205 77 48,868 Previous Year Increase (Decrease) + 2 + 10 + 3 ition 8,029 1,030 9,059 57,927 7,791 711 8,502 55,747 + 3 + 49 + 7 + 4 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,129 1,727 47 4,903 503 3,529 1,780 51 5,360 439 - 11 - 3 - 8 - 9 + 15 5,406 5,799 - 7 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 377 21 356- 2 10 488 34 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 99 1,681 579 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS August 1986 Requests by Carlsbad 8? Received by Carlsbad 76 Requests of Carlsbad 27 Filled by Carlsbad 24 FILMS Borrowed from other 21 Serra libraries Loaned to other 46 Serra libraries CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY COMPARATIVE STATISTICS FY 1985-86 CIRCULATION FY 84-85 FY 85-86 % CHANGE Books & Miscellaneous 507,082 555,460 + 10 Film & Video 66,770 77,407 +16 AV Equipment 813 938 + 15 TOTAL 574,665 633,805 + 10 BRANCH CIRCULATION Books & Miscellaneous 73,723 94,384 + 28 Film & Video 4,235 9,220 +118 TOTAL 77,958 103,604 + 33 REFERENCE QUESTIONS Adult 46,992 51,550 + 10 Juvenile 20,000 21,831 + 9 Branch 6,941 7,053 + 2 TOTAL 73,933 80,434 + 9 AUDIENCE FOR PROGRAMS Adult ' 3,098 3,230 + 4 Juvenile 17,436 14,828 - 15 Branch 7.076 10.446 + 48 TOTAL 27,610 28,504 + 3 INTERLIBRARY LOANS Items Borrowed 1,592 2,148 +35 Items Loaned 776 1,024 + 32