HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-14; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD Of TRUSTEES rime of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: Oariuary 14, 1987 Place of Meeting: La Costa Branch Library TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin, Trustees Cooper, Falkenstein and Trlgas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Relnier Vanderschroeff, Senior Management Analyst Nancy Osberg, President, Friends of the Library Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the Meeting held December 17, 1986, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Director Lange reported there had been a meeting with the developers of the shopping center on El Camlno Real between Alga Road and Dove. He had a drawing of the proposed library building and proposed entrance on Dove. This building would sit high on the hill and would be very visible from El Camino Real. The library would be one story high, containing 58,000 sguare feet of floor space. The City would hire an architect and design to their own specifications, and the developers would build the building. The developers felt that this would result in guite a savings to the City. There would be 350 parking spaces for the library building with 29 more spaces shared. There would also be additional parking in the center itself. Director Lange stated this is the only proposal that has been received up to the present time. There will be some cost estimates and alternatives to present to Council. Director Lange distributed copies of the layout for the mezzanine of the main library. Council will be asked for $15,000 to buy shelving to implement this plan. b. Budget This will be discussed later in the meeting. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein had no report at this time. d. Youth Trustee Grosse was not present. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD Of FRUSTLES January 1987 Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: a. Library Computer System Update: Homo to Assistant City Manager recommending library's withdrawal from computer system shared with Oceanslde. Director Lange stated he had written an agenda bill to present on January 27, requesting the Library withdrawal from the shared computer system with Oceanslde. He stated he had talked with Helen Nelson, Oceanslde, and she had some comments to make. She felt this was a step backward for Carlsbad. Director Lange stated he replied that he felt the situation had changed as far as Carlsbad was concerned. There still would be the ability to guery each other with the separate systems. Secondly, she stated she felt the regulrements for personnel were underestimated. However, Director Lange stated the City computer staff would be able to serve as a backup. Director Lange stated there was some possibility of going to a different vendor. Hewlett Packard will be considered also. b. Revised Agenda for Library Board/City Council Joint Meeting, January 27, 1987 Director Lange called attention to the revised agenda for the Library Board/City Council Joint Meeting, January 27, 1987. He stated the City Manager had reviewed this proposed agenda and had approved. It was mentioned that perhaps under Item b. of the third item which would be the Library Master Plan progress report, the subject of other projects cutting into the financing available for the proposed library could be discussed. Frank Mannen stated questions to be asked will be: Is the City able to operate the library, and will the General Fund be able to handle that expenditure. He felt It would be appropriate for the Board Members to express their needs and concerns about the financing of the proposed library. Director Lange stated Chairman Martin would Introduce the Board Members and make a general statement, and then the proposed agenda would be followed. Chairman Martin felt 3b. should include the concern about Hosp Grove purchase and its possible effect on the proposed library. He asked how this could be handled. The question was asked could this appear In the minutes as an issue of concern. It was decided to discuss this on today's agenda under Item 6. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 1987 Page 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: a. 1987-88 Library Operating Budget and Capital Budget Director Lange referred to the revised copy of the Budget which was distributed to Board Members prior to the meeting, and stated a few changes had been made In rewording of the goals and objectives and adjustment In the dollar figures. Relnler Vanderschroeff explained the budget summary matrix showing the General Fund and Special Funds and grand totals with percentage of Increase. Director Lange explained there were more CLSA Funds last year, as those funds had accumulated In different accounts The money was all put In one account last year. He stated the Inflationary cost of books was approximately 10%. Frank Mannen suggested the circulation per capita (per employee) might be a good statistic to present to Council. This would Indicate the Library Is doing more business and more work with the existing staff. Mr. Mannen asked if there was a charge made for reference service, and Director Lange stated there was none unless It was an online search. That Is only charged on a cost recovery basis. The Library does not involve itself in research work per se; they merely point the public In the right direction. The Increase in circulation Is a figure to be given to . Council, with 14% during November and December. Roughly, there has been a 50% increase In the circulation since 1981. It was stated without automation this would not be possible with the same number of employees. Chairman Martin complimented staff on the Budget Summary Matrix, stating it was an excellent piece of work. Library Board of Trustees accepted the 1987-88 Budget as presented. b. 1986-87 Public Library Fund Allocation to California Public Libraries Memo from California State Librarian and List of Libraries with Allocations. Director Lange stated this was for the Board's information. With Carlsbad's population increase, Director Lange said the allocation for next year would be close to $45,000. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trlgas MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 1987 Page TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: (continued) c. Library Services and Construction Act, Title II Funds: Memo and draft article from the State Library indicating there will be no general invitation to apply for Title II funds in FY 1987. Director Lanqe stated this was an information item, and he wanted to emphasize the chances of obtaining any money, other than locally, for a library building would be extremely slim. OTHER; The Library Board of Trustees expressed concern about the Impact the purchase of Hosp Grove might have on the financing of a new library. The Library Board expressed concern over the possibility of financing the purchase of Hosp Grove by using the $3.1 million Capital Fund and a $2.9 million Sewer Fund. The repayment would be a heavy payment with little money left for other projects. The Board expressed concern this purchase could endanger the financing for the new library building as proposed. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange called attention to the Capital Improvement project funding request and explained the projected cost for the south Carlsbad library. Library Board of Trustees endorsed the Capital Improvement Project for 1987-88 to 1991-1992 funding request as presented. Library Board of Trustees voted approval of the five selected library sites. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; President Osberg of the Friends of the Library reported Ray Bradbury will be at the Cultural Arts Center on January 28, 1987, to autograph purchased copies of his book. She thanked Trustee Cooper for his work on the storage of the books for the Book Fair. Mrs. Osberg reported the Friends of the Library are working on a grant proposal to enlarge their art collection through the Arts Commission. The Friends of the Library are working on a by-law revision at the present time. The newsletter Spirit of Love will be going out the week of January 20, and the deadline for information or articles is January 15. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Bee McWllliams had no report to make at this time. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES January 14, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD Of TRUSTEES Page 5 TRUSTEES SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley reported the Board has not met since December and will not meet until the day after the next Library Board Meeting. Mrs. Brownley had a four-hour conference with the consultant for the survey. She stated this will he helpful to the Advisory Board and the Administrative Council. The purpose Is to help the Advisory Board Members be more Informed about their entire operation and the entire library system. She stated It really would not be a survey, but would be an Information project, which Is a better title. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of January 14, 1987, was adjourned at 4:28 p.m. The next meeting will be February 18, I987, at the La Costa Branch Library. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB:tb CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY December 1986 Current Year Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION 35,692 7,669 90 43,451 7,331 405 7,736 51,187 Previous Year 6,279 792 7,071 44,852 Change + 13 + 25 + 80 + 15 + 17 - 49 + 9 + 14 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE qUESTIONS 3,516 1,840 29 5,385 584 5,969 3,632 1,618 155 5,405 596 6,001 - 3 + 14 -434 - 2 - 1 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 94 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 290 993 658 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS DEC 1986 Requests by Carlsbad 89 Received by Carlsbad 86 Requests of Carlsbad 21 Filled by Carlsbad 12 FILMS Borrowed from other 33 Serra libraries Loaned to other 38 Serra libraries DRAFT LIBRARY BOARD/CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA January 27, 1987 1. 1986 Library Annual Report - Slide Tape/Video Presentation. 2. Library Mezzanine Overloading: a. Recommended solution - action taken. b. Final solution - request for $15,000 to purchase shelving to complete redistribution of weight on mezzanine. 3. Library Master Plan Progress Report: a. Site Selection Committee report and recommendations. b. Finance Director's report and recommendations for financing library expansion. 