HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: October 21, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin Grilled the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Martin, Trustees Cooper, Grosse and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Falkenstein Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Bee McWiliiams, Genealogical Society Representative Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the meeting held September 16, 1987, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported the agreement is being written up for presentation to the developer. Director Lanoe referred to a map showing the latest version of the site plan. Director Lanqe stated that the present schedule is to formally submit the plan to the Planning Department In approximately a month. Trustee Grosse suggested removal of the name "civic" from any documents relating to this center. Trustee Cooper had no report. c. Personnel Trustee Faikenstein was not present. d. Youth Trustee Grosse reported the story hour is continuing to gain In attendance since being held at Harding Street Center. The bedtime story hour is back, and the Spanish story hour has started again. Trustee Grosse gave statistics on attendance and added there had been a class visit from Valley 3unnior High. She also commented on the new desk in the Children's Department. Martin Cooper Grosse Trigas MINUTES October 21, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS;' ~ ~~ ~~~ a. Report on Commission Chal rpersons ' meeting with Councii Member Eric Larson on September 24, 1987 - Trustee Grosse. Trustee Grosse reported on the September 24, 1987, meeting, stating suggestions iriciuded defining each commission's purposes and goals, as well as individual duties and goals. It was felt communications between all boards and commissions could be improved with exchange of Minutes and summaries of meetings. It was also suggested communication between Council and the groups needed to be augmented by better liaison. Trustee Grosse stated the City of Carlsbad and La Costa as such were discussed, and this was an important issue. It was felt southern or south Carlsbad should be the term used for that area and not La Costa. Trustee Grosse further stated there needed to be a discussion for the name of the new library, including what the main branch would then be called. b. Library Planning Committee Report - meeting minutes and discussion. Director Lange reported the committee has met twice and has discussed an all-day retreat for prioritizing services and processes. The sub-committee for planning the "looking around" phase will bring recommendations to the committee. Geoff Armour continued the report, distributing a copy of the sub-committee outline to Board Members, stating they have worked to agree on the purpose of the exercise. They are looking at services to the community. It was felt they needed all the statistics generated inhouse and the statistics on the community as contained in the census and in State, County and City documents. c. Final plans for Library and Friends Birthday/Anniversary celebration on December 6, 1987 - discussion. Director Lange reported this celebration is outlined In the packet. Bob Frazee will be the speaker and will speak on the library and Its role in the community. There will be a plaque for the outside of the building, with the name of the Library Director, the names of the City Council Members and names of the Trustees as of the date of dedication of the building. NEW BUSINESS: a. Council Member Mamaux's reguest for Library Board review and recommendation of several suitable options for recognizing Georgina Cole's service arid dedication to the City as Library Director. The options were discussed by the Board Members, with consensus being to have the atrium named for her with a plague in the atrium. Also, it was felt a large painting of Georgina Cole could be hung in the Library. *£Lfcses&&. MINUTES October 21, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paqe 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Library Board of Trustees submitted three options to Council for recognition of Georqiria Coie's service and dedication to the City as Library Director: Name the atrium for her and piace a plaque there; a painting of her to be hung in the Library; establish a scholarship for Library students in her name. The recommendation of the Library Board was to name the atrium for her and place a plague there. b. Assembly Bill 129 requiring libraries to continue distribution of Cailfornia Income Tax Forms. Director Lange reported the distribution of tax forms has become a burden for the Library, due to the storage problems and the hassles with the public. This bill reguired California Tax Forms be distributed. He stated they are not the problem—the Federal Forms are. Geoff Armour continued, stating the idea is to have this become a self-service type of program. The forms will be out where the people can help themselves, and the special forms will be contained in a book with a master copy of all forms. These can be copied for the convenience of the public. There will be no appointments made to consult with a volunteer, and assistance will be on a first-come basis. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Geoff Armour reported the computer was turned on last week and everything went very smoothly. He showed a copy of the first computer printout, stating the statistics were much better. Geoff Armour stated staff is planning to remodel the Library fire alarm system. New blueprints will be necessary and the project will go out to bid. Director Lange called attention to the statistics, stating the volume was up by 25 percent in September. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Bee McWilliams reported the plant sale and the duplicate periodical and book sale were both financially successful. 5ERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley reported the Board will meet tomorrow and the ad hoc committee report will be acted upon. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 21, 1987, was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Martin Cooper Grosse Trigas CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Audio Visual Equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION STATISTICS SEPTEMBER 1987 Sep. 1987 39,115 8,298 94 47,507 9,572 1,050 10,622 58,129 Sep. 1986 36,034 7,667 66 43,767 8,428 741 9,169 52,936 % Change + 9 + 8 + 42 + 9 + 14 + 42 + 16 + 25 REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL QUESTIONS 4,833 1,890 26 6,749 ,RY 815 7,564 ********* 4,009 1,805 52 5,866 540 6,406 + 21 + 5 -100 + 15 + 51 + 18 PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library Branch Library TOTAL ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL ********* 117 1.085 1,202 ********* INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad 223 Received by Carlsbad 146 Requests of Carlsbad 324 Filled by Carlsbad 80 FILMS Borrowed From Other Libraries 23 Loaned to Other Libraries 19 Daily Average 1,410 374 1,784 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY REVENUE STATUS REPORT September 1987 Fines Xerox AV Insurance Gifts Lost & Damaged Online Searching Miscellaneous Main 2, 1, 4, Library Branch Library Month To 003. 819. 922. 45. 399. 312. 74 06 80 90 48 44 777.30 2,781. 294.00 2,113. 627.00 5,549. 45. 25.50 424. 312. tal 04 06 80 90 98 44 Fiscal Total 8,332. 5,967. 17,981. 120. 988. 500. 414. 42 73 59 90 34 17 50 TOTAL 9,503.42 1,723.80 11,227.22 34,305.65