HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: 3uiy 15, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin, Trustees Cooper, Falkenstein, Grosse and Trigas. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the meeting held May 20, 1987, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas deferred to the Library Site Agenda Bill agenda item. Trustee Cooper reported the City was starting the fiscal year Director Lange called attention to the Budget for the Year printout in the packet. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported Leila Dooley, Librarian I, will Join the staff as of Duly 27, 1987. Director Lange added there are two vacant positions, Management/Analyst and Clerk/Typist, and both are still frozen. These are reviewed on a monthly basis, and he has written a memorandum regarding the Clerk/Typist position and the need to fill that spot. d. Youth Trustee Grosse reported the summer program is in full swing. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Grosse Trigas MINUTES duly 15, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: a. Library Site Agenda Bill - Review and Discussion Director Lange thanked the Board Members for attending the Council Meeting and added he felt It was Important. He reviewed what occurred Tuesday night at Council and called attention to the Agenda Bill included In the packet. Also Included In the packet was the letter from the Chamber of Commerce expressing concern about the City's financial situation and the amount of money earmarked for the Library. Director Lange stated he talked with Paul Schwartz after the meeting and some of his concerns regarding the use of PFF funds had been addressed. To further address those concerns, Dim Elliott, Frank Mannen and Director Lange will meet with the Chamber people this coming Friday. To further assist them in understanding the Library's position, Director Lange Included a copy of the Michael Feerer letter dated February 11, 1987, which explained the rationale behind the Library space needs. Trustee Grosse commented it was important to refer to the new Library as the South Carlsbad Library, and she noted Director Lange had always made that distinction. Director Lange replied staff felt that way—that it was definitely not the La Costa Branch—and with the size of the proposed Library, it will definitely be for all of Carlsbad. Director Lange stated a purchase agreement will be drafted and reviewed and negotiations will continue. When an agreement is reached, that will return to Council. In answer to query regarding the performance standard, Director Lange stated the Planning Department stated the action Council took addressed the issue. The Growth Management Plan says the performance standard is met when the Library is scheduled for construction within the next five years. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen stated the Library has been included in the CIP and Council has made a good- faith commitment to build the facility and Council has committed the PFF money. The Chamber of Commerce thought this would absorb all of the PFF money, but Finance Director Dim Elliott said it would take about one-third each year to cover this debt. The other two-thirds is still available for other PFF programs, if 1,250 units per year are built. If the building rate drops down to four or five hundred units, then all the money would go to the Library. It Is assumed the Library will be built as soon as the site is secured. It could possibly be in operation by 1991. The developers wanted a conceptual commitment from Council, and now they can negotiate an agreement. A site should be available within a year. MINUTES 3uly 15, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) b. Staff Recommendation to Discontinue Bookmobile Service to Lanikai and Solamar Mobile Home Parks. President Martin stated Trustees had read the material and it seemed to be a good suggestion to discontinue the service. Library Board of Trustees adopted staff recommendation to discontinue bookmobile service to Lanikai and Solamar Mobile Home Parks. Director Lange added this is the end of bookmobile service in Carlsbad. The van will be used to transport books between Libraries. In answer to query regarding home-bound people, Director Lange stated that is handled by volunteers and the volunteer brings a selection of books to the person unable to get to the Library. c. Planning and Role Setting for Public Libraries - discussion of the new American Library Association Manual of options and procedures. Director Lange displayed a copy of the new manual, stating he will order copies for the Trustees. The recommendation is to set priorities and put Library resources where those priorities are, and not all at the same level. Director Lange recommended staff and the Board work together to examine what they are doing with regard to the new Library. How much space there is for the new library and how the priorities are established will greatly affect how the new building is designed. NEW BUSINESS; a. Election of Officers President Martin was re-elected by unanimous vote. Trustee Grosse was re-elected Secretary by unanimous vote. All Members of the Board agreed to stay with the present Committee asssignments. b. Planning Commission request of the Library Board to consider whether the citywide library standard is adequate In relation to non-residential development. The question was raised whether the Library Board had the ability to charge fees on non-residential development. Frank Mannen stated it could be done, but the Board would have to build a foundation for the fee. Fees can be imposed if there is a need generated by this type of development that isn't otherwise provided. