HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: [ime of Meet ing: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD Oh IKUSfEES 3:00 p.m. February 18, 1987 La Costa Branch Library TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the meeting to order at 3:23 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin, Trustees Falkenstein and Grosse. Trustee Trlgas arrived at 3:40 p.m. Absent - Trustee Cooper. Also Present were: Clifford Lanqe, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Libr.iry Director Reinier Vanderschroeff, Senior Management Analyst Ronnie Coates, Librarian 11, Reference Services Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held January 14, 1987, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; c. Personnel Director Lange reported that Council approved the new position requested for the computer. d. Youth Trustee Grosse reported on the Children's Division activities for January, stating the Heritage Hall location would be the permanent location for the story hour. They are now thinking of moving the bedtime story hour to Magee Park. Trustee Grosse stated the highlight of January activities was the Bear Fair. She concluded her report commenting on the murals on the wall with thanks to Oanell Cannon. OLD BUSINESS; a. Library Computer System Update: Director Lange stated staff Is looking at the CLSI and Hewlett Packard hardware and software. Ihere will be a decision made after the first week in March. Director Lange referred to his letter, contained In the packet, to Helen Nelson, Director of the Oceanslde Public Library, giving notice of the termination of the shared computer agreement between the two cities. Martin Falkenstein Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OK TRUSTEES February 18, 1987 Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: (continued) c. Michael Feerer & Associates Space Needs Assessment for New Building - opening day plus five years. Director Lange stated he had two meetings with developers of the shopping center and he referred to two versions of the Library shown on wall exhibits. There is an Issue of parking, with the Library wanting to make certain there is sufficient parking. Also, there has been a question of whether to build a one-story or a two-story building. Director Lange stated it would be the Library's preference to have a one-story building. He called attention to the artist's version of a two-story buiiding, stating the developer felt this would take up less space and could help the parking issue. Also, they have suggested placing the Library up closer to the theater area, with the Library parking up at the back end of the property. This would discourage theater patrons from parking in that area. There is also a guestion of the Local Coastal Plan and Mike Holzmiller Is dealing with that at the present time. There has been discussion about a drainage problem and also the need for a green area around the Library building for outside activities The theater has been downgraded to a four-plex at this point. The peak times of theater use and that of the Library have been discussed and whether or not they would conflict. Director Lange said he expected to have some ballpark figures as far as cost by the next meeting. Director Lange asked for a volunteer to go to Thousand Oaks on March 5, to visit the library, that library Is approximately the same size as the one proposed for Carlsbad. President Martin volunteered to make this trip. Director Lange referred to the memorandum In the packet from Mike Feerer 4 Associates regarding the Library. He stated they had discussed having a restaurant In the unused portion of the Library building. There would, however, be a restaurant or restaurants In the shopping center itself. Suggestions were made of types of shops that might be compatible with the Library. That area is residential and It would be difficult to obtain a permit from the City for anything commercial. d. CALTAC meeting, March 7, 1987: President Martin said there had been ^5 reservations made up to the present time. February 21st is the deadline. They normally average about 75 reservations for these meetings. President Martin explained part of the program to be given on March 7, 1987, and invited all the Trustees to attend, as they are hosting the meeting. The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m., and dismiss at 2:30 p.m. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD Of TRUSTEES February 18, 1967 Page 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS; a. Plans for Library Building, Twentieth Birthday Director Lange stated the Library building will be 20 years old this year and December 6th has been suggested as the date to celebrate the birthday. There would be music and speeches. Director Lange felt there should be a plague Installed to list the names of the people Involved In the building of the Library. The Friends are having their 30th birthday party and this could be celebrated at the same time. The suggestion was made that former Board Members and all the people Instrumental In supporting the building of the Library should be invited to the celebration. b. Library Reference Division presentation Ronnie Coates, Coordinator of the Online Services, gave a brief report on the Reference Division. She presented the new Texas Instruments terminal, which is used for searching at the Library. She went over the basics of the machine and the searching that can be done. She stated the highest charge for any search has been $300 and the lowest was $2. Carlsbad Is the only public library In San Diego County that does on-line searches for patrons. Ms. Coates explained the process that Is followed when a patron reguests a search and explained some of the software package. She concluded her report stating this was a time-saving tool, and when this can be used out on the desk, there will be a big Improvement. This terminal will certainly be a time saver. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange called attention to the Oanaury statistics report and asked if there were any guest ions. He stated the circulation continues to Increase, with 15% in the main Library and 2% at the Branch. Director Lange stated there is a new library construction bill, Senate Bill 181, for $300 million for library construction. He felt It was possible that Carlsbad might be able to take advantage of this bill for remodeling the main Library. Director Lange thanked all of the Board Members for attending the January 27, 1987, Council meeting. 5ERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley called attention to the report In the packet on Inter-library loans statistics on Serra Cooperative Library System. She stated the requests by Carlsbad were 122, requests received by Carlsbad 88 and requests of Carlsbad 22. This was only the Serra System and does not reflect all of the other activities. MINUTES February 18, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES Geoff Armour stated perhaps all of the statistics should be Included In the report, Including reference questions, online searches, and at this point there could be statistics on the people counter. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of February 18, 1987, was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB:tb CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS January 1987 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Audio Visual equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY Current Year 44,572 9,206 101 53,879 Previous Year Increase (Decrease) + 8 + 62 + 31 + 15 BRANCH LIBRARY Materials checked out at circulation Film and video tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION 9,769 792 10,561 9,303 1,049 10,352 + 5 - 24 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED MAIN LIBRARY • Adult Section Children's Section Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS 5,377 2,080 25 7,482 830 8,312 5,531 2,064 23 7,618 707 8,325 - 3 + 1 + 9 - 2 + 17 MATERIALS ADDED MAIN LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV BRANCH LIBRARY Books added withdrawn net books AV materials added withdrawn net AV TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL AV MATERIALS 972 78 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Children's Branch 669 1,299 767 INTERLIBRARY LOAN STATISTICS SEKRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM BOOKS JAN 198? Requests by Carlsbad 122 Received by Carlsbad 88 Requests of Carlsbad 22 Filled by Carlsbad 19 * FILMS Borrowed fron ocher 2? Serra libraries Loaned to other 40 Serra libraries