4. Library Computer: a. Recommendation to withdraw from shared system with Oceanside Public Library and to purchase new computer for Carlsbad City Library. b. Authorization for one new full-time position and one part-time position to operate computer. JANUARY 7, 1987 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FRANK MANNEN FROM: Library Director LIBRARY AUTOMATION PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve the library's withdrawal from the computer system shared with the Oceanside Public Library and authorize purchase of a computer system for the Carlsbad City Library. DISCUSSION: The public libraries of Carlsbad and Oceanside jointly purchased an automated circulation system in 1978. This system has functioned effectively in checking out library materials and has saved money and staff for both libraries. In 1983, both libraries agreed to plan for the addition of an on-line catalog to the automated system. As this planning has progressed, staff has recognized that the online catalog will bring a crucial change in the role of the automated system in the library. The online catalog will make the automated system the "master" of the library because the catalog is the index to the library and the access point to the library's collections for most library users. The recognition of this change in the nature and impact of the automated system has led staff to reevaluate the existing relationship with the Oceanside Public Library. Although Carlsbad is an equal partner/owner of the system, on a practical level, the computer is controlled by the Oceanside Public Library because it houses and operates it. This has not been an insurmountable problem in the past, but it may be a problem in the future. Both libraries have managed to agree, often through compromise, on various issues such as hours of operation of the computer, shutdown time, reports production, etc. However, with the introduction of the online catalog, the issue of who controls the computer takes on a different level of significance. It is the recognition of these facts that has led to the recommendation that the Carlsbad library withdraw from the shared computer system. FISCAL IMPACT: Adding an online catalog to the shared system requires an upgrade of the hardware. The estimated cost (to Carlsbad) of that upgrade is $129,550. The cost to purchase the appropriate hardware for a Carlsbad-owned and operated system is estimated to be $157,000. The total one-time cost difference between the two systems is $27,450.00. Annual maintenance cost of the Carlsbad system would be approximately $8,064.00 more than for the shared system. A Carlsbad-owned system would produce an annual savings in telecommunica- tions cost of approximately $3,000.00. With a Carlsbad system, it appears possible to move to an online catalog two years earlier than if the library remains tied to Oceanside. This would result in an annual savings of $18,000 in card catalog maintenance (staff and material cost) and produce a total savings of $36,000 over the two years. Carlsbad's share of the annual cost to operate the shared system computer (personnel, supplies, and overhead) is approximately $35,000. This cost would continue with a Carlsbad-owned system in the form of personnel and material costs of approximately $37,073. There is a significant software cost difference between the two system options. A Carlsbad-owned system will save $90,720 in software license fees over a five-year period. Funds to purchase a computer system for the Carlsbad Library are included in the library's 1986-87 budget. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Remain with the system shared with the Oceanside Public Library. 2. Revert to a manual operation. Alternative #1 is rejected because of control problems and future cost increases, Alternative #2 is rejected because a manual circulation operation would require a massive increase in personnel cost and poor service to the public. CONCURRENCE: The recommended action has unanimous concurrence by the Library Board at its December 1986 meeting. CLIFFORD E. LANGE CEL:pab Attachments -2- COMPUTER SYSTEM COST COMPARISON Hardware Cost Shared System Oceanside/Carlsbad Hardware Cost Independent System Carlsbad Original Proposal: Additional Processor: 16 Channel Multiplexor Less Trade-in $239,000 30,000 18,000 $287,000 33.500 $253,500 CLSI Proposal: Installation: Total Cost $157,000 - 0 - $157,000 Carlsbad 50% Share of Cost: $126,750 Installation: 2.800 Total Cost $129,550 Annual Maintenance: .$ 12,660 Annual Maintenance:$ 20,724 Software Cost Annual Software License Fee:$ 9,120 (with present terminals) Five-Year Cost: $ 45,600 With addition of 24 terminals during last three years of five-year period: $69,120 Total $114,720 Software Cost No Annual License Fee One-Time Charge: $24,000 Five-Year Cost: $24,000 With increase in number of terminals, no increase in cost. Annual Telecommunications Cost for Main Library and Branch: $3,000 Current Annual Cost (personnel, supplies, and overhead) to Carlsbad to operate main frame computer:$ 35,000 Annual Telecommunications Cost for Branch: $ 600.00 Supplies: Personnel Cost: Total $ 1,000.00 $29,908.00 6.165.00 $37,073.00 Full-Time Lib. I Part-Time Clerk Related costs and potential savings if Carlsbad moves to an Independent System: It appears possible to move to an on-line catalog two years sooner with an independent system than if we remain with Oceanside. Savings in catalog maintenance: $36,000 January 1987 FIVE YEAR COST COMPARISON Hardware Purchase Cost Difference: Oceanside/Carlsbad $129,550 Carlsbad $157,000 $ 27,450 Maintenance: Software License Fee: Telecommunications: Personnel/Supplies: OPERATING COSTS $ 63,300 114,720 15,000 175.000 $368,020 $103,620 24,000 3,000 185.000 $315,620 Operating Cost Difference:$ 52,400 ADJUSTED COST COMPARISON Operating Cost Savings: Catalog Maintenance Savings with Carlsbad-Owned System: Carlsbad-Owned Hardware Cost Increase: Net Savings: $52,400 36.000 $88,400 -27,450 $60,950 January 1987