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Grosse Trigas MINUTES July 15, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Does the Library standard include some component for commercial and industrial development? Director Lange stated the Library standard is a residential standard by population, and is a known quantity. It is difficult to do that with commercial or industrial development. Director Lange stated another point was anyone building in Zone 5 would pay public facilities fees, part of which will go to the Library. The question is what the impact will be in the future, and no one knows. Director Lange had talked with Planning Commissioner McFadden, who brought this matter up at a Planning Commission Meeting. She wondered about operational costs, and Director Lange agreed that was something to deal with in the future. Director Lange added there is no way to set a standard at this time to support library service that may or may not be provided to businesses in Zone 5. He felt the residential standard is adequate to meet the needs of the City. Frank Mannen explained the Parks A Recreation Department has the park-in-lieu and the public facilities fees, whereas the Library has the public facilities fee. Everyone pays the PFF, but the PIL fee is established under State law when there is a residential subdivision. The fee is used to buy land in lieu of having land dedicated for park purposes, and does not apply to industrial and commercial development. After much discussion regarding fees to be charged industrial and commercial development, the Board made the following motion: Library Board of Trustees is of the opinion that the present performance standard of 800 square feet per 1,000 population for the Library does not apply to Zone 5, because of its non-residential character. However, the Library Board reserves the right, at any time In the future, to consider the implementation of special fees in cases where use of the Library by commercial and industrial firms requires service beyond basic library usage. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange reported on the Conference in San Francisco, and stated he purchased a tape of the presentation on post occupancy evaluation of library buildings. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Grosse Trigas MINUTES 3uly 15, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated a subscription had been entered with H. W. Wilson for the disk service of Readers' Guide. Along with that, unlimited access is given to the online data base. The cost of the subscription was $1,000 for one year. Director Lange called attention to the Statistical Report foi 3une, stating the totals for the year are the highest the Library has ever had, and added they have over 1,700 video cassettes. The Library Selection Policy is being updated at the present time. The Friends of the Library Book Fair money will be spent on new equipment and an Agenda Bill will be sent to Council. Director Lange read a letter from the Southwest Bank stating they would provide an original 20 x 6 full-color wall mural for the new Library. This mural would be valued at approximately $10,000. Library Board of Trustees accepted the 20 x 6 full-color wall mural donated by Southwest Bank. This mural is for placement in the new Library to be built in south Carlsbad. Director Lange reported all City Departments have been requested to turn in a set of goals by Duly 2*f to give to City Council. He said he intended to look at the goals in the current budget and send copies of those. Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director, called attention to some of the figures in the Statistics Report, copy of which was included in the packet. He noted all programs are held at the Branch Library, since the main Library no longer has a conference"room. Mr. Armour reported on the re-organization of the Library stacks, stating they will try to do the moving over the weekends, but may have to close one Saturday. Geoff Armour called attention to the memorandum from Chris Holt regarding the change in Branch Library hours. This change was made to accommodate the new computer system, and would be effective August 17. Director Lange referred to the sheet copy of messages received regarding pending legislation. SB 181 is now in the Assembly, and is scheduled to be on the ballot in Dune of ^988. This would provide 75% of the cost of the building and could include land costs. GENEALOGICAL SOIETY Trustee Cooper reported there will be a barbecue August 29, 1987, and the proceeds will be used to purchse more books for the Library. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Grosse Trigas MINUTES July 15, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 6 TRUSTEES SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Margaret Brownley reported all the recommendations of the Advisory Board had been accepted by the Administrative Council, and one of those recommendations called for finding criteria to help the Administrative Council to know when to turn to the Advisory Council for advice. Also, the Advisory Council will know when it is advisable and helpful for them to give advice. She added they were all looking forward to a closer working relationship and felt there was a new spirit of cooperation. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of July 15, 1987, was adjourned at <t-:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted," Harriett Basbbitt Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS June 1987 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Audio Visual Equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION Current Year 43,149 9,032 91_ 52,272 Previous Year 37,268 6,650 64 43,982 Change + 16 + 36 + 42 + 19 9,831 1,024 10,855 63,127 7,669 936 8,605 52,587 + 28 + 9 + 26 + 20 REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL QUESTIONS PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library Branch Library TOTAL ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL ,RY ***** 39,259 10,359 49,618 * * * * * 102 1,826 1,928 * * * * * 4,693 1,810 33 6,536 814 7,350 * * * * * * * * * * * * 3,657 1,975 59 5,691 676 6,367 Daily Average 1,510 398 1,908 + 28 - 8 - 44 + 15 + 20 + 15 INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS Requests by Carlsbad 140 Received by Carlsbad 142 Requests of Carlsbad 311 Filled by Carlsbad 76 FILMS Borrowed From Other Libraries 35 Loaned to Other Libraries 50 City of Carlsbad Month June 198 Fines Xerox Audio Visual Insurance Gifts & Bequests Lost & Damaged Books Coin Operated Computers On-line Searching Memorial Books TOTAL Carlsbad City Revenue Status Main Library 2,319.54 2,005.01 5,351.70 124.92 401.54 192.24 Library Report Branch Library 813.29 297.15 587.19 Month Total 3+132.83 2,302.16 5,938.89 124.92 401.54 192.24 Fiscal Year Total 36,897.95 25,542.22 57,753/39 266.19 5,619.14 137.00 2,429.62 90.00 10,394.95 1,697.63 12,092.58 128,736.51 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS May 1987 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Audio Visual Equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION * REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL QUESTIONS PEOPLE COUNTER . Main Library - no data due to malfunction Branch Library - 10,167 TOTAL Current Year 41,628 8,108 116 49,852 Previous Year 40,125 6,218 59 46,402 Daily Average 407 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL ****** 71 1,954 2,025 ****** * * * * * * INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS Requests by Carlsbad 121 Received by Carlsbad 142 Requests of Carlsbad 380 Filled by Carlsbad 81 FILMS Borrowed From Other Libraries 16 Loaned to Other Libraries 33 Change + 4 + 30 + 97 * * * * 9,631 1,047 10,678 60,530 * * * * 7,929 834 8,763 55,165 + 21 + 25 + 22 + 10 4,699 1,882 22 6,603 ,RY 884 7,487 ********* 3,926 1,834 35 5,795 686 6,481 + 20 + 3 - 37 + 14 + 29 + 16 City of Carlsbad Month May 1987 Fines Xerox Audio Visual Insurance Gifts & Bequests Lost & Damaged Books Coin Operated Computers On-line Searching Memorial Books TOTAL Main Library 2,519.89 2,682.54 4,622.90 211.20 5.25 168.39 10,210.17 .ibrary Report Branch Library 724.92 263.60 434.88 8.00 1,432.40 Month Total 3,244.81 2,946.14 5,057.78 219.20 5,25 168.39 11,642.57 • Fiscal Year Total 33,765.12 23,240.06 51,814.50 141.27 5,217.60 137.00 2,237.38 90; 00 116,642.93 JflEQBMAIJOlM ONLY CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY GOALS FOR 1987-88 ADMINISTRATION 1. Plan and design a permanent library facility in South Carlsbad. 2. Develop a staffing plan and operating budget for a new North-South Carlsbad Library System. 3. Develop and implement a five-year plan for library service. TECHNICAL SERVICES 1. Install and operate a new computer system to improve library functions and to expedite administrative support activities. 2. Establish and maintain a facility-wide data base and public access catalog. REFERENCE 1. Expand existing data base access and install a CD-ROM type data base system. BRANCH 1. Bring optimum library services and resources to residents in the southern areas of the city. AUDIOVISUAL 1. Develop a collection of compact discs to meet public demand. 2. Develop and promote specific programs to encourage public interest in materials of cultural, artistic and educational value. MEDIA SERVICES 1. Provide city departments with professional audiovisual productions and documentation of city development and special events. LITERACY 1. Seek ways to incorporate literacy services (Adult Learning Program) into the library, both physically and operationally, by the time the South Carlsbad Library opens. CIRCULATION 1. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of the more than one million circulation transactions per year. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC SERVICES 1. Conduct outreach programs to meet the needs of special groups, such as minorities, the handicapped and non-English speaking. 2. Conduct surveys of public needs and facility usage and implement programs to meet those needs. July 23, 1987 -2-