HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTFES Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: December 17, 1986 Place of Meeting: La Costa Branch Library TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin, Trustees Falkenstein and Trigas. Absent - Trustees Cooper and Grosse. Also Present: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Nancy Osberg, President, Friends of the Library Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board Bee McWilliams, Representative, Genealogical Society APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting held November 19, 1986, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas deferred her report to the rest of the agenda, b. Budget Trustee Cooper was not present. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein had no report at this time. d. Youth Trustee Grosse was not present. OLD BUSINESSS: a. Library Mezzanine Progress Report Director Lange referred to the letter in the packet from the architect, in which he points out his position on the loading on the mezzanine. Before moving the books, the deflection was two and a half inches. One week after moving the books, the mezzanine was remeasured, and it had risen one one hundredth of a foot. It will be measured again. The consensus was it had been overloaded and the weight load needed to be re-distributed. The fiction books will remain in the conference room and the remainder of the material will be re-distributed. Geoff Armour continued the report, distributing a copy of the proposed layout for the mezzanine and conference room. He used an easel chart to indicate the proposed changes. Engineering studies indicated six-foot centers should be used. Martin Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 17, 1986 Page 2 TRUSTEES The west half of the mezzanine contains the mysteries and westerns, and four sections of oversized books. The other side of the floor contains the genealogy and 900's (history and travel collections). The westerns and mysteries will be moved down to the walls of the conference room. With the new arrangement there will be 28 sections, with 22 sections needed at the present time. This leaves six sections for growth. Mr. Armour indicated on the chart how the ranges will be placed on the mezzanine and the sitting space moved to the other end of the floor. He reiterated there will be a gain of sections, but a loss of the conference room. Director Lange added this proposed plan needs to be approved by Marty Orenyak. Upon his approval, work will start on the new plan. The story hours are being held at Heritage Hall, and seem to be quite successful. Some library programs will use the Council Chambers. Geoff Armour said the feedback from the public has been very good, with people in favor of the fiction books being down- stairs. The main complaint is for bringing the mysteries downstairs. Director Lange said the Council Chambers would not be available from February 12 to March 15, 1987. Director Lange complimented staff and the volunteers for a job well done. Board of Trustees acknowledged the good work by staff in light of an emergency with the sagging of the mezzanine. b. CLSI Computer Update - Discussion Director Lange distributed statistics showing the comparison between shared use with Oceanside and purchasing their own CLSI computer. Total capital cost in shared operation would be $129,550.00. If Carlsbad was independent, the cost would be $134,000.00 no< The installation cost would be waived. Maintenance would be $17,688.00. If shared, the maintenance cost would be $12,660.00. Under software, the shared cost, now, a license fee of $9,120.00. For five years, that would cost $45,600.00. If independent, CLSI would not charge an annual license fee. There would be a one-time charge of $24,000.00, paid up front Current annual telephone communications costs for the main Library and the La Costa Branch are $3,000. Under an inde- pendent system, the annual communications costs for the Branch would be $600.00 with just one telephone line to the main Library. There would be $1,000.00 for supplies and personnel; Librarian I, $29,980.00, and a part-time clerk $6,165.00, or a total of $37,073.00 under an independent system. Martin Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 17, 1986 Page 3 TRUSTEES At Che bottom of the report, Director Lange showed the related costs and potential savings of $36,000.00 in catalog ma intenance, if Carlsbad moved to an independent system. The second report gave a five-year comparison, with joint expenditure $298,900.00, and Carlsbad alone $300,440.00. Trustee Falkenstein inquired about the capacity of the system It was explained this system would be two processors. If one computer was down, the other could still be used. The capaci would be 70 to 80 percent of the shared use. At buildout, more add-on units could be purchased to add capacity. Trustee Trigas asked about the time frame for this change, an Director Lange answered the agenda bill could go to Council in January. He asked the Board to endorse his recommendation to withdraw from shared use with Oceanside and purchase a CLSI computer. Library Board of Trustees endorsed Director Lange's recommendation to withdraw from shared use with Oceanside and purchase a CLSI computer. NEW BUSINESS! a. 1987-88 Library Budget, Preliminary Information Director Lange referred to the pages from the Budget Manual included in the packet. The City has encouraged Departments to initiate no new programs or positions. Director Lange sai he intended to ask for a couple of new positions. One would be a computer operator (not new money, as that would come fro the existing funds now being paid to Oceanside), and the othe positions would be in circulation and technical services, predicated on the workload. Director Lange added he would ask for Council approval of additional funds to buy the shelving needed for the mezzanine and conference room. The completed budget will be in the packet next meeting, and that meeting needs to be moved forward one week to January 14 1987, at the La Costa Branch. b. Brown Act Amendments - City Ordinance Director Lange reported the Library Board Meeting Agenda is posted in the Library, which meets the requirements. He said he would make the Agenda more elaborate to comply with the new law. C. Library Bookmobile Service, Analysis and Recommendation for the Future Director Lange reported when the Branch Library opened, the bookmobile stops were eliminated, except for Lanlkai and Solamar mobile home parks. Chris Holt has recommended each park be visited once a month for a six-month period. If the business is still falling off at that time, the recommendation will be to stop the bookmobile visits altogeth Library Board of Trustees adopted staff recommendation to decrease the bookmobile service to one stop per month at Lanikai and Solamar mobile home parks for a period of six months. At that time, the item will be re-evaluated. Martin Falkenstein Trigas Martin Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 17, 1986 Page 4 TRUSTEES d. Proposed Agenda for Library Board/City Council Joint Meeting Director Lange referred to the list of items for the joint meeting January 27, 1987, attached to the packet. He said the computer proposal could be added to the list. Board Members were asked to suggest any other topics they would like to add to this list. Director Lange said he intended to draft an agenda bill for Council for the site selection and funding of a library. Jim Elliott will outline the funding options and make recommendations on the best alternatives. It will be three or four years before the library is built. In the meantime, the situation at the Branch Library needs to be considered, as that was an interim arrangement. Director Lange discussed the possibilities for financing the building of a library, and added he would make a list of the options. Trustee Falkenstein suggested breaking it up into modulars over a period of time to take some of the onus out of it. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange reported the automatic doors have been installed and the electric eye counter. The counter worked for one day, and will be repaired. On the one day the counter worked, 920 people were in the Library—on a slow Friday. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Nancy Osberg reported on the Christmas Program at the Cultural Arts Center and said they are preparing for Ray Bradbury's visit January 28, 1987. The need for publicity for this program was discussed, with the Board Members agreein more publicity was needed. Mrs. Osberg concluded her report, stating the Friends hoped to have a substantial backlog of art work available by the opening of the new library. GENEALOGICAL .SOCIETY: Bee McWilliams had no report. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Margaret Brownley reported the future for the Board looks brighter, and there is a good group on the Board now, with thirteen members at the last meeting. There will be a joint meeting with the Administrative Council in January to discuss planning. A greater understanding of the Serra Service and what it involves is needed and the Advisory Board voted to accept a project for a.survey of the Service in their own libraries. The Advisory Board Members want to be of service to the Administrative Council, and will talk with the Library Directors in this area. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of December 17, 1986, was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS CIRCULATION STATISTICS November 1986 Current Year Previous Year Increase (Decrease) MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION 36i438 6,628 73 43,139 7,061 479 7,540 50,679 36,579 5,604 59 42,242 6,537 459 6,996 49,238 + 18 + 24 + 8 + 4 + 8 + 3 .REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3,800 2,002 1£ 5,817 490 6,307 3,992 1,715 28 5,735 439 6,174 - 5 + 17 - 46 + 1 + 12 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 797 264 533 68 0 5S ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 282 1,403 663 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS NOV 1986 Requests by Carlsbad " 59 Received by Carlsbad 58 Requests of Carlsbad 5 Filled by Carlsbad 12 FILMS Borrowed from other 50 Serra libraries Loaned to other 48 Serra libraries