HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-15; Library Board of Trustees; Minutest MINUTES Meeting of: time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 p.m. October 15, 1986 Library Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Secretary Grosse at 3:05 p.m.. ROLL CALL: Present - Secretary Grosse, Trustees Cooper, Martin and Trlgas. Absent - Trustee Faikensteln. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Reinier Vanderschroeff, Library Administrative Assistant Nancy Osberg, President, Friends of the Library Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager APPRQ-VAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the September 17, 1986 meeting were approved as presented. COMMITTE REPORTS a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trlgas stated that this report would be deferred to later In the meeting under the Library Site Selection Committee - Progress Report. b. Budget Trustee Martin deferred to Director Lange. Director Lange pointed out that the Trustees were provided with copies of the "Expenditure Summary Report" and the "Revenue Status Report" for the month of September as a matter of Information. Trustee Martin Inquired as to the reason for the Increase of people requesting on-line searching for the month of September as opposed to the previous months. Director Lange pointed out that there is really no consistency to the number of requests In a particular month In comparison to other months. It just depends on the number of people who come in that month. Secretary Crosse inquired regarding the charges for the on-line searching and whether a service charge should be added. Director Lange responded that the Library is reimbursed fully for the actual cost of doing the computer work but not the staff time. He stated the feeling Is now that the Library should not charge people for staff time. However, he agreed with Secretary Grosse that if It becomes a real time problem in the future wherein an additional staff person must be hired, then a service charge may be justified. Grosse Cooper Martin Trlgas MINUTES October 15, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES On a question regarding the cost of searching a data base, Director Lange stated that It varies from $20-5500 an hour, depending upon the data base. However, this Is misleading as the actual time of searching"can be accomplished In as little time as 30 seconds depending on the data base and the skills of the person doing the search. c. Personnel There was no report due to the absence of Trustee Falkensteln. d. Youth Trustee Grosse reported on the youth activities for the month of September 1986 which consisted of storyhours, Spanish storyhours, bedtime storyhours, films, Carlsbad Youth theatre, Chine Paper Cuts Workshop, Oelly Bean Contest, KPBS Short Story Contest Awards and school visits. (A statement was submitted to the Clerk describing the activities In further detail.) OLD BUSINESS a. CLSI Computer Evaluation - Preliminary Report Director Lange referred to the document submitted to the Board entitled "Preliminary Cost Comparison - CLSI Computer System" which qives a breakdown of the costs Involved when comparing maintaining the shared system upgrade with Oceanslde versus having an Independent Carlsbad system. He stated that since 1983-84, monies have been put In the budget towards the goal of putting the Library on an on-line catalog system within five years. Director Lange expressed his concerns with continuing on the shared system with Oceanslde, and the need for Carlsbad to begin Its own Independent system. He Informed the Board that a consultant had been hired to study this Issue. Director Lange recommended that staff proceed to request Information from other vendors, Including CLSI, asking for guotatlons on the various costs Involved. The amounts Included In the "Preliminary Cost Comparison..." were quoted by a sales representative, which probably were list prices, which may be "tightened". Once all the necessary Information Is in place, with the figures refined, then a decision could be made as to which direction the Library will go. He stated that he "leaned" towards Carlsbad establishing Its own Independent system and breaking away from Oceanslde. Director Lange answered various questions for further clarification and stated that the reason he does not propose at this time to send out requests for proposals as is being done by Buena Park (which Is going through the same process of "breaking away") is because It is quite expensive for the firms sending in proposals. He felt that Carlsbad should first Investigate all the possible costs that will be involved and go from there. MINUTES October 15, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES As far as the issue of where the computer would be situated, Director Lanqe stated that the possibility at this time Is to locate it in the computer room at City Hall. However, that Is also a cost factor"that may need to he considered If It is not possible to locate it in City Hall, since the Library would need to remodel a room to accomodate the computer. b. Library Site Selection Committee - Progress Report Trustee Frlgas reported on the progress of the committee In reviewing various potential sites for a library in the La Costa area. Minutes of a meeting of the committee held October 2, 1986 were Included In the packet for the Board's Information. Trustee Trlgas reported that the committee also held a meeting on October 9, 1986 wherein the sites were narrowed down to five sites (as depicted on a map provided to the Board). Staff will provide more information regarding these sites to the committee. The committee members will then rate the sites and select one at its next meeting. NEW BUSINESS a. Election of Officers A motion made, seconded, and unanimously approved to elect Trustee Martin as the President of the Library Board of Trustees. Trustee Martin indicated his willingness to serve. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to elect Trustee Crosse as the Secretary of the Library Board of Trustees. Trustee Grosse Indicated her willingness to serve. It was the consensus of the Board that Trustee Cooper take the place of Trustee Martin as the head of the Budget Committee. The other committees will remain the same. President Martin assumed his position in conducting the remainder of the meeting. b. Library Conference Room Regulations - Review Director Lange pointed out that there were slight amendments to the format, and a sentence has been added to the application form. The contents have remained basically intact, however. A copy was sent to the City Attorney for his review, and he has not heard from him. He suggested that this matter be continued until he has received a response from the City Attorney, at which time he will put It on the agenda. Grosse Cooper Martin Trigas Grosse Cooper Martin Trigas MINUTES October 15, I986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES c. CALFAC Meeting In Carlsbad, Hdrch 7, 1987 Director Lange referred to the tetter dated October 2, 1986 from CALTAC requesting his assistance In setting up a workshop in March, 1987. He stated that he booked the Council Chambers for the workshop, and the Library Conference Room for the luncheon. Assistant City Manager Manner) suggested the Public Safety Center as a possible location for the workshop. Director lange explained that CALTAC reguested that It be In close proximity to the library. Assistant City Manager Mannen pointed out that they could also use the various rooms at City Hall if needed since the workshop will be held on a Saturday. President Martin and Trustee Cooper volunteered to meet with the CALTAC representative on November 18, 1986 as requested by them. d. Safety Inspection Report Director Lange referred to the Inspection report contained in the packet prepared by the Safety Engineer. He stated that he reviewed the findings, and the problems are In the process of being corrected. in response to questions, Director Lange stated that City Staff will primarily be correcting the deficiencies, and that this inspection Is done twice a year. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange reported that the automatic doors for the East entrance have not been installed yet, but will be Installed soon. Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director, reported that the security system Is working quite well. It Is already beginning to pay for itself through the process. The only problem with the system at this time Is that people with security cards trigger the alarm. He pointed out that all the members of the Elks Club have the type of cards which activate the system. Assistant City Manager Mannen pointed out that the Police Officers will also be carrying that type of security card. Director Lange gave an update on the success of the literacy program being provided on a voluntary basis by the Library. He reported that during the month of September, 175 inquiries were received which included both adult learners and people interested in becoming tutors. He briefly explained the process in selecting the individuals who will participate and in matching the learners with the tutors. MINUTES October 15, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated that two evenings a week, the adult learners and tutors, through this program, use the Pine Elementary School facilities In conjunction with the Mira Costa program. Further, support groups ha've been formed for the adult learners' participation. People are coming forward to avail themselves of this program. He gave an example of an adult learner who participated In the program and Is now working as a broker after successfully passing an exam to obtain his license. He stated there are approximately 125 trained tutors functioning presently In the program on a volunteer basis. Director Lange explained that the Board will soon be receiving the City Quarterly Report. He referred to a section from the Cultural Arts Center and spoke briefly regarding Ms. de la Rosa, an artist in residence, who will be performing October 17. He also pointed out that the article entitled "Last Year the Library Saved You 517,59^,9^2" was also Included In the report. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Nancy Osberg, President, Friends of the Library, announced that Dr. Paul Saltman will be appearing on October 29 and will be speaklnq on "The Physics and Metaphysics of Food and Nutrition". Further, on January 28, 1987, Ray Bradbury, author of many books, will be giving a presentation. Mr. Bradbury Is not charging to come down. Just his expenses will be covered. Mr. Bradbury has indicated his preference that the Friends of the Library profit in the sale of his books. 5ERRA ADVISORY BOARD Margaret Brownley reported that they had not met since the Library Board's last meeting, and therefore, there was not much to report on. She happily announced that for the first time someone from the Advisory Board has been selected as a member of the Executive Committee of the Administrative Council. She was pleased the Council had selected someone who Is knowledgeable about the operation and is Involved personally and very interested. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Director Lange deferred to Geoff Armour who reported on his recent visit to the libraries of Huntington Beach and Thousand Oaks. He stated that these are the two libraries that almost everyone In the library business points to as leaders in high technology and Innovatlveness. He stated that he was basically looking into the technology of the audio/visual area. Further, he was looking into the layout and location of the library. Both of the libraries seem to be very Isolated, which he felt would not be a good idea for Carlsbad. MINUTES October 15, 1986 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 6 TRUSTEES Mr. Armour spoke at length regarding the video department layout and program of the libraries and compared it to Carlsbad. He said that Thousand Oaks has the biggest operation of video tapes In the State. He" pointed out the differences between Carlsbad and the libraries he visited as far as the security system, and the design of the library Itself was concerned. Huntlngton Beach charges for everything, and he stated he felt that a complicated list of fees defeats the purpose of having free access. Mr. Armour concluded by stating that both libraries have a lot of money budgeted for their operations. Further, they have the necessary spacing and staffing - problems which exist here in Carlsbad. He added that the clear cut way for the future In audio technology Is compact disks. Carlsbad has already started the phasing out of records. All the libraries are moving In that direction. He emphasized the usefulness of going out to see the leaders In the field and see how they are actually doing it. Carlsbad will being doing more of this in the future. Trustee Cooper noted that the Genealogical Society plant sale made $419. They will be having another plant sale soon. Another event was scheduled originally for November 11, but that Is a holiday and the library will be closed. President Martin announced that the next meeting of the Board Is scheduled for November 19, 1986. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the Meeting of October 15, 1986 was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Caraballo Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARy STATISTICS CIRCULATION STATISTICS September 1986 Current Year Previous Year Increase (Decrease) MAIM LIBRARY Materials checked out.at circulation 36,034 Fil« and video tapes ' 7,667 Audio Visual equipment 66 Total MAIN LIBRARY 43.767 34,557 6.436 91 41,084 + 4 + 19 - 27 BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Filn and video tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION ation 8,428 741 9.169 52,936 7,001 484 7.485 48,569 + 20 + 53 + 22 + 9 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 4,009 1.805 52 5,866 540 4,132 1,795 71 5.998 411 - 3 + 1 - 27 - 2 + 33 6,406 6.409 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 950 130 SZO 25 56 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 274 1,173 724 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SEKRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS SEPT 1986 Requests by Carlsbad 84 Received by Carlsbad 84 Requests of Carlsbad 24 Filled by Carlsbad 1? FILMS Borrowed from other Serra libraries 21 Loaned to other Serra libraries 58 September 22, 1986 TO: Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing FROM: Reinier Vanderschroeff, Library SUBJECT: Insured Value — Library Collection As requested, please the Carlsbad Library Unit Type Reference General Reading Oversize Books Genealogy Periodicals (Bound) Microform Video Tapes 16 mm Film 35 mm Slides Audio Recordings Maps, Catalogues RV:ch *$17.00/min X 35 min find a listing of current replacement value of collection — the Branch included. # Volumes 8,000 141,000 8,000 7,000 5,000 NA 1,300 378 6,500 9,268 18,000 Total Avg. Unit Value 65.00 31.43 45.00 35.00 88.00 UMI Replacement 55.42 595.00* .45 10.50 4.50 Replacement Value Total Value 520,000 4,431,630 360,000 245,000 440,000 933,879 720,460 224,910 29,250 97,314 83,250 $8,085,693 Sources: Bowker Annual 